How Do I Join An Esports Team?

A lot of people have been asking me how do I join an esports team? Well, here’s a quick guide on how to go about it!

How Do I Join An Esports Team?

Do your research

Joining an esports team can be a great way to improve your skills and take your gaming to the next level. But, before you join an esports team, it’s important to do your research. You’ll want to find a team that is the right fit for you, and that you have a good chance of making. In this article, we’ll give you some tips on how to join an esports team.

What game do you want to play competitively?

The first step in joining an eSports team is deciding which game you want to play competively. This may seem like an easy task, but with the vast array of games available, it can be daunting to choose just one.

Your best bet is to choose a game that you already enjoy playing and are good at. If you love playing Fortnite but are only average at the game, you may want to consider another title. The same goes for games that you’re great at but don’t particularly enjoy. While you may be able to find a team that will take you on regardless of your passion for the game, it’s probably not worth your time if you don’t actually enjoy playing it.

Do some research on the games that interest you and see if they have a competitive scene. Some games are more popular in certain regions, so make sure there are tournaments or leagues in your area. Once you’ve decided on a game, it’s time to start looking for teams!

What level do you want to play at?

The level of play is important to consider when joining an esports team. There are many different levels of play, from amateur to professional. If you are new to esports, it is recommended that you start at the amateur level. There are many different amateur leagues and tournaments that you can join. You can also find teams to join through online communities.

If you are more experienced, you may want to consider joining a professional team. There are many different professional leagues and tournaments that you can join. You can also find teams to join through online communities. The level of play is important to consider when joining an esports team. There are many different levels of play, from amateur to professional.

What kind of team are you looking for?

Once you have decided that you would like to join an esports team, it is important to do your research and figure out what kind of team you are looking for. There are a few different types of esports teams, and each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The first type of esports team is the professional team. These teams are usually sponsored by organizations or companies, and the players on the team are paid to play. Professional teams often have rigorous practice schedules and may require you to play in tournaments frequently. The upside to playing on a professional team is that you will be competing at the highest level possible and you will be paid to do so. The downside is that the competition can be very tough and the practice schedule can be demanding.

The second type of esports team is the semi-professional team. These teams are usually not sponsored by organizations or companies, but the players on the team may still be paid to play. Semi-professional teams typically have less demanding practice schedules than professional teams, but they may still require you to play in tournaments frequently. The upside to playing on a semi-professional team is that you will still be competing at a high level, but you will not have to commit as much time as you would if you were on a professional team. The downside is that you may not make as much money as you would if you were on a professional team.

The third type of esports team is the amateur team. These teams are usually not sponsored by organizations or companies, and the players on the team are not paid to play. Amateur teams typically have very relaxed practice schedules and may only require you to play in tournaments occasionally. The upside to playing on an amateur team is that you can still compete at a high level without having to commit as much time as you would if you were on a professional or semi-professional team. The downside is that you will not make any money if you win any prizes while playing on an amateur team.

Find a team that’s a good fit for you

The first step to joining an esports team is finding a team that’s a good fit for you. There are a lot of different esports teams out there, so it’s important to do your research and find one that you think you would be a good fit for. Once you’ve found a team, the next step is to try out for the team.

Use social media and online forums

A great way to start finding an esports team is to use social media platforms such as Twitter and Reddit. You can search for specific games or general hashtags such as #esports, #gaming, or #recruitme. By following and engaging with teams on social media, you can get a sense of their community and whether you would be a good fit.

Another useful online resource for finding esports teams is forums such as those hosted by GameBattles, Toornament, and These forums typically have sections dedicated to helping players find teams, and you can often filter by game, region, skill level, and more.

Attend LAN events and meetups

One of the best ways to find a team is to attend local LANs (Local Area Network) and meetups. At these events, you’ll be able to play with different people in a variety of games and get a feel for their skill level and personality. If you connect with someone, exchange contact information so you can stay in touch and potentially practice or play together in the future.

You can also look for meetups on websites like or through social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Be sure to search using relevant hashtags so you can find local events that are happening near you. Once you find an event that looks promising, reach out to the organizers and see if there are any open spots on teams that you could fill.

Try out for teams

The best way to join an esports team is to try out for one. This way, you can show off your skills and see if you have what it takes to compete at a high level. There are usually tryouts for teams at the beginning of each season, so keep an eye out for announcements. You can also reach out to teams directly and inquire about tryouts.

If you’re not sure where to start, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of being recruited by a team. First, make sure you’re registered on an online platform where players can showcase their skills, such as GameBattles or ESL Play. Then, start participating in online tournaments and ladders so that teams can see your results. Finally, create a social media profile (on Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube) and post content that highlights your best gaming moments. By taking these steps, you’ll improve your visibility and increase your chances of being recruited by a team.

Be prepared to commit

If you want to join an esports team, you need to be prepared to commit a lot of time and effort. Esports is a very competitive industry and teams are always looking for players who are willing to put in the work to improve. Many teams require their players to practice for several hours each day, and you will need to be able to dedicate that time if you want to be successful.

Be prepared to practice

Like any sports team, joining an esports team requires significant investment and commitment. Be prepared to practice for long hours and to make significant sacrifices, both in terms of time and social activities. This is a competition, and winning takes dedication.

That being said, the best way to ensure success is to join a team that is the right fit for you. Do your research and be selective. Find a team that shares your competitive drive and that you get along with on a personal level. When everyone is working together towards a common goal,Success will come more easily.

Be prepared to invest in yourself

Most people who want to join an esports team are willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. They’re willing to put in the extra hours of practice, they’re okay with making some sacrifices, and they understand that success takes time and effort.

If you’re serious about joining an esports team, you need to be prepared to invest in yourself. This means being willing to spend money on things like coaching, training materials, and even travel expenses. It also means being willing to put in the time and effort to improve your skills.

If you’re not prepared to make this kind of commitment, then you’re probably not going to be successful in joining an esports team. There’s nothing wrong with that—it’s just important that you understand what it takes to make it in the world of competitive gaming.

Be prepared to travel

Like traditional sports, esports teams often travel to compete in tournaments. This means that if you want to join an esports team, you should be prepared to travel. If you’re not comfortable with the idea of traveling, you might want to consider joining a local team or one that only competes in online tournaments.

In addition to traveling, you should also be prepared to commit a significant amount of time to practice and competition. Esports teams typically practice for several hours each day and compete in multiple tournaments each month. If you’re not willing to make this commitment, you’ll likely struggle to keep up with the other members of your team.

Joining an esports team can be a great way to meet new people and compete at a high level, but it’s not for everyone. Be sure to consider all of the commitments involved before making your decision.

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