Does the NFL Require Covid Vaccine for Players?

The NFL has not yet released any official statement on whether or not the Covid vaccine will be required for players. However, many experts speculate that it will be required in order to keep players and staff safe.


The NFL has not yet released its official stance on the Covid-19 vaccine, but several reports indicate that the league is leaning towards requiring players to be vaccinated in order to participate in the upcoming season. This would make the NFL the first major sports league in the world to mandate the vaccine for its athletes.

Some players have already come out publicly in favor of the vaccine, including New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew Brees, who said that he would “ absolutely” get vaccinated when it becomes available. However, there are also some player

What the NFL is Saying

The NFL has not yet released an official statement on whether or not they will require players to be vaccinated for Covid-19. However, they have stated that they are “encouraging” players to get the vaccine.

In a statement released by the NFL, they say: “We are encouraging all players to get vaccinated as soon as vaccines become available to them. We will continue to consult with our medical experts and evaluate the most up-to-date information to ensure we are taking the best possible precautions for our players, staff and fans.”

The statement goes on to say that the league is working with the NFLPA (NFL Players Association) to provide information about the vaccines and that they will continue to “monitor [the] situation and consult with [their] experts.”

What the Players are Saying

Players around the NFL have been vocal about the importance of getting vaccinated for COVID-19, with some even going so far as to say they will not play if they are not vaccinated.

One of the most outspoken players has been Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, who said on The Herd with Colin Cowherd that he would “absolutely” get vaccinated and urged other players to do the same.

“I think it’s important, not just for yourself,” Rodgers said. “But for the team, for the country, for the world.”

Other players have echoed Rodgers’ sentiments, including Houston Texans wide receiver Kenny Stills and Detroit Lions linebacker Jamie Collins Sr.

What Other Sports Leagues are Doing

While the NFL has yet to release an official statement on their vaccine policy for the upcoming season, other major sports leagues have already set a precedent. The National Basketball Association (NBA) has made it mandatory for players to receive the vaccine before entering training camp. The Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) will follow suit and also require their players to be vaccinated. Major League Soccer (MLS) has encouraged their players to get vaccinated but have not made it a requirement. The National Hockey League (NHL) is still in discussion regarding their vaccine policy for the upcoming season.

With many professional sports leagues returning this summer or fall, the NFL is likely to make a decision on their vaccine policy in the coming months. Many experts believe that the league will eventually require their players to be vaccinated in order to protect the health of their athletes and staff. Stay tuned for updates on this developing story.


At this time, the NFL has not released a statement requiring players to be vaccinated for Covid-19. However, they have stated that they are “strongly encouraging” players to get the vaccine. It is unknown if there will be any repercussions for players who choose not to get vaccinated.

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