How Deep Is an NFL End Zone?

How deep is an NFL end zone? The answer may surprise you.

How Deep Is an NFL End Zone?


In American football, the end zone is the area between the goal line and the end line. This area is where the scoring of touchdowns and field goals takes place. The length of an end zone varies depending on the level of play, but is typically 10 yards.

At the professional level, both the National Football League (NFL) and the Canadian Football League (CFL) use end zones that are 20 yards long. In college football, the end zones are typically 18 yards long. However, there are some variations among schools. For example, in Harvard’s Stadium, the end zones are only 16 yards deep.

At high school football games, the length of the end zone may vary depending on the size of the football field. Generally speaking, however, high school end zones are 10 yards deep.

The History of the End Zone

A Brief History of the NFL End Zone

The end zone is one of the most iconic images in American football. It is also one of the most important parts of the game, as it is where touchdowns are scored. But how did the end zone come to be?

The end zone was first used in football in 1881, when it was introduced by Yale University. At first, it was just a 10-yard long area at each end of the field, but it was eventually extended to 20 yards in 1912. In 1922, the NFL adopted the end zone as part of its own rules.

The size of the end zone has changed a few times over the years. In 1929, it was increased to 25 yards, and then back to 20 yards in 1931. In 1933, it was again increased to 25 yards, where it has remained ever since.

The end zone is an important part of football because it is where touchdowns are scored. Touchdowns are worth six points and are the main way to score points in football. The team that scores the most touchdowns in a game wins.

The Depth of an End Zone

In American football, the end zone is the area between the end line and goal line at each end of the field. Points are scored by carrying the ball into or catching it in the end zone. If the ball is carried or caught outside of the end zone, it is a touchback, and the opposing team will take possession of the ball at their own twenty-yard line.

The depth of an NFL end zone varies depending on where you are on the field. The front of the end zone, from the goal line to ten yards deep, is called the danger zone. The back of the end zone, from ten yards deep to the back of the field, is called the comfort zone.

The depth of an end zone can also vary depending on whether you are in a stadium or playing on a grass field. In a stadium, there are typically two feet of space between the back of the endzone and stands. On a grass field, there is typically six feet of space between the back of an endzone and sideline.

Why the Depth of an End Zone Is Important

An end zone is the 10 yard area at each end of the football field where the offense can score. The depth of an NFL end zone is important because it allows the offense to get closer to the goal line and make it easier to score a touchdown. The depth also allows for more space for plays to develop.

How the Depth of an End Zone Affects the Game

In the NFL, the playing field from end zone to end zone is 100 yards long. But how deep is each end zone? The answer may surprise you.

The depth of an end zone can actually vary from team to team, depending on the size and shape of their home stadiums. The average depth of an end zone is 10 yards, but it can be as shallow as 8 yards or as deep as 12 yards.

So why does the depth of an end zone matter? Well, it can have a big impact on the game. For example, if one team has a shallower end zone than their opponents, they may be more likely to score a touchdown on a short-yardage play. And if a team has a deeper end zone than their opponents, they may be more likely to successfully defend against a long pass into the end zone.

So next time you’re watching an NFL game, pay attention to the depth of each team’s end zone. It just might give you a better understanding of why certain plays are being called.


If you are standing in the end zone, the goal line is 10 yards behind you. The back of the end zone is also the back of the end zone, meaning that it is 20 yards deep.

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