Has There Ever Been a Quadruple Double in the NBA?

Has There Ever Been a Quadruple Double in the NBA? Quadruple-doubles are rare in the NBA. In fact, there have only been three recorded in NBA history. But what exactly is a quadruple-double?


In the world of basketball, a player achieving a “quadruple double” is considered one of the most impressive feats possible. A quadruple double is when a player gets double digits in four of the five main statistical categories in a single game. The five statistical categories are points, rebounds, assists, steals, and blocks. So far, there has never been an official quadruple double recorded in an NBA game. However, there have been a few instances where players have come close to achieving this feat.

The first recorded instance of a potential quadruple double happened in 1978 when Alvin Robertson of the San Antonio Spurs got 10 points, 10 rebounds, 10 assists, and 10 steals against the Phoenix Suns. The game was stopped with 3 minutes left and Robertson was taken out of the game so that he could rest. Had the game gone on for a few more minutes, it’s very possible that Robertson would have ended up with at least 10 blocks as well and achieved the first ever quadruple double in NBA history.

More recently, in 2009, Rajon Rondo of the Boston Celtics came close to getting a quadruple double when he got 16 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists, and 8 steals against the New York Knicks. He also had 6 Turnovers which prevented him from getting all the way to 10 total for the category and achieving the much coveted quadruple double.

While no player has yet been able to achieve this feat in an official NBA game, it seems like only a matter of time before somebody does it. Perhaps we will see history made in the next few years as players continue to push themselves to new limits on the court.

What is a Quadruple Double?

In basketball, a quadruple double is the accumulation of a double-digit number total in four of the five statistical categories—points, rebounds, assists, steals, and blocks—in a game. Former Oklahoma Sooners player Stacey Dales is credited as the only player in women’s collegiate basketball history to record a quadruple double. UCLA Bruins player Lisa Leslie achieve the feat three times during her college career. In the National Basketball Association (NBA), Hakeem Olajuwon is the only player to have recorded multiple quadruple doubles in his career with five total.

players who have come close to a Quadruple Double

While no player has ever achieved a quadruple double in an NBA game, there have been a few players who have come close. The closest anyone has come is Wesley Person, who had 37 points, 10 rebounds, 10 assists, and 8 steals in a game against the Seattle SuperSonics in 1997. Other players who have come close to achieving a quadruple double include Chris Paul, Russell Westbrook, LeBron James, and Michael Jordan.

Why there hasn’t been a Quadruple Double

While a number of players have come close, there has never been an official quadruple double in an NBA game. The reason for this is largely due to the fact that the stat line for a quadruple double would need to include two less common statistics, such as blocks and steals. Over the years, there have been a number of players who have come close to recording a quadruple double, but they have always fallen just short.


The answer to the question is no, there has never been a quadruple double in an NBA game. The reason why this is such a difficult feat is because points, rebounds, assists, and blocks are all worth different amounts of points. A quadruple double would require a player to have at least 10 points, 10 rebounds, 10 assists, and 10 blocks in a game.

In conclusion, it is extremely difficult for a player to record a quadruple double in an NBA game, which is why it has never been done before.

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