Does Splitgate Have a Future in Esports?

Many people in the gaming community have been asking lately: does Splitgate have a future in esports? Here’s what we think.

Does Splitgate Have a Future in Esports?

What is Splitgate?

Splitgate: Arena Warfare is a fast-paced shooter that combines the strategic elements of a class-based shooter with the action of a frenetic arena combat game. It was developed by 1047 Games, a small independent studio based in Los Angeles, and released in Early Access on May 24th, 2018. The game quickly gathered a passionate following of hardcore FPS fans and has been played by over 1 million people.

What is the current state of Splitgate?

splitgate is currently in closed beta, with a full release planned for sometime in 2019. The game is developed by 1047 Games, a small independent studio based in Los Angeles, and is published by Microsoft.

The game entered closed beta on January 10th, 2019, and has since been played by over 100,000 people. The closed beta is currently only available to those who have pre-ordered the game, but will be opened up to everyone at some point before release.

So far, the feedback from beta testers has been largely positive, with many praising the game’s arena shooter mechanics and fast-paced gameplay. However, there are some concerns about the game’s long-term viability in the competitive scene, particularly given its lack of features compared to other arena shooters.

Only time will tell whether Splitgate will be able to find a place in the competitive gaming landscape, but the signs are certainly encouraging so far.

What is the potential of Splitgate in the future?

As a new esport, Splitgate: Arena Warfare doesn’t have the long and winding history of games like Counter-Strike or League of Legends. The game is still in its early developmental stages, and while it has made significant strides in a short amount of time, its future is still very much up in the air. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the potential futures that Splitgate could have in the world of esports.

One potential future for Splitgate is that it could become a premier esport on par with games like Counter-Strike and League of Legends. This would involve the game continuing to grow in popularity and garnering a large following among fans and spectators alike. Furthermore, it would need to establish itself as a viable option for professional players to pursue as a career. While this future is certainly possible, it faces some serious obstacles.

The first obstacle is that, currently, there are very few Splitgate tournaments and events being organized. This lack of activity makes it difficult for the game to gain any real traction within the competitive scene. In order for Splitgate to establish itself as a premier esport, it needs more tournaments and events that can help bring attention to the game. Furthermore, these tournaments need to offer significant prize pools that can attract top-tier talent. Without these two factors, it will be difficult for Splitgate to reach the same level as other established esports titles.

Another potential future for Splitgate is that it could become a niche esport; something that may not have the same level of popularity or competitive play as other games, but still has a dedicated fan base that enjoys watching and playing it. This isn’t an altogether bad thing; there are plenty of niche esports titles that are doing just fine. The key for Splitgate would be to find its own niche within the competitive scene and build from there.

Lastly, there’s always the possibility that Splitgate doesn’t make it as an esport at all; that it fails to gain any real traction and fizzles out after a few years. While this outcome isn’t ideal, it’s important to remember that not every game can be an esports success story. Sometimes games just don’t click with the competitive scene or they lack the necessary support from developers and organizers. If this happens with Splitgate, then it will join the ranks of other failed esports titles; but if it manages to find success, then it could very well carve out its own place in the competitive scene

How does Splitgate compare to other games in the same genre?

When we talk about the “competitive scene” or “esports” for a game, we’re generally referring to the organized, professionalized leagues and tournaments that exist for Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas (MOBAs), first-person shooters (FPS), and fighting games (FG). There are other genres with competitive scenes, like real-time strategy (RTS) and card games, but the vast majority of events and prize pools are concentrated in these three areas. So when we ask whether or not a game has a future in esports, what we really mean is whether or not it has potential to become popular in one of these scenes.

Splitgate: Arena Warfare is a new arena fps from developer 1047 Games. The title launched into early access on Steam on May 24th, 2018. In Splitgate, players battle it out with a mix of traditional FPS gunplay and mechanical skillshots unique to the game, like the ability to teleport through walls. The gameplay is fast and frenetic, making it an enticing option for FPS fans looking for something new. So does Splitgate have a future in esports? How does it stack up against its genre peers?

When we compare Splitgate to other popular arena fps games, we see that it has a few things going for it. First, the game is easy to learn but difficult to master. Players will quickly be able to grasp the core mechanics of movement and gunplay, but perfecting those mechanics will take time and practice. Second, Splitgate is highly tactical but still rewards individual skill. The teleportation mechanic introduces a layer of strategic depth that most arena fps lack, while still allowing players who are better shots or have quicker reflexes to come out on top in a fight.

These factors give Splitgate a solid foundation on which to build an esports scene. But the game also has some challenges ahead if it wants to compete with established titles like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) and Overwatch. First, the player base is currently quite small. At the time of this writing, Steam Charts shows that Splitgate averaged only 3233 concurrent players over the past month—a fraction of what even niche arena fps games draw in. To build an esports scene, Splitgate will need to grow its player base significantly. Second, 1047 Games is a small independent studio compared to major publishers like Blizzard Entertainment or Valve Corporation. This means they will have less resources to invest in things like marketing and creating events for potential fans and sponsors to watch.

Despite these challenges,Splitgate does have potential as an esport. The fast-paced gameplay and strategic depth of the teleporting mechanic set it apart from other arena fps games on the market right now. And while the player base is small at present, there is room for growth—especially if 1047 Games can secure some high profile tournament wins early on to attract attention from casual fans of the genre. So whileSplitgate may not yet be ready for prime time esports competition, it definitely has a future in the competitive scene..

What is the competitive scene like for Splitgate?

The competitive scene for Splitgate is still very small, but there are a few tournaments that have been hosted for the game. The largest tournament to date was the Splitgate World Championship, which had a prize pool of $10,000. There have also been a few smaller tournaments with prize pools ranging from $500 to $1,500.

What are the pros and cons of Splitgate?

The pros of Splitgate are that it is a fast-paced and exciting game that is easy to learn and has a lot of potential for growth in the esports scene. The cons of Splitgate are that it is still a relatively new game and has not yet been proven in the competitive scene.

What is the future of Splitgate?

The future of Splitgate is uncertain. The game has not seen much competitive play and has a very small player base. However, the game is very fun and has potential to be a successful esport. Only time will tell if Splitgate will have a future in esports.

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