Has The NHL Season Started Yet?

It’s October, and that means hockey season is in full swing. But with the ongoing pandemic, things are looking a bit different this year. So the question on everyone’s mind is: has the NHL season started yet?


No, the NHL season has not started yet.

The NHL season was supposed to start on October 2nd, but on September 24th, the NHL Players’ Association voted to reject the NHL’s latest proposal for a new collective bargaining agreement, which would have implemented a 50-50 split of hockey-related revenue between the league and its players. This means that there is no new agreement in place, and no season can start until one is reached.

As of now, negotiations are at a standstill, and it is unclear when or if they will resume. If an agreement is not reached soon, it is possible that the entire season could be canceled.

What Happened Last Year?

Has the NHL season started yet? The 2017–18 NHL season is the 101st season of operation of the National Hockey League. The regular season began on October 4, 2017, and will end on April 8, 2018. The 2018 Stanley Cup Playoffs will begin a few days afterwards, on April 11, 2018.

Where Things Stand Now

The NHL has been in a lockout since September 15, 2012. The lockout is in its 113th day, and there has been little progress made between the NHL and the NHLPA.

NHL commissioner Gary Bettman has said that the league is losing about $18-20 million per day during the lockout. Bettman has also said that if a deal is not reached soon, the NHL will have to start cancelling games.

The NHL has already cancelled games through January 14, 2013. A total of 625 games have been cancelled so far, and more will be cancelled if a deal is not reached soon.

The main issues dividing the NHL and the NHLPA are hockey-related revenue, player salaries, and contract length. The two sides are reportedly far apart on all three issues.

Both sides have said that they are willing to compromise, but it remains to be seen if a compromise can be reached before more games are cancelled.

What Needs to Happen

In order for the NHL season to start, the NHL and the NHLPA need to reach an agreement on a new CBA (collective bargaining agreement). The current CBA expires on September 15, 2012. If a new CBA is not reached by that date, the NHL will likely lockout the players, which would delay or cancel the start of the season.


As of right now, it does not appear that the NHL season will start on time. With the COVID-19 pandemic still raging in many parts of the world, it seems unlikely that the NHL will be able to start its season on time. However, we will have to wait and see what happens in the coming weeks and months.

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