Does the US Army Have an Esports Team?

The US Army does not have an esports team.


The United States Army has always been on the cutting edge of technology and warfare tactics, so it should come as no surprise that they have an esports team. The Army Competitive Gaming Team was formed in late 2018 with the purpose of getting potential recruits interested in joining the Army. The team is made up of soldiers who compete in a variety of video games, including first-person shooters, MOBAs, and sports games.

The team has seen some success so far, winning a number of tournaments and individual matches. They also stream their practice sessions and matches on Twitch, giving viewers an inside look at what it takes to be a member of the Army Competitive Gaming Team.

While the team is still relatively new, they have already made a big impact in the world of esports. They are helping to change the perception of the Army as an outdated institution and are showing that the Army is willing to embrace new technologies and ideas. With their continued success, they are likely to become one of the top esports teams in the world.

What is the US Army’s esports team?

The United States Army has an esports team that is used for recruitment and marketing purposes. The team was formed in late 2018 and consists of professional gamers who compete in various online gaming tournaments. The US Army’s esports team has seen success in a number of tournaments, including winning the Halo World Championship in 2019.

The Army’s esports team is known as the e Army.

The e Army is the United States Army’s esports team. The team was established in July 2020 with the goal of improving soldiers’ recruitment, retention, and job satisfaction. The team is composed of active-duty soldiers who compete in a variety of video games, including Fortnite, Overwatch, Call of Duty, and Halo.

The team was formed in 2017.

The US Army’s esports team was formed in 2017. The team is composed of soldiers who compete in various video game tournaments. The team is sponsored by the US Army, and its members are typically active duty soldiers.

The team is made up of soldiers who compete in various video games.

The United States Army has an esports team that competes in various video games. The team is made up of soldiers who compete in a variety of different games, including first-person shooters, real-time strategy games, and even multiplayer online battle arena games. The team competes in both online and offline tournaments, and they have even won some prestigious competitions.

What are the benefits of having an esports team?

The Army is looking into the idea of having an esports team as a way to connect with potential recruits. Esports can reach a wide audience and allow the Army to connect with young people in a way that is non-threatening and fun. Having an esports team can also help the Army to improve its image and make it more attractive to potential recruits.

The team can help the Army to recruit new soldiers.

The Army might use an esports team as a way to reach out to young people and show them that the Army is a modern organisation. The team could also be used to help with the recruitment of new soldiers.

Some people have suggested that the Army could use esports as a way of training its soldiers. For example, soldiers could use first-person shooter games to improve their aiming skills. There is evidence that this type of training can be effective.

The team can help to raise the Army’s profile.

In recent years, esports has emerged as a popular spectator sport, with professional teams and leagues competing for large prize pools. The Army’s esports team can help to raise the Army’s profile among potential recruits who are interested in competitive gaming.

In addition to attracting new recruits, the Army’s esports team can also help to improve soldiers’ morale and retention rates. Gaming can be a fun and stress-relieving activity for soldiers, and being part of a competitive team can add an extra sense of camaraderie and purpose.

The team can help to improve the Army’s image.

The Army’s esports team can help to improve the Army’s image. The team can also help to recruit more people into the Army.

Are there any drawbacks to having an esports team?

While the benefits of having an esports team are vast, there are a few drawbacks that should be considered. The first is the cost. Hiring professional gamers, building and outfitting a team house, and travel expenses can quickly add up. The second drawback is time commitment.

There is a risk that the Army’s image could be damaged.

While the Army’s esports team may help with recruitment, there is a risk that the Army’s image could be damaged if the team does not perform well. In addition, there is a risk that potential recruits could be turned off by the Army’s involvement in esports.

There is a risk that the team could be used for propaganda purposes.

The US Army is not the only military force to have an esports team, with other countries such as China, Russia, and the UK also utilizing gamers as a propaganda tool. While there is no evidence that the US Army has used its esports team for propaganda purposes, there is a risk that the team could be used for such purposes in the future.

Another potential drawback of having an esports team is that it could be used to recruit young gamers into the military. While there is no evidence that this has happened with the US Army’s esports team, it is a possibility that could be considered when weighing the pros and cons of having such a team.


The Army does not currently have any official esports teams, but that could change in the future. The Army has been known to sponsor individual gamers in the past, and it has also held events where gamers can compete against each other for prizes. The Army is also interested in using esports as a way to connect with young people and promote its brand.

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