Does NHL 22 Have Crossplay?

Since the release of NHL 22, gamers have been wondering if the game has crossplay support. Here’s what we know so far.

Does NHL 22 Have Crossplay?


Cross-platform play, or crossplay, is the ability to play an online video game across different consoles and platforms. For example, someone playing Fortnite on their PlayStation 4 could be matched up with someone playing the game on their Xbox One. Crossplay has been steadily growing in popularity, with more and more games supporting the feature each year.

However, not all games support crossplay. In some cases, it’s because the different platforms don’t have the necessary technology to connect with one another. In other cases, it’s because the developers or publishers of a game haven’t enabled the feature.

So does NHL 22 have crossplay? Unfortunately, the answer is no. NHL 22 does not support crossplay between any platforms.

What is Crossplay?

Cross-play is the ability to play an online video game across more than one platform. That means you can play with someone on a different console, or even on a PC. It’s becoming increasingly common as more and more games are released on multiple platforms. The most recent example is Fortnite, which added cross-play in 2018.

Cross-play is not to be confused with cross-platform play, which allows you to play with people on different devices but not different consoles. For example, you can play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare on your Xbox One with someone who’s playing it on their PlayStation 4. But you couldn’t play with someone who’s playing the game on their PC.

Does NHL 22 Have Crossplay?

At this time, NHL 22 does not support crossplay.


Unfortunately, NHL 22 does not have crossplay. This is a bit of a shame, as it would be a great feature to have in the game. However, there are still plenty of other great features in NHL 22 that make it worth playing. So, if you’re a fan of hockey, be sure to check out NHL 22!

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