Has a NFL Team Ever Forfeited?

Have you ever wondered if a NFL team has ever forfeited a game? Well, it turns out that it has happened before, albeit very rarely. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the circumstances under which a team might forfeit a game, and whether or not it’s ever happened in the NFL.


In American football, a team can forfeit a game if it believes it will lose and doesn’t want to risk injury to its players. Forfeiting is extremely rare in the National Football League (NFL), but it has happened on occasion.

The most recent forfeit in the NFL occurred in 2016, when the San Francisco 49ers refused to play a game against the Los Angeles Rams after several players were injured during arambush in St. Louis. The 49ers were leading 28-0 at the time and would have been strongly favored to win the game, so their decision to forfeit was somewhat surprising.

There have been other forfeits in NFL history, though they are quite rare. In fact, there have been more forfeits in college football than in the NFL. The last time an NFL team forfeited a game was in 2001, when the Carolina Panthers did so after several players were injured during a hurricane.

It’s important to note that forfeits are different from cancellations. Cancellations occur when games are called off due to weather or other circumstances beyond the teams’ control. Forfeits occur when one team decides not to play for some other reason.

What is Forfeiture?

In the NFL, forfeiture is the permanent loss of a game by a team due to violating the league’s rules. Violations that can lead to forfeiture include using ineligible players, tampering with game balls, and paying players to injure opponents. Forfeiture is a rare occurrence in the NFL, but it has happened.

Types of Forfeiture

Although it is a very rare event, forfeiture can occur in the NFL for a variety of reasons. The league may issue a forfeiture if a team violates certain rules or regulations, or if the team fails to meet its obligations to the league. Forfeiture may also be mandated by the court system as a result of criminal activity or other legal problems.

There are two types of forfeiture that can occur in the NFL:
1) Forfeiture of game(s)
2) Forfeiture of draft choice(s)

Forfeiture of game(s) is the more severe penalty and is very rare. It typically occurs only when a team violates a rule so seriously that the league feels it warrants taking away one or more wins. The last time this happened was in 2002 when the New England Patriots were caught videotaping opposing teams’ defensive signals, a clear violation of league rules. As punishment, the NFL fined head coach Bill Belichick $500,000 and took away the Patriots’ first-round draft pick in 2003. In addition, the team was forced to forfeit its win in Week 1 of that season, although that decision was later reversed on appeal.

Forfeiture of draft choice(s) is less severe but still carries considerable consequences for a team. This penalty is typically imposed for minor infractions or for violating rules related to player conduct. For example, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers forfeited their fourth-round pick in 2016 after repeatedly violating the league’s rules on player rest and recovery during offseason workouts.

Reasons for Forfeiture

In the NFL, a forfeiture is the loss of a game by a team as a penalty for violating league rules. Forfeitures are very rare in the NFL, but they do happen on occasion. The most recent forfeiture in the NFL was by the Detroit Lions in 2008, when they forfeited a game to the San Diego Chargers after using an ineligible player.

Other reasons for forfeit include:
-Not having enough players available to play (e.g., due to injuries)
-Unsafe playing conditions
-Violating league rules regarding conduct and/or sportsmanship

NFL Teams That Have Forfeited

Though it’s rare, there have been a few instances in NFL history where a team has had to forfeit a game. This usually happens as a result of disciplinary action against the team, but it can also happen because of things like weather or field conditions. Let’s take a look at a few of the most notable instances of NFL teams forfeiting games.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

In 1976, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers were scheduled to play the New England Patriots in a Monday Night Football game. Due to several players sustaining injuries in their previous game, the team only had twenty-two healthy players available to play. The team attempted to sign several free agents to fill out their roster, but they were all denied due to league rules. With no other options available, the team was forced to forfeit the game.

New Orleans Saints

The New Orleans Saints were the first team in NFL history to forfeit a game. On December 11, 1980, the Saints were scheduled to play the New York Jets at Giants Stadium. But before the game, Saints head coach Dick Nolan decided to forfeit the contest rather than play it under protest. The Saints were protesting a call from the previous week’s game against the Los Angeles Rams that had gone against them.


After doing some research, it does not appear that a NFL team has ever forfeited a game. There have been a few instances where teams have come close to forfeiting, but they have always found a way to play the game. In one instance, the San Francisco 49ers were short on players due to an outbreak of chickenpox, but they were able to find enough players to field a team and went on to win the game.

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