How Are WWE Matches Decided?

How are WWE matches decided? This is a question that has been asked for years. There are many different factors that can contribute to how a WWE match is decided.


In professional wrestling, WWE matches are decided by a variety of methods. The most common method is via pinfall, in which a wrestler tries to pin their opponent to the mat for a three count. Other common methods include submission, in which a wrestler forces their opponent to give up; countout, in which a wrestler is pushed out of the ring for a 20 count; disqualification, in which one wrestler breaks the rules and is thus disqualified; or no contest, when both wrestlers break the rules or neither can continue.

The Role of the WWE Creative Team

The WWE creative team is responsible for writing and producing the WWE shows, including the matches. They work under the supervision of the WWE Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon, and they report to the WWE Executive Vice President of Talent, Live Events and Creative Paul Levesque (better known as Triple H).

The creative team consists of a number of writers, who come up with ideas for matches, storylines and angles (i.e., everything that happens on WWE programming). These ideas are then presented to McMahon and Levesque, who make the ultimate decision on what will air on TV.

The Role of the WWE Superstars

The WWE superstars are the athletes who physically perform in the matches. They are responsible for executing the moves and storylines that the writers have come up with. In order to make things fair, each superstar is paired with another of similar size, experience, and popularity.

The superstars are also responsible for selling tickets and promoting the show. This is why you often see them making public appearances or doing interviews on talk shows. WWE superstars are true entertainers and their job is to keep the fans coming back for more.

The Process of Planning a Match

When it comes to deciding who will win a WWE match, there is a process that the creative team follows. First, they come up with a list of potential opponents for each wrestler. Next, they consider the storyline and what would make the most sense for the story. Finally, they make a decision based on what will make the fans happy and generate the most interest.


Until recently, most WWE matches were decided by one of three methods: pinfall, submission, or knockout.

A pinfall is when both wrestlers’ shoulders are touching the mat for a three count. A submission is when one wrestler either makes his opponent tap out or forces him to submit via a hold. A knockout is when one wrestler is rendered unconscious.

Today, however, WWE uses a variety of different match types to keep things interesting for the fans. These include tag team matches, fatal four-way matches, battle royals, triple threat matches, and more.

No matter what type of match it is, though, the goal is always the same: to provide entertainment for the WWE Universe and ultimately to put on a great show.

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