Does Walgreens Have Tennis Balls?

If you’re looking for tennis balls, you might be wondering if Walgreens has them. The answer is yes! Walgreens does have tennis balls available for purchase.


Walgreens is a national drug store chain that offers a variety of products and services. One question that we hear often is, “Does Walgreens have tennis balls?” The answer is yes, Walgreens does sell tennis balls. You can find them in the sports section of most Walgreens stores.

Walgreens’ History with Tennis

Walgreens has a long and rich history with the game of tennis. The company was founded in 1901 by Charles R. Walgreen Sr., who was an accomplished tennis player. In fact, Walgreens sponsored the first professional tennis tournament in Chicago in 1916.

While Walgreens no longer sponsors professional tennis tournaments, the company does sell tennis balls and other equipment at its stores. So if you’re looking for a new can of tennis balls, you can definitely find them at Walgreens.

The Current Situation

As of right now, Walgreens does not sell tennis balls. This could be due to a number of factors, such as not enough demand or not enough space in stores. However, it’s always possible that this could change in the future, so it’s worth checking back periodically to see if anything has changed.

If you’re looking for a place to buy tennis balls right now, your best bet is probably going to be a sporting goods store like Dick’s Sporting Goods or Sports Authority. However, you can also find them at many large retailers like Walmart or Target.


In conclusion, Walgreens does not sell tennis balls. However, they do sell other types of balls such as basketballs and footballs. If you are looking for a place to purchase tennis balls, you may want to try a sporting goods store or a department store.

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