Has Anyone Came Back From A 3-0 Series Nba?

The NBA playoffs are in full swing and there have been some great comebacks so far. But is it possible to come back from a 3-0 deficit?


In the NBA, a team often wins the first two games of a best-of-seven series. The team that wins the first two games is said to have a “two-game lead” or a “two-game advantage”. If the team that won the first two games then goes on to win the third game, that team is said to have a “three-game lead” or a “three-game advantage”. A little history first: In NBA history, of the 126 times that a team has taken a 3–0 lead in a best-of-seven series, only seven times has the trailing team gone on to win the series. That’s 5.6 percent of the time. Just under one in every 20 times.


In the NBA, no team has ever come back from a 3-0 series deficit to win the championship. In fact, only two teams have come back from a 3-1 series deficit: the 1951 Rochester Royals and the 1966 Los Angeles Lakers.

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