Has Any Baseball Team Gone Undefeated?

A look at whether any baseball team has gone undefeated throughout an entire season.


No team has ever gone undefeated in a Major League Baseball season. In fact, it’s highly unlikely that any team will ever go undefeated. There have been a few close calls, but every team has ultimately fallen victim to a loss at some point during the course of a season.

The closest any team has come to an undefeated season was in 2017, when the Los Angeles Dodgers went 111-41. Unfortunately, they fell just short of perfection with a loss in their final game of the season.

The Seattle Mariners also came close in 2001, when they won 116 games. However, they also lost one game and finished the season with a record of 116-46.

It’s worth noting that there have been a few teams who have gone an entire season without losing a single game. This feat has been accomplished several times at the lower levels of professional baseball, as well as in college and high school baseball. However, it has yet to be done in Major League Baseball.

The Chicago Cubs

In baseball, a team can have a winning record without having the best record in the league. In fact, it’s not uncommon for a team with a losing record to make the playoffs. But what about an undefeated team?

The Chicago Cubs came close in 1876, when they won 70 of their 74 games. But they lost their last four games and finished the season with a 70-30 record.

Since then, no team has come close to finishing the season undefeated. The closest any team has come is the 2001 Seattle Mariners, who won 116 games and lost only 46.

The New York Yankees

The New York Yankees are the most successful team in baseball history, with a record 27 World Series championships. They also boast the best regular season record in baseball, having won over 10,000 games. Given their dominance of the sport, it’s no surprise that people often ask if any team has gone undefeated.

The answer is no, no team has ever gone undefeated in baseball. The closest any team has come is the Pittsburgh Pirates, who went 41-0 in 1887 before losing their first game. The Yankee’s fiercest rivals, the Boston Red Sox, also came close in 1946 when they started the season with 20 straight wins.

It’s unlikely that any team will ever go undefeated in baseball given the length of the season and the sheer number of games played. Even the best teams will have an off day now and then, and it only takes one loss to break an undefeated streak.

The San Francisco Giants

Yes, in fact, the San Francisco Giants went undefeated in the regular season in 1918. They won 26 games and lost none.


At the end of the day, there is no one definitive answer to this question. There have been a handful of teams who have come close to going undefeated, but ultimately fell short. As baseball is a game of inches, it is often difficult to predict which team will come out on top.

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