Has the NFL’s Ratings Drop Been Linked to Concussions?

A recent report indicated that the NFL’s ratings have been in decline since 2016. Several factors have been cited as the possible cause, including the presidential election, cord-cutting, and competition from other leagues. However, one factor that hasn’t been as widely discussed is the role of concussions in the decline.


The National Football League (NFL) is America’s most popular sport. Though its popularity has remained relatively steady for years, the NFL has recently seen a decline in ratings. This has led some to wonder if the league’s declining fortunes are linked to the public’s increasing awareness of the dangers of concussions.

Concussions are a type of brain injury that can occur when the head is abruptly shaken or hit. Concussions can cause a variety of symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, confusion, and even loss of consciousness. Though concussions are usually not life-threatening, they can have serious long-term consequences, including chronic headaches, depression, and cognitive impairment.

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the risks of concussions in football players. This concern has been heightened by a number of high-profile cases in which former NFL players have suffered from debilitating brain injuries after their careers ended. In response to this public pressure, the NFL has implemented a number of new policies designed to reduce the incidence of concussions among its players.

Despite these efforts, concussions remain a major problem in the NFL. In the 2017 season alone, there were 281 documented concussions suffered by players during games and practices. This is actually an increase from 2016, when there were 250 documented concussions. And while it is possible that some of this increase can be attributed to better diagnosis and reporting of concussions, it is also likely that the actual number of concussions is on the rise.

So far, there is no definitive evidence linking the decline in NFL ratings to concerns about player safety and concussions. However, it is worth noting that the declining ratings come at a time when public awareness of the issue is at an all-time high. It is possible that fans are tuning out because they are worried about the health and safety of the players on the field. If this is indeed the case, it would suggest that the NFL needs to do more to address concussion concerns if it wants to win back its fans.

What are the NFL’s ratings?

The NFL’s ratings have been declining in recent years. This is due, in part, to the league’s concussion crisis. Football is a dangerous sport, and many fans are no longer comfortable watching it knowing that the players are at risk of serious head injuries. In addition, the league has been embroiled in a number of other scandals, including domestic violence and players kneeling during the national anthem. These factors have all contributed to the NFL’s declining popularity.

How have the NFL’s ratings dropped?

The National Football League’s (NFL) ratings have dropped in recent years. One possible reason for this drop is the concussion crisis that has affected the league. In 2012, a report came out that showed that NFL players were three times more likely to die from Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia-related conditions than the general population. Since then, Concussions and their long-term effects have been a major issue for the NFL. In 2015, concussions were up 60% from the year before, and they have continued to rise since then. This has led to many players retiring early, and some fans are turned off by the violence of the sport. It is hard to say definitively whether or not concussions are the main reason for the NFL’s declining ratings, but it is certainly a factor.

There is no definitive answer to this question, as there are many factors that can contribute to a decline in ratings for a television show or sporting event. However, some experts have speculated that the increased focus on the dangers of concussions and other head injuries in football may be deterring some viewers from tuning in. Additionally, the NFL has faced other controversies in recent years that may also be contributing to its decline in popularity.

How can the NFL improve its ratings?

It is no secret that the National Football League’s (NFL) ratings have taken a hit in recent years. There are a number of explanations for this decline, but one of the biggest has been the ongoing concussion crisis.

This issue came to a head in 2017, when then-presidential candidate Donald Trump said that players who were kneeling during the national anthem in protest of police brutality and racial injustice were “son[s] of bitches” who should be “fire[ed].” His comments sparked a national conversation about the place of politics in sports, and many fans vowed to boycott the NFL.

In the years since, the league has made a number of changes to try and improve its ratings. These include tweaking its rules to make the game safer, partnering with television networks to produce more interesting content, and putting more emphasis on its social justice initiatives.

So far, these efforts have had mixed results. The league’s ratings did rebound somewhat in 2018, but they are still below where they were before the concussion crisis began. It remains to be seen whether or not the NFL will be able to regain its lost viewers, but it is clear that concussions will continue to be a major factor in the league’s success or failure.


After carefully examining the data, it seems clear that the concussion crisis has had a significant impact on the NFL’s ratings. Though the league has taken steps to try to address the issue, it remains a major concern for many fans. It will be interesting to see how the NFL’s ratings change in the coming years as more information about concussions and their long-term effects comes to light.

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