Do WWE Wrestlers Know Who Is Going To Win?

We all know that pro wrestling is choreographed and that the outcomes of matches are predetermined. But do the wrestlers themselves know who is going to win?

Do WWE Wrestlers Know Who Is Going To Win?


Professional wrestling is a type of performance wherein sporting opponents wrestle each other in a predetermined and choreographed manner. While the outcomes of professional wrestling matches are not typically determined by athletic competition, the performers often adhere to kayfabe, or the portrayal of athletes as if their matches are unscripted, competitive contests.

While the majority of professional wrestling organizations maintain kayfabe to some degree, the wrestlers themselves often have knowledge of the predetermined outcomes of their matches. In some cases, wrestlers may be aware of the specific details of their matches, such as who will execute which moves and when, but are generally not privy to information regarding the larger picture, such as who will win or lose the match.

While it is unclear how widespread this practice is, there have been several high-profile wrestlers who have spoken out about their awareness of pre-determined outcomes. In kayfabe, WWE CEO Vince McMahon is typically portrayed as a tyrannical overlord who micromanages every aspect of his organization’s product, but in reality, he is the one who ultimately decides who wins and loses each match.

While this practice may take away from the mystique of professional wrestling for some fans, it does not seem to have had a significant impact on WWE’s popularity, as it remains one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world.

What the Wrestlers Say

When it comes to whether or not the WWE wrestlers know who is going to win their match, there seems to be a bit of a split in opinion among the wrestlers themselves. Some wrestlers say that they are told who is going to win beforehand, while other wrestlers say that they are not told and only found out moments before their match. There also seems to be a split in opinion among fans as to whether or not the results of WWE matches are predetermined.

What the Bookies Say

The short answer to this question is that it depends. While it is possible that some wrestlers may have an inkling of who is going to take the win, it is unlikely that they would know for sure. The outcome of most matches is decided backstage by the WWE creative team. This team is responsible for coming up with the storylines and booking the matches. While the wrestlers may have some input, they typically don’t know who is going to win ahead of time.

Analysis of Previous Matches

In order to understand if WWE wrestlers know who is going to win, we must first take a look at the history of WWE and how the matches are predetermined.

WWE, formerly known as the World Wrestling Federation (WWF), is a entertainment company that specializes in professional wrestling. It is currently the largest wrestling promotion in the world, holding over 500 live events a year and broadcasting to 160 countries.

While WWE’s matches are predetermined, the wrestlers do not necessarily know who is going to win beforehand. The outcome of a match is usually decided by WWE’s head writers, with input from the wrestlers themselves. In some cases, the wrestlers may be told who is supposed to win shortly before the match begins. However, it is also not uncommon for the wrestler’s themselves to come up with the ending of a match while they are performing it.

While we cannot know for sure if WWE wrestlers know who is going to win beforehand, it seems likely that they do not always know. This allows them to perform with more spontaneity and makes for more entertaining matches.


It’s impossible to say for certain whether or not WWE wrestlers know who is going to win their matches ahead of time. On the one hand, there have been numerous instances of wrestlers appearing to break character or “ botch ” their moves, which suggest that they might not be entirely sure of the outcome. On the other hand, WWE is a highly rehearsed and choreographed entertainment product, so it’s possible that the wrestlers are simply following a script. Ultimately, only the wrestlers themselves know for sure whether or not they are aware of the outcomes of their matches.

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