How to Use Hockey Feints to Score More Goals

Are you looking to score more goals in hockey? Then you need to learn how to use feints! Feints are effective moves that can help you get around defenders and get the puck into the net. In this blog post, we’ll teach you how to use some of the most popular feints in hockey and how you can use them to score more goals.

Why use hockey feints?

Hockey feints can be extremely effective at fooling defenders and creating scoring opportunities. When used correctly, they can open up space for you to shoot, pass, or carry the puck into the offensive zone However, hockey feints can also be used to simply draw defenders out of position, creating space for your teammates.

How to use feints effectively

Dekeing or “deking” is a technique used by ice Hockey Players to fool opponents. A deke involves moving the puck in one direction then quickly changing the direction of your skater to go in another direction. This can be done with the puck or without the puck. When done correctly, a deke can create an opportunity to score a goal or make a pass to a teammate.

Dekeing is often used in one-on-one situations, such as when a player is trying to get past an opponent to take a shot on goal. It can also be used when there are multiple defenders, as it can help create space between the player and the defenders.

There are many different types of dekes, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. The key to using dekes effectively is knowing when to use them and how they can be defended against.

The best feints for scoring goals

In hockey, a feint is a move used to deceive a goaltender or defender into believing that the player is going to take a shot, when in reality they have no intention of doing so. Feints can be used to create space and time for yourself or your teammates, or to open up the goaltender for a more dangerous shot.

There are two main types of feints: those that are used to make the goaltender move from side to side, and those that are used to make them dive forward or back. For either type of feint, the key is to make your movement as realistic as possible – if you’re not convincing, the goaltender will see right through it and you won’t score.

Here are some of the best feints for scoring goals

The Forehand-to-Backhand Feint:
This is one of the most common and effective feints in hockey. To execute it, approach the goaltender with the puck on your forehand side and then quickly move it to your backhand before taking your shot. This will often cause the goaltender to drop their knees or dive forward, giving you more space to shoot into.

The Fake slap shot
This is another great way to get the goaltender off their feet. Just start your windup as if you’re going to take a slap shot but instead of following through, quickly pull the puck back towards your body and shoot with your wrist or snapshot. The sudden change in direction will usually fool even the most seasoned netminder.

The Head Fake:
This one is all about selling the fake shot convincingly. Pretend like you’re going to shoot high, but at the last second lower your shoulder and take a Wrist Shot along the ice. Most goalies are trained to follow the puck with their eyes, so when you quickly lower your shoulder they may not have time to react and reset their position before you score.

How to practice feints

Learning how to properly execute hockey feints can help you score more goals on the ice. When executed correctly, a feint can cause your opponents to lose balance, creating an opportunity for you to take a shot on goal. Here are some tips on how to practice your feints so you can start scoring more goals:

1. Start by skating around with the puck, using both your inside and outside edges. As you get comfortable, try to change directions quickly while maintaining control of the puck.

2. Next, try to fake a shot by moving the puck from one side of your body to the other and then quickly shooting it. This will help you learn how to fool your opponents into thinking you are going to shoot in one direction when you are actually shooting in another.

3. Once you have mastered faking a shot, try adding a body feint into the mix. This is done by faking a shot with your body rather than just your puckhandling. For example, you can pretend to wind up for a slapshot while actually just moving the puck from one side of your body to the other.

4. Finally, once you have mastered all of the above, try combining them into one move. For example, you can start by skating around with the puck, then do a quick body feint before finally faking a shot and quickly taking a real shot on goal. This will help you catch your opponents off guard and give you plenty of opportunities to score goals

The benefits of using feints

When you’re playing hockey there are a lot of ways to score goals But how can you put the puck in the net more often? One way is to use feints.

A feint is a move hat tricks your opponent into thinking you’re going to do one thing, when you’re actually going to do something else. For example, you could fake a shot and then quickly pass the puck to a teammate who has a better chance of scoring.

Feints can be used both offensively and defensively. For example, if you’re a defenseman and an opponent is coming at you with the puck, you could fake a tackle in order to get them to slow down or change direction. Then you can take away the puck more easily.

Using feints can help you score more goals and make it harder for your opponents to score against you. So next time you’re on the ice, think about using feints to your advantage!

The drawbacks of using feints

Despite the many benefits of using feints to score goals in hockey, there are also some potential drawbacks. One is that feints can often take longer to execute than simply shooting the puck. This means that there is more time for the opposing team to react and defend. Another drawback is that if a feint is not executed correctly, it can leave the player open to being hit by the puck or checked by an opponent.

How to overcome the drawbacks of using feints

When used properly, hockey feints can be an effective way to score more goals. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when using feints, as they can also be detrimental to your game if used improperly.

First, it is important to remember that feints are often telegraphed by the player’s body language so it is important to be aware of this when using them. Additionally, feints can often create opportunities for the opposing team to counter-attack, so it is important to be aware of this as well.

Finally, while hockey feints can be an effective way to score more goals, it is important to not rely on them too heavily. Players who become too reliant on using feints will often find that their game suffers as a result.

The future of feints in hockey

Hockey is a sport that has undergone a lot of changes in recent years and one area that has seen a lot of evolution is the use of feints. Feints are faked shots or moves that are designed to fool the opponent and create an opportunity to score.

In the past, feints were not used very often in hockey because they were considered to be against the spirit of the game. However, as the sport has evolved, more and more players have started to use feints as a way to gain an advantage over their opponents.

There are a few different types of feints that can be used in hockey. The most common type is the toe drag, which is when a player drags the puck behind their foot while they are moving forward. This can be used to fake a shot or pass and then quickly change direction.

Another type of feint is the stick lift, which is when a player lifts their stick off the ice and then quickly brings it back down. This can be used to fake a shot or pass, but it can also be used to block an opponent’s shot or pass.

The last type of feint is the head fake, which is when a player moves their head as if they are going to shoot the puck but then don’t. This can be used to fool an opponent into thinking you are going to shoot the puck, which will open up space for you to pass or shoot.

Feints can be used in any situation on the ice, but they are most effective when you are close to the goal. This is because it is easier to fool an opponent when you are closer to them and they have less time to react.

If you want to start using feints in your game, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, you need to practice them so that you can execute them flawlessly in a game situation. Second, you need to use them at the right time; if you use them too early or too late, your opponent will see right through them. Finally, you need to have confidence in your ability to execute them; if you don’t believe in yourself, your opponent will know it and they will not fall for your feints.

How to use feints to score more goals

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned hockey player scoring goals can be a challenge. But one way to increase your chances of finding the back of the net is to learn how to use feints.

A feint is a fake move made by a hockey player to trick the opponent into thinking they are going one way, when in fact they are going another. Feints can be used to get around defenders, open up space, and create scoring opportunities.

Here are some tips on how to use feints to score more goals:

– Use your body language to deceive your opponents. If you’re about to make a move to the left, for example, glance in that direction first. This will make your opponents think you’re going that way, and they will adjust their positioning accordingly. Then you can quickly go the other way and take them by surprise.
– Make sure your feints are quick and sharp. Sudden changes in direction are more effective than slow, gradual ones. – Use your stick as well as your body. Stick handling is an important part of any good hockey player’s repertoire, and it can also be used to fake out your opponents. For example, if you’re about to make a move to the left, you can quickly pull your stick back to the right before going left – this will confuse your opponents and give you an extra split second to make your move.
– Practice makes perfect. The best way to become good at using feints is to practice them as often as possible. Set up some cones or other obstacles in your driveway or backyard and work on making sharp moves around them. The more you practice, the better you’ll become at using feints in game situations.


Hockey is a sport that is all about deception. By using feints, you can create openings for yourself and your teammates that the opposing players will not be able to defend against. In this article, we have covered the basics of how to use feints to score more goals. We hope that you found this information helpful and that you will start using hockey feints to score more goals in your own games.

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