Does Boise State Have A Baseball Team?

No, Boise State does not have a baseball team. However, the school does have a club team that competes against other colleges in the area.

Does Boise State Have A Baseball Team?


No, Boise State does not have a baseball team. However, the school does have a rich history of athletics, with its football team winning multiple conference championships and appearing in several major bowl games. Other sports offered at Boise State include basketball, cross country, golf, gymnastics, track and field, and wrestling.

A Little Bit of History

In 1959, the NCAA created Division I baseball and University of Arizona became the first team to win a College World Series. By 1970, only 24 schools were playing Division I baseball and only four schools west of the Mississippi River were members of the newly created Western Athletic Conference: Arizona State, Brigham Young, New Mexico State, and UTEP.

That same year, boosters at Boise Junior College (now Boise State University) began a push to add baseball to the school’s sports program. They argued that a team would not only help BJC attract out-of-state students but would also be an economic boon to the community. The boosters raised $12,000 in private donations and convinced the state legislature to appropriate $18,000 for a new baseball field. In 1971, BJC fielded its first team.

The Broncos had a successful first season, finishing with a 20-11 record. They continued to play well in subsequent years and in 1975 they made it to the NCAA Division II World Series. The team’s success led the Idaho Legislature to appropriate $250,000 for a new stadium, which was built in 1977.

In 1978, BJC became Boise State University and joined Division I. The Broncos struggled initially making only one trip to the NCAA tournament between 1978 and 1996. That changed in 1997 when they hired Coach Gary Van Tol who led them to 14 consecutive winning seasons, 10 conference championships, and six trips to the NCAA tournament including two trips to the College World Series.

The Broncos have had some success since then but have not been able to match Van Tol’s level of success. Currently, they are coached by Bobby Pierce who is in his fourth season with the team.

The Current Situation

Currently, Boise State does not have a baseball team. In the past, the school had a Division I baseball team that competed in the Big West Conference. However, the team was dropped in 1980 due to financial reasons. Recently, there has been some talk about bringing back the team, but no concrete plans have been put in place.

If you’re a fan of college baseball and would like to see Boise State have a team again, you can join the effort to bring back Bronco baseball by visiting the website below. There, you can sign a petition and add your voice to those calling for the return of Bronco baseball.

Petition to Bring Back Bronco Baseball:

Pros and Cons of Adding a Baseball Team

Boise State is seriously considering adding a baseball team. The benefits of having a baseball team are clear. It would be another revenue stream for the university, it would give student-athletes another opportunity to compete at the collegiate level, and it could increase applications and donations. However, there are some drawbacks to adding a baseball team. First, it would be very expensive to start up a new program. Second, Boise State would have to compete with long-standing programs in the area for fans and resources. Third, there is no guarantee that a baseball team would be successful.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to add a baseball team will come down to money. If Boise State can find the resources to start up and sustain a program, then it may be worth considering. However, if the cost is too high or the risk of failure is too great, then it may be best to stick with the sports programs that are already established at the university.


No, Boise State does not currently have a baseball team.

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