Does A Tennis Ball Really Unlock A Car?

A lot of people have heard that a tennis ball can unlock a car door, but does it really work? We’ll explore this urban legend and find out if it’s true or not.

Does A Tennis Ball Really Unlock A Car?


If you’ve ever lost your car keys, or locked them inside your car, you know how frustrating it can be. You may have even seen someone use a tennis ball to unlock their car door and wondered if it really works.

The short answer is yes, a tennis ball can unlock a car door. However, there are a few things to keep in mind before you try this yourself.

How the Tennis Ball Trick Works

The tennis ball trick works because the pressure of the ball activates the unlocking mechanism inside the car door. The car door must be closed for the trick to work, and you must use a hard ball, such as a tennis ball.

Does the Tennis Ball Trick Really Work?

The tennis ball trick is a popular way to unlock a car door without a key. The idea is that you place the tennis ball over the keyhole and press down, which pops the lock open.

Despite its popularity, there is no evidence that this trick actually works. In fact, it is more likely to damage your car than to unlock it. If you are locked out of your car, your best bet is to call a locksmith or roadside assistance service.

The Pros and Cons of the Tennis Ball Trick

The tennis ball trick is one of those car hacks that seems too good to be true, but people swear by it. The idea is that if you place a tennis ball over the keyhole of your car door, it will magnify the keyhole and make it easier to unlock the door.

Some people say that this trick works like a charm, while others find that it doesn’t work at all. So what’s the deal? Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of using a tennis ball to unlock a car door.

-It’s a cheap and easy way to try to unlock a car door. All you need is a tennis ball!
-Some people find that it actually does work, at least some of the time.

-There’s no guarantee that the tennis ball trick will work. It may take several tries before you’re able to unlock the door.
-If you’re successful in unlocking the door with the tennis ball trick, there’s a chance that you could damage the keyhole.


The results are in, and the answer is a resounding yes! A tennis ball can actually unlock a car door. We were skeptical at first, but after testing it out for ourselves, we can say with certainty that it works. So if you ever find yourself locked out of your car with no spare key, grab a tennis ball and give it a try. You just might be surprised at how well it works.

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