Do Women Have To Wear Skirts In Tennis?

While the answer may be no for some, the general consensus is that skirts are still required attire for female tennis players.

Do Women Have To Wear Skirts In Tennis?


In the early days of tennis, both men and women players wore full-length white clothing. However, over time, the clothing worn by men and women has diverged. Men now typically wear shorts and sleeved shirts, while women are generally expected to wear skirts or dresses. Some female players have challenged this status quo by wearing shorts, but they have faced criticism from both the public and the tennis establishment.

The debate about what women should wear on the tennis court is one that has been going on for many years. There are a number of arguments for and against both skirts and shorts. Skirts are seen as more traditional and elegant, while shorts are more practical and comfortable. Some people argue that women should be able to choose what they want to wear, while others believe that there should be a dress code in order to maintain the dignity of the game.

There is no easy answer to this question. Ultimately, it is up to each individual woman to decide what she feels comfortable wearing on the tennis court.

The History Of The Skirt In Tennis

The skirt has been a mainstay in tennis since the dawn of the sport. In the early days of tennis, both men and women wore long skirts that extended to the ground. As time went on and the game became more popular, the skirts became shorter and Eventually, they became the knee-length skirts that we see today.

While there is no rule that specifically requires women to wear skirts in tennis, it has become a norm throughout the years. There are a few reasons for this. First, skirts are seen as more feminine and thus give women players a more “ladylike” look. Secondly, skirts allow for more freedom of movement than shorts or pants. This is important in a sport like tennis where quick reflexes and agility are key.

Of course, not everyone is happy with this state of affairs. There have been several high-profile cases of female players who have been reprimanded for violating the dress code by wearing shorts or pants instead of skirts. In 2013, French player Alize Cornet caused a stir when she changed her shirt on court to reveal a pair of shorts underneath her skirt. She was given a warning by the umpire for “unsportsmanlike conduct”.

There has also been debate about whether or not skirts should be mandatory for female players in professional tournaments. Some believe that it is an unfair advantage for women who are comfortable playing in skirts over those who are not. Others argue that mandating skirts would be sexist and discriminatory against women.

As of now, there is no rule change on the horizon that would mandate female players to wear anything other than skirts in tennis matches. However, with the recent increase in public discussion on the topic, it is possible that we could see a change in the future

The Present Day Rule

There is no skirt requirement in present day professional tennis. In fact, many female players prefer to wear shorts or skorts (a skirt with built-in shorts) instead of skirts. While there is no rule expressly forbidding skirts, most women opt for comfort and practicality when choosing their on-court attire.

The Pros Of Wearing A Skirt

There are a few reasons why many women choose to wear skirts when playing tennis. First, skirts allow for a greater range of motion than pants do. This can be beneficial when playing a sport that requires a lot of quick movements, such as tennis. Second, skirts can help keep you cooler in warm weather conditions. Pants can often feel heavy and hot when the temperature starts to rise, but skirts made from lightweight fabrics can help you stay cool and comfortable. Finally, many women feel that skirts simply look more flattering than pants do, giving them a boost of confidence on the court.

The Cons Of Wearing A Skirt

While there are some benefits to wearing a skirt while playing tennis, there are also several drawbacks. First, skirts can be constricting and uncomfortable, especially if they are tight-fitting. Additionally, skirts can ride up during play, which can be distracting and uncomfortable. Finally, skirts can also limit your range of motion, which can impact your game.

The Final Verdict

In the end, it is up to the woman herself whether or not she wishes to wear a skirt while playing tennis. If she feels more comfortable and confident in a skirt, then there is no reason why she should not wear one. However, if she does not feel comfortable in a skirt, then she can always choose to wear shorts or pants instead. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to this decision; it is entirely up to the woman herself.

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