Hockey Puck Christmas Ornaments

Looking for a unique Christmas gift for the hockey fan in your life? Check out our selection of hockey puck Christmas ornaments!



Most people don’t associate hockey pucks with Christmas, but these unique ornaments are a fun way to show your love for the sport during the holidays. Made from real hockey pucks these ornaments come in a variety of festive designs that will add some puck-centric cheer to your tree.

What You’ll Need

-4 hockey pucks
-Permanent markers

1. Tie a ribbon around each hockey puck Make sure the ribbon is long enough to hang the puck from the tree.
2. Use permanent markers to write Christmas phrases or Draw holiday images on the pucks. Some ideas include “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Holidays,” “Let it Snow,” or “Baby’s First Christmas.” Be creative!
3. Hang the pucks from the tree with tape or string.

Step One: Preparing the Pucks

Whether you’re a hockey fan or not, these hockey puck Christmas ornaments are a fun and easy way to show your holiday spirit! All you need are some spare hockey pucks and some creative flair.

To get started, you’ll need to gather a few supplies. Firstly, you’ll need some Hockey Pucks If you don’t have any spare pucks lying around, you can usually find them at your local sporting goods store Once you have your pucks, you’ll also need some paint, glitter, ribbon, and hot glue.

Now that you have all of your supplies, it’s time to get started! The first step is to prepare the pucks for painting. You’ll want to make sure that the surface of the puck is smooth and free of any debris. If there are any stickers or logos on the puck, be sure to remove them before painting. Once the surface is clean, you can use painters tape to mask off any areas that you don’t want painted.

With the pucks prepped and ready to go, it’s time to start painting! You can use any color paint that you like, but we recommend using something festive like red or green. Once the paint is dry, it’s time to add some glitter. This is totally optional, but it does add a nice touch! Simply brush on some glue and then sprinkle on the glitter. Be sure to let the glue dry completely before moving on to the next step.

The last step is to add a ribbon loop so that your ornament can be hung from the tree. To do this, simply apply a line of hot glue around the edge of the puck and then press on a length of ribbon. Allow the glue to dry completely before hanging your ornament on the tree!

Step Two: Painting the Pucks

Now that the pucks are dry, it’s time to start painting! You can use any color paint you’d like, but we recommend using metallic paint for a more festive look. If you’re using multiple colors, we recommend painting each puck a different color.

To paint the pucks, start by pour a small amount of paint onto a plate or other surface. Then, use a foam brush or other type of brush to apply the paint to the puck. Be sure to paint evenly and completely cover the puck.

Once you’ve finished painting one side of the puck, set it aside to dry. Once it’s dry, flip it over and paint the other side. Once both sides are dry, your ornament is complete!

Step Three: Adding the Finishing Touches

Now that the paint is dry, it’s time to add the finishing touches to your hockey puck Christmas ornaments! In this step, we will be adding a ribbon loop for hanging, as well as any other embellishments you would like.

To start, cut a small length of ribbon (about 6 inches should do it).Thread the ribbon through the top hole of the ornament, and then tie it in a loop. Trim any excess ribbon.

Next, it’s time to add your embellishments! This is where you can really get creative – try using different colors and patterns of ribbon, buttons, beads, or anything else you can think of. Get creative and have fun!

Once you’re happy with your ornament, it’s time to give it a test run. Hang it up on your tree and make sure it looks just the way you want it to. And that’s it – you’re done! Congratulations on creating your very own unique hockey puck Christmas ornament.

Step Four: Hang ‘Em Up!

Now that your pucks are all decked out for the holidays, it’s time to hang them up! You can use monofilament or fishing line to string them up as ornaments on Christmas tree If you’re Feeling extra festive, you can even add a little bit of gold or silver glitter to the fishing line before attaching the pucks. Just be careful not to use too much glitter, or else it will end up all over your floor when the pucks inevitably fall off the tree!

Tips & Tricks

If you’re looking for a unique Christmas gift for the hockey fan in your life, look no further than a hockey puck Christmas ornament! These ornaments are made from real hockey pucks, and they’re sure to be a hit with any fan of the sport.

To make your own hockey puck Christmas ornament, start by drilling a small hole in the center of the puck. Next, thread a length of ribbon or twine through the hole and tie it off. Finally, hang the ornament on your tree and enjoy!

If you’re not feeling crafty, you can also find hockey puck ornaments for sale online. Just do a quick search and you’ll find plenty of options to choose from.

The Bottom Line

We hope you enjoyed our review of the best hockey puck Christmas ornaments. As you can see, there are a lot of great options available for those looking for unique ways to decorate their tree. With so many different designs and styles to choose from, there is sure to be an ornament that will fit your taste and style. So, get out there and start shopping for the perfect ornament to help make your Holiday Season complete.


Q: Will the ornament scratch my coffee table?
A: No, the bottom of the ornament is covered with soft felt.

Q:Can I choose a different color for the team logo?
A: Yes, when you order you can specify which team you would like and what color you would like the logo to be.

Q: What is the dimensions of this product?
A: The dimensions are 3″ in diameter and 1/4″ thick.

Further Reading

While you’re in the holiday spirit, check out these other great ornament crafting ideas!

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