Do You Have To Wear A Mouthpiece In The NFL?

Do you have to wear a mouthpiece in the NFL? The answer may surprise you. According to the NFL’s official website, players are required to wear mouthpieces during all practices and games.


The National Football League (NFL) requires all of its players to wear mouthpieces during games. The purpose of the mouthpiece is to protect the teeth and gums from injury. It also keeps the tongue from getting in the way of breathing and prevents dehydration by promoting saliva production.

Mouthpieces must be made of a soft material, such as rubber, silicone, or vinyl, and must not be longer than three inches. They must also be free of any sharp edges that could cut or scrape the inside of the mouth. Players are allowed to customize their mouthpieces with colors and logos, as long as they do not make them too distracting.

Wearing a mouthpiece is not always comfortable, but it is important for safety. Players should make sure that their mouthpieces fit properly so that they can breathe easily and speak clearly while wearing them.

What is a Mouthpiece?

A mouthpiece is a small, rubber or plastic device that is worn over the teeth and gums to protect them from injury. Mouthpieces are mandatory in the NFL and are also worn by many other athletes in contact sports such as boxing, hockey, and lacrosse.

Why Do NFL Players Wear Mouthpieces?

Mouthpieces are required in the NFL to protect player’s teeth from damage and injury. They also help to prevent concussions by Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) which shows that players who wear mouthpieces have reduced susceptibility to brain injury. NFL players began wearing mouthpieces in the 1920’s as leather helmets became standard equipment. Early mouthpieces were little more than strips of leather or rubber that did not do much to protect teeth. Today, mouthpieces are made of plastics and other materials that are designed to fit snugly over teeth and minimize injuries.

Mouthpieces became mandatory in the NFL in 1973 and all players must now wear them during games and practice. There are few exceptions to this rule, such as when a player is wearing a visor on his helmet which covers his mouth. In recent years, there has been an increasing trend for players to wear clear or “invisible” mouthpieces during games. These mouthpieces are made of clear plastic and allow the player’s teeth to be seen while he is wearing them. This can be helpful for officials who are trying to determine if a player has lost his mouthpiece during a play. It can also be used as a marketing tool, as fans can see the player’s teeth while he is on the field.

How to Choose the Right Mouthpiece

Mouthpieces come in all shapes and sizes. While you may have a preference for a certain brand or style, it’s important to choose a mouthpiece that fits properly. If a mouthpiece is too large, it can cause problems with breathing and speaking. If it’s too small, it can be uncomfortable and can slip out of place during play.

There are three main types of mouthpieces:

-Anatomic (or “boil-and-bite”): These mouthpieces are made from thermoplastic material that becomes soft when heated in water. They’re then placed in the mouth and shaped to fit using your teeth and tongue before being allowed to cool and harden.

-Custom-made: As the name suggests, these mouthpieces are made specifically for each individual player based on dental impressions or scans.

-Off-the-shelf: Off-the-shelf mouthpieces are pre-formed and ready to wear, but they may not provide the best fit or level of protection.

No matter which type of mouthpiece you choose, it’s important that it covers your teeth completely and doesn’t restrict your breathing. You should also make sure that you clean your mouthpiece after every use to prevent the build-up of bacteria.

How to Care for Your Mouthpiece

Assuming you want to how to clean a mouthpiece:

1. Rinse your mouthpiece in cold water after every use.
2. If you want to disinfect your mouthpiece, soak it in white vinegar for 10 minutes, then rinse with cold water.
3. Store your mouthpiece in a cool, dry place.


So, do you have to wear a mouthpiece in the NFL?

Yes, all players must wear mouthpieces during games, and must tuck them into their mouths when not wearing them. This rule was put in place to help protect players from concussions and other head injuries, as well as to limit the number of teeth that get knocked out during games.

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