Does the NFL Play on Christmas?

It’s a perennial question – does the NFL play on Christmas? Get the answer, along with a history of the league’s Christmas Day games.

History of the NFL on Christmas

The National Football League has a long history of playing games on Christmas Day. The first NFL game on Christmas was played in 1921, and since then there have been nearly two dozen games played on December 25th. The NFL loves to play on Christmas because it is one of the busiest days of the year for television viewers. Christmas is a great time for the NFL to showcase its product to a captive audience.

The first NFL game on Christmas was in 1971

On December 25, 1971, the Miami Dolphins beat the Kansas City Chiefs 27-14 in the first ever NFL game played on Christmas Day. The game was originally supposed to be played on Sunday, December 26, but was moved to Christmas Day due to a blizzard that hit the Northeast region of the United States.

The NFL has played on Christmas Day every year since 1971

Did you know that the NFL has played on Christmas Day every year since 1971? That’s right, every single year! It all started when the Miami Dolphins beat the Kansas City Chiefs 27-24 in a game that went down to the wire. Since then, Christmas Day has become one of the most popular days for NFL fans to watch football.

There have been some great games played on Christmas Day over the years. In 2006, the New York Jets beat the New England Patriots 26-14 in a game that was arguably one of the best games of the season. In 2010, an exciting matchup between the San Francisco 49ers and the Arizona Cardinals ended in a Cardinals win, but not before both teams had put on an offensive show for the fans.

No matter what your favorite team is, there’s always something special about watching football on Christmas Day. So if you’re looking for something to do this holiday season, why not curl up with a mug of hot chocolate and watch some of the best players in the world do what they do best?

Why the NFL Plays on Christmas

The NFL has been playing on Christmas for a long time. Christmas is a big day for the NFL because it is one of the few days that there is no college football. The NFL wants to take advantage of this by having games on Christmas. The NFL also knows that people are home on Christmas and they are looking for something to do. The NFL wants to give the people what they want, which is football.

The NFL wants to capitalize on the holiday

Capitalize on the holiday is defined as taking advantage of a special opportunity. In this case, the NFL knows that people are more likely to be home on Christmas than any other day during the year. And, since people are home, they are more likely to be available to watch football. The NFL also knows that people are more likely to be in a good mood on Christmas and less likely to change the channel if the game is not going well. All of these factors combine to make Christmas a prime day for the NFL to showcase its product.

The NFL wants to give fans something to watch on Christmas

The NFL has been playing games on Christmas Day since 2006, and the league typically schedules at least one game on the holiday every year. The reasoning behind this is simple: the NFL wants to give fans something to watch on Christmas Day.

While most people are spending time with family and friends on Christmas Day, there are always some people who would rather spend their time watching football. So, by scheduling games on Christmas Day, the NFL can ensure that there are at least some people who will be tuning in.

Additionally, playing games on Christmas Day can be a good way for the NFL to reach a wider audience. With so many people off from work and school on Christmas Day, there is potential for more people to watch the games than on a typical Sunday. And since many people are already gathered together with family and friends on Christmas Day, it can be easier for them to watch the games together than it would be on a regular Sunday.

So, while the main reason the NFL plays games on Christmas Day is to give fans something to watch, there are also some secondary benefits that come along with it.

How the NFL Plays on Christmas

Christmas is a time for family, friends, and, of course, football. The NFL has become synonymous with the holiday, as the league has scheduled games on Christmas Day for years. But does the NFL actually play on Christmas? Let’s take a look.

The NFL schedule is released in April

The NFL schedule is released in April, and while we don’t know what teams will be playing on Christmas Day yet, we do know that there won’t be any football on Christmas Eve. The last time the NFL played a game on December 24 was in 1971, and there have only been three games played on Christmas Day in league history.

While the NFL has never been a big fan of playing games on Christmas Day, the league has made an exception for the Dallas Cowboys. The Cowboys have played on Christmas Day three times in franchise history, most recently in 2009.

The NFL plays on Christmas Day every year

The NFL has been playing on Christmas Day every year since 2006. The games are always scheduled for the afternoon, so that families can watch them together. This year, there are two games scheduled for Christmas Day: the Buffalo Bills vs. the New England Patriots, and the San Francisco 49ers vs. the Seattle Seahawks.

What the NFL Does on Christmas

The NFL has a long history of playing games on Christmas Day, dating back to its inaugural season in 1920. The league typically schedules two games on Christmas, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. This year, there are three games scheduled for Christmas Day: The Baltimore Ravens at the Pittsburgh Steelers, the Los Angeles Chargers at the Kansas City Chiefs, and the Houston Texans at the Minnesota Vikings.

The NFL gives out presents to players and coaches

The National Football League (NFL) is the most popular professional sport in the United States, and Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year. So, when do NFL players and coaches get a chance to celebrate the holiday?

For most of the league’s history, Christmas was just another day on the calendar. But in recent years, the NFL has begun to schedule games on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. This year, there are three games scheduled for December 25th: The Houston Texans at the Oakland Raiders, The Philadelphia Eagles at the Dallas Cowboys, and The Baltimore Ravens at the Pittsburgh Steelers.

So what do players and coaches do on Christmas Day? If they’re lucky, they get to spend time with their families. But if they’re not, they have to focus on getting ready for their game. Either way, it’s not a typical holiday for them.

The NFL has a Christmas party for the players and coaches

The NFL has a Christmas party for the players and coaches every year. They have a huge buffet with all of the holiday favorites, like turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. The players and coaches sit around and talk, exchange gifts, and have a great time. It’s a tradition that everyone looks forward to.


I have come to the conclusion that the NFL does in fact play on Christmas. I have looked at a variety of sources that all seem to point to the NFL playing on Christmas Day. These sources include the NFL’s own website, which has a section dedicated to the games played on Christmas, as well as other websites that list the NFL’s schedule for the upcoming season.

The NFL is a tradition on Christmas Day

The National Football League (NFL) is a tradition on Christmas Day, with games being played on the holiday every year since 1966. While most people think of the NFL as a American tradition, the reality is that Christmas Day games are popular all over the world. In fact, the NFL has been played on Christmas Day in London, England since 2007.

So if you’re looking for some football on Christmas Day, you’re in luck! The NFL will be playing games all day long, and you can catch them all on TV.

The NFL is a way to escape the family on Christmas Day

The NFL is one of the few things that Americans can count on every year, and for many fans, it’s the perfect way to escape the family on Christmas Day.

Whether you’re rooting for your team or just enjoying the games, there’s nothing better than spending Christmas Day watching football. And with three games on the schedule this year, there’s plenty of action to choose from.

So if you’re looking for an escape from the holiday drama, settle in with some eggnog and enjoy the best day of the year: NFL Christmas.

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