Does the NFL Have Double Overtime?

The NFL’s current overtime rules are a topic of hot debate. Some believe that the rules are fair, while others think that they need to be changed. What do you think?

Overtime Basics

In the NFL, if the score is tied at the end of regulation play, the game enters overtime. During overtime, each team has the opportunity to possess the ball at least once, with the exception being if the team that receives the opening kickoff scores a touchdown on its first possession. If both teams score touchdowns on their first possessions, the game continues on a sudden death basis, meaning that the next team to score wins the game.

What is overtime?

Overtime is the period of play in American football and Canadian football that extends play until a winner is determined. In both sports, if the score is tied after regulation time has expired, the teams will enter into overtime. This extra period of play is usually referred to as “sudden death”, meaning that the first team to score during overtime will be declared the winner, regardless of how much time remains on the game clock.

How does overtime work?

Overtime in the NFL is unlike any other extra period in American professional sports. The overtime period is 10 minutes long, and each team is given one possession to score. If the score is tied after both teams have had a chance to possess the ball, the game ends in a tie.

The only time that overtime in the NFL is not 10 minutes long is during the playoffs. In the playoffs, overtime is 15 minutes long, and each team is given two possessions to score. If the score is still tied after both teams have had two chances to possess the ball, the game goes into sudden death, and the first team to score wins.

Double Overtime in the NFL

The National Football League (NFL) has a system in place for games that end in a tie score at the end of regulation play. This system is commonly known as “double overtime.” In double overtime, each team is given one possession to score, starting at the opponent’s 25-yard line. If the score is still tied after both teams have had a chance to possess the ball, the game ends in a tie.

What is double overtime in the NFL?

In the NFL, double overtime is when each team gets a chance to possess the ball from their own 25-yard line. This is different from sudden death, where the team that scores first wins the game. If neither team scores in double overtime, the game ends in a tie.

How does double overtime work in the NFL?

If a game is tied at the end of regulation time, the two teams will play an extra period (or periods) of 15 minutes each. This is called overtime. Each team gets one possession to score, starting with the team that did not start on offense in regulation time. If the score is still tied after both teams have had one possession, the overtime period(s) continue until one team scores and the other team does not. The game then ends as soon as one team scores points during an overtime period and the other team does not.

What are the benefits of double overtime in the NFL?

The benefits of double overtime in the NFL are that it allows for more time for the teams to score, and it also adds excitement to the game. In addition, double overtime can help tomake games more fair by giving both teams an equal chance to score.

drawbacks of double overtime in the NFL

One of the main drawbacks of double overtime in the NFL is that it can prolong the game and make it more difficult for viewers to stay tuned in. Additionally, it can also create more opportunities for injuries to occur. Another drawback is that it can create an uneven playing field, as one team may have an advantage over the other if they have more rested players.

What are the drawbacks of double overtime in the NFL?

One of the biggest drawbacks of double overtime in the NFL is that it increases the chances of players sustaining injuries. In addition, it can also lead to fatigue and mental errors, which can affect the outcome of the game.

How does this affect the players?

The players are the most important part of the game and they are the ones who are affected the most by double overtime. They are the ones who have to play the extra minutes, and they are the ones who put their bodies on the line. The players want to win just as much as the fans do, but they also want to stay healthy. Playing an extra fifteen minutes puts them at risk for injury, and it takes a toll on their bodies.

How does this affect the fans?

The NFL overtime system has been a source of contention for many years. Some feel that it is unfair to the teams that lose the coin toss, while others believe that it puts too much emphasis on the importance of the coin toss. There have even been calls to eliminate the overtime system altogether.

One of the biggest complaints about the NFL overtime system is that it is unfair to the team that loses the coin toss. This team is at a disadvantage because they cannot get the ball first and have a chance to score. The team that wins the coin toss has a distinct advantage because they can choose to receive or defer, and they also have possession of the ball first.

Another complaint about NFL overtime is that it puts too much emphasis on the importance of the coin toss. The team that wins the coin toss has a significant advantage, and this can often be the deciding factor in who wins or loses the game. This complaint is especially prevalent in games where both teams are evenly matched.

There have also been calls to eliminate NFL overtime altogether. Many feel that it is unnecessary and unfair, and that it puts too much emphasis on luck rather than skill. Others believe that eliminating overtime would shorten games and make them less exciting for fans.


Although the NFL has made some changes to their overtime rules in recent years, double overtime does not exist in the NFL. In the past, there have been some games that have gone into a second overtime period, but the rules have since been changed so that each team gets an opportunity to possess the ball at least once in overtime.

Is double overtime in the NFL a good thing or a bad thing?

The National Football League (NFL) is the highest level of professional American football. It was formed by eleven teams in 1920 as the American Professional Football Association, with the league changing its name to the National Football League in 1922. The NFL is one of the four major professional sports leagues in North America, and the only major professional football league that holds a postseason tournament where its teams compete for the NFL Championship.

The NFL has a long history of using overtime to decide regular season games, dating back to its inaugural season in 1920. The league added a second overtime period in 2016, which has proved to be controversial. Some argue that it gives teams an unfair advantage, while others believe that it adds excitement and intrigue to the game. So, what do you think? Is double overtime in the NFL a good thing or a bad thing?

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