How Do I Contact The Commissioner Of Baseball?

Commissioner Rob Manfred Jr. can be contacted through the Office of the Commissioner of Baseball. The mailing address is: 245 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10167. The phone number is: (212) 931-7800.

How to Contact the Commissioner of Baseball

The Commissioner of Baseball is the chief executive officer of Major League Baseball. Rob Manfred, Jr. is the current Commissioner, and he has held this position since January 2015. If you need to contact the Commissioner of Baseball, there are a few different ways you can do it.

Look up the Commissioner’s contact information

To contact the Commissioner of Baseball, you can look up his contact information on the internet or in the phone book. If you are unable to find his contact information, you can always send a letter to the Commissioner’s office.

Find the Commissioner’s contact information on the MLB website

You can find the Commissioner’s contact information on the MLB website. Go to the “Contact Us” page and scroll down to the “Commissioner’s Office” section. There, you will find an email address, mailing address, and phone number for the Commissioner’s Office.

Call the Commissioner’s office

You can try calling the Commissioner’s office at (212) 931-8200, but be aware that they may not be able to put you through to Manfred himself. You can also write a letter to the Commissioner at:

Commissioner Rob Manfred
c/o Major League Baseball
245 Park Avenue, 11th Floor
New York, NY 10167

Send an email to the Commissioner’s office

The Commissioner’s Office does not have a public email address, but you can send a message through the Customer Service form on

Be sure to include your full name, mailing address, and phone number so that we can respond to your request. Please include as much detail as possible so that we can direct your inquiry to the appropriate person or department.

How to Write a Letter to the Commissioner of Baseball

To contact the Commissioner of Baseball, you will need to write a letter. The Commissioner’s office does not accept phone calls or emails. You can find the Commissioner’s mailing address on the MLB website.

Address the letter correctly

The best way to ensure your letter is received and read by the Commissioner of Baseball is to address it correctly. Start with the Commissioner’s full name and title:

Rob Manfred
Commissioner of Baseball
24 West 40th Street, 15th Floor
New York, NY 10036-8602

If you want to email the Commissioner, you can use this address: [email protected]

Write a polite and professional letter

The Commissioner of Baseball is the chief executive officer of Major League Baseball. The current commissioner is Rob Manfred, who has held the position since January 26, 2015.

You may contact the Commissioner’s Office by writing a letter and mailing it to:

Commissioner of Baseball
c/o Major League Baseball
24 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018

Include your contact information

Dear Commissioner Manfred,

My name is _______ _______ and I am writing to you because I am a big fan of baseball. I have been following the game for many years now and I have some suggestions on how to improve the game.

First of all, I think that the strike zone should be expanded. I know that this is a controversial issue, but I believe that it would make the game more exciting. Batters would be able to swing at more pitches and there would be more home runs. This would make the game more fun to watch for both fans and players.

Another suggestion that I have is to add a challenge system similar to what is used in tennis. This would allow teams to challenge close calls made by the umpires. This would add an element of strategy to the game and would also help to ensure that calls are made correctly.

I hope that you will considering my suggestions as you continue to work on making baseball an even better sport. Thank you for your time and consideration.


[Your Name]

Mail the letter to the Commissioner’s office

All fan mail and e-mail to the Commissioner’s Office should be addressed as follows:

Commissioner Rob Manfred
c/o Major League Baseball
345 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10154-0015

In order to ensure that your e-mail is routed properly, please do not add anything to the “Subject” line of your message other than the word “E-Mail.”

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