East Ridge Hockey: A Look at the Must-Have Skills

East Ridge Hockey is a unique and challenging sport. Here’s a look at the must-have skills you’ll need to be successful on the ice.


In order to be a good hockey player there are certain skills that you must have. These skills include skating, stick-handling, passing, shooting, and checking. Skating is perhaps the most important skill, as it allows you to move quickly and easily on the ice. Stick-handling is also important, as it allows you to control the puck and make plays. Passing and shooting are both important for offensive players while checking is important for Defensive Players

The Basic Skills Every Player Needs

Like any sport, hockey requires a certain set of basic skills in order to be successful. These skills are essential for all players, regardless of position.

One of the most important skills in hockey is skating. Skating is important not only for moving up and down the ice, but also for turning andstoping quickly. Players need to be able to skate fast in order to keep up with the play, and they also need to be able to turn sharply so they can change directions quickly when necessary.

Another important skill is puck-handling. Players need to be able to control the puck while skating so they can make passes or take shots on goal. They also need to be able to protect the puck from opponents who are trying to take it away.

Shooting is another essential skill. Players need to be able to shoot the puck accurately and with power so they can score goals They also need to be able choose the right time to shoot, since taking a shot at the wrong time can result in an easy save for the opposing goaltender.

Finally, players need to have good hockey sense. This means being aware of what is happening on the ice at all times and knowing where teammates and opponents are located. It also means being able anticipate what other players will do next so that you can make plays accordingly.

The Importance of Skating

Skating is one of the most important skills in hockey. Without good skating, it is difficult to move the puck up the ice or keep up with the play. There are two types of skating – forward skating and backward skating. Forward skating is when you skate forwards and is used to move up the ice or keep up with the play. Backward skating is when you skate backwards and is used to defend against the other team or help your team keep possession of the puck.

There are many different techniques that can help you improve your skating. One important technique is called “crossover”. Crossover is when you cross one foot over the other while you are skating. This technique helps you change directions quickly and helps you skate faster. Another important technique is called “inside edge”. Inside Edge is when you use the inside edge of your skate blade to turn. This technique helps you make tight turns and helps you stop quickly.

The importance of skating cannot be understated. If you want to improve your hockey skills make sure to practice your skating!


One of the most important skills for any hockey player is stickhandling. The ability to handle the puck confidently and efficiently is what separates the best players from the rest.

There are a few key things to focus on when learning how to stickhandle properly. First, it’s important to keep your hands close to the ice at all times. This will give you more control over the puck and help you keep it close to your body. Second, you need to learn how to use your whole body to protect the puck from defenders. You can do this by keeping your head up and using your arms and legs to shield the puck from sticks and skates. Finally, practice makes perfect! The more you work on your stickhandling, the better you will become at it.

If you want to improve your stickhandling skills, there are a few drills you can practice at home or at the rink. One is to set up a few small cones or pucks in a line and then try to weave in and out of them as quickly as possible while keeping control of the puck. Another is to set up two cones or pucks about 10 feet apart and then try to make 10 quick passes between them without losing control of the puck. The more you practice, the better you will become!


Hockey is a team game, and one of the most important parts of playing as a team is being able to pass the puck to your teammates. A good pass can make all the difference in whether or not your team scores a goal.

There are two types of passes in hockey: the forehand pass and the backhand pass. The forehand pass is the most common type of pass, and it is made by holding the stick in your dominate hand and striking the puck with the blade of your stick. The backhand pass is made by holding the stick in your non-dominant hand and striking the puck with the back side of the blade.

Most passes are made while skating, but there are also some passes that can be made while standing still. These types of passes are called “stationary passes”, and they can be very useful when you’re trying to get the puck out of dangerous areas on the ice.

One last thing to remember about passing is that you always want to try and make passes to teammates who are in a better position to score than you are. It might seem like a good idea to try and score yourself, but if you have a teammate who is in a better position to score, it’s much more likely that they will actually score.


In order to be a successful Hockey Player shooting is a must-have skill. There are many different types of shots that can be used in order to score goals and each has its own unique purpose. Here is a look at some of the most popular types of shots used in hockey.

The Wrist Shot is the most basic type of shot in hockey, and it is effective for both long-range and close-range scoring. To execute a wrist shot the player brings the puck back behind their body and then snaps their wrists to release the puck. This type of shot is often used when there is not much time or space to take a bigger, more powerful shot.

The slapshot is one of the most powerful shots in hockey, and it is often used to score from long range. To execute a slapshot, the player brings the puck back behind their body and then hits it with the flat part of their stick. This type of shot requires a lot of practice and precision in order to be effective, as it is easy to miss the target if the puck is not hit squarely.

The snapshot is similar to the wrist shot but it is generally used for close-range scoring. To take a snapshot, the player brings the puck up close to their body and then quickly snaps their wrists to release the puck towards the goal. This type of shot can be very difficult for goalies to save as they do not have time to react properly.

The backhand shot is another close-range scoring option that can be difficult for goalies to deal with. To take a backhand shot, the player brings the puck up close to their body and then hits it with the back side of their Stick Blade This type of shot can be very accurate if executed properly, but it takes a lot of practice to master.


In hockey, checking is any of a number of legal body contacts which players may make with each other while playing. These are usually done to take possession of the puck, or to stop an opponent from gaining possession.

A check is legal only if it is executed against an opponent who is in control of the puck, and only if it is executed in a way which does not violate any other rules of the game.

There are three main types of checks: Body checking stick checking and puck checking. body checking is the most common and most popular type of check. It is also the most dangerous, and can result in serious injuries if not executed properly. Stick checking and puck checking are less common, but can be just as effective as body checks if used correctly.

Playing Defense

In order to play defense in hockey, player must be able to skate well backwards, have good vision of the rink, and be able to communicate with their teammates. These are just a few of the Must-Have skills for anyone looking to play defense at East Ridge

Game Strategy

As any Good Coach will tell you, the key to success on the ice is good game strategy. Having a plan and being able to execute it is what separates the winning teams from the losing teams. But what exactly goes into a good game strategy? Let’s take a look at some of the must-have skills for any successful Hockey Team

One of the most important aspects of game strategy is being able to read the opposing team This means being able to anticipate their next move and adjust your own accordingly. A good way to do this is by studying film of previous games and trying to identify patterns in the other team’s play.

Another key element of game strategy is being able to take advantage of your opponent’s weaknesses. This might mean exploiting a defenseman who isn’t very good at handling the puck or forcing a turnover in the offensive zone No matter what it is, if you can find a way to exploit your opponent’s weaknesses, you’ll be one step ahead in the game.

Finally, it’s important to have a backup plan in case things don’t go according to plan. This could mean having a set play for when you’re down by a goal late in the game or coming up with an alternative strategy if your original one isn’t working. Whatever it is, always having a Plan B can be the difference between winning and losing.


In conclusion, hockey is a sport that requires a great deal of skill. The players who are successful at the game have worked hard to develop their skills. If you are interested in playing hockey you should consider taking some time to learn about the skills that are necessary for the sport.

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