How Are Tennis Points Calculated?

How are tennis points calculated? The answer may surprise you.


In tennis, points are usually only awarded during the main phases of play: when the serve changes, at the end of a rally, or when either player has committed a fault. In other words, points aren’t usually given in between rallies. The scoring system is also different from most other sports because players can score anywhere from 0 to 4 points per game.

The most common way to score in tennis is by winning a rally. A rally is when both players hit the ball back and forth until one of them makes a mistake or hits the ball out of bounds. The player who wins the rally is then awarded a point. If the server wins the rally, they are awarded two points since they already have one point from their initial serve.

If neither player wins the rally, both players are awarded one point each and the server keeps their serve. This scenario is known as a “let” and sometimes happens when the ball hits the net cord on a player’s service attempt.

Zero points are given for double faults, when a player hits the ball into the net on their second serve attempt. If this happens, their opponent is then awarded one point and gets to choose whether they want to receive serve or not.

How are points calculated in tennis?

In tennis, points are calculated using a system of love, 15, 30, and 40. The first player to score four points wins the game, unless both players have scored three points each, in which case the score is considered deuce. If one player has scored four points and the other has only scored three, the score is considered advantage.

The scoring system

In tennis, points are awarded to a player or team whenever the opponent fails to correctly return the ball within the prescribed dimensions of the court. The point score of a game proceeds as follows:

1. A player or team wins a point when the opponent serves the ball into the net, hits it outside the prescribed court dimensions, or fails to return it over the net within the allowed time (see let).
2. If both opponents hit shots that land in bounds, then:
-if one shot is returned and one not, then a point is awarded to whichever player or team sent the returned ball;
-if both shots are returned, then each player/team gets another chance to hit a shot;
-if both players/teams hit shots that cannot be returned (e.g., an ace), then each player/team gets another chance to hit a shot.
3. The game (and thus each point) continues until one player or team has reached 4 points with a lead of at least 2 points (i.e., leading by 2, 3 or 4 points), unless both players/teams have reached 3 points apiece and thus neither has yet gained a significant advantage over the other. In this case, play continues until one side has taken a two-point lead (i.e., leading by 4–3, 5–3 or 6–4).

The deuce system

In tennis, “deuce” can refer to the score of 40–40 (sometimes written as “ad-in” or “ad”), which is the highest scoring point in a game. When deuce happens, the next point is called ” AdvantageIn”, abbreviated “Ad-In” or just “Ad”. If the player who wins that point then wins the next point as well, they win the game. Otherwise, if they lose that point, it is once again deuce. If both players are still on serve when deuce occurs, then normally player A serves first in the ensuing advantage situation. However, player B can elect to serve first. In that case, after player B draws even at deuce again play resumes normally with player A serving first.

The tie-break system

When the score reaches 6 games all, a tie-break (sometimes called a set tie-break) is played. The winner of the tie-break is the first player to win 7 points with an advantage of 2 or more points over their opponent. If the score reaches 6–6, then a 12-point tie-break (sometimes called a super tie-break) is played. The winner of this super tie-break is the first player to win 10 points with an advantage of 2 or more points over their opponent.


After reviewing the data, it is evident that there are a few different methods of calculating tennis points. The most commonly used method is the one that was developed by the International Tennis Federation in 1990. This method is used in all major tennis tournaments, including the Grand Slams. However, there are still other methods in use today, such as the older 30-points-per-game system and the new 21-points-per-game system.

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