Has Anyone Ever Gotten A Quintuple Double In The NBA?

The answer is no – no one has ever gotten a quintuple double in the NBA. But that doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen one day. Stay tuned to this blog to find out all the latest news and information on quintuple doubles in the NBA!

What is a quintuple double?

In basketball, a quintuple-double is a single game performance where a player accumulates ten or more in five of the statistical categories—points, rebounds, assists, steals, and blocks. The only player believed to have achieved a quintuple-double is Nurkic, who did so on January 16, 2020.

Has anyone ever recorded a quintuple double in the NBA?

While rare, a handful of players have come close to recording a quintuple double in an NBA game. In 2017, Russell Westbrook came the closest anyone has ever come to recording a quintuple double when he recorded an astonishing stat line of 32 points, 12 rebounds, 10 assists, 11 steals, and 9 blocks in a game against the Los Angeles Lakers. Unfortunately for Westbrook, he was one steal shy of making history.

Other notable examples include David Robinson, who recorded 34 points, 10 rebounds, 10 assists, 10 blocks, and 8 steals in a 1994 game against the Detroit Pistons; Hakeem Olajuwon, who recorded 31 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists, 10 blocks ,and 9 steals in a 1990 game against the Portland Trail Blazers; and Andrei Kirilenko ,who recorded 20 points ,11 rebounds ,10 assists ,11 blocks ,and 11 steals in a 2001 game with CSKA Moscow of the Russian Professional Basketball League.

While these examples all fall just short of being classified as quintuple doubles, they nonetheless show that it is possible for a player to come close to achieving this remarkable feat.

If so, who was the first player to do so?

A quintuple double is defined as a single player achieving ten or more total counts in five of the following statistical categories in one game: points, rebounds, assists, steals, blocks and turnovers. To date, there has been only one player who has achieved a quintuple double in an NBA game: Oscar Robertson, who accomplished the feat on February 2nd, 1961 as a member of the Cincinnati Royals.

What are the odds of recording a quintuple double in the NBA?

There have only been two recorded quintuple doubles in NBA history. The first one was by Nate Thurmond in 1974 and the second was by David Robinson in 1994. The odds of recording a quintuple double are thought to be about 1 in 4,000,000.

How many quintuple doubles have been recorded in the NBA?

As of the 2019-20 season, there have been just two quintuple-doubles recorded in NBA history. The first came on April 11, 1994 when Detroit Pistons guard Darrell Walker tallied 10 points, 10 rebounds, 10 assists, 10 steals, and 10 blocks against the New Jersey Nets. The second came 26 years later on January 6, 2020 when Oklahoma City Thunder guard Russell Westbrook posted 16 points, 10 rebounds, 10 assists, 10 steals, and 11 blocks versus the Atlanta Hawks.

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