How Do NFL Contracts Work?

How do NFL contracts work? What are the different types of contracts? How are they structured? Read on to find out!


In the National Football League, a player’s contract is a legal document that establishes the player’s rights and responsibilities, as well as the terms of their engagement with their team. The contract outlines the salary that the player will be paid, the length of the contract, and any performance-based bonuses that may be included.

When a player signs a contract, they are agreeing to play for their team for the length of time specified in the contract. In return, the team agrees to pay the player their salary and any bonuses that may have been negotiated. NFL contracts are not guaranteed, which means that if a player is cut from their team or released before their contract is up, they do not receive any money beyond what has already been paid to them.

Players usually sign four-year contracts with their team, though some players sign longer contracts. rookies typically sign four-year contracts, while veteran players may sign one or two-year contracts. NFL contracts can be renegotiated during the life of the contract, but typically only happen if a player outperforms their original contract or if they are seeking a raise.

If a player is traded to another team during their contract, their contract is automatically voided and they must sign a new contract with their new team. If a player retires from the NFL while under contract, they may still receive money from their former team if there are any guarantees in their contract.

What are the Different Types of Contracts?

NFL contracts are not as simple as they may seem. There are a lot of different types of contracts that players can sign. For example, there are contracts for rookies, veterans, free agents, and so on. Each type of contract has its own set of rules and regulations. In this article, we will take a look at the different types of contracts and how they work.

Standard Player Contract

All standard player contracts are for four years. The NFLPA has a Collective Bargaining Agreement with the National Football League that dictates the length of player contracts, as well as other important aspects of a player’s employment.

In the most recent CBA, which was agreed to in 2011 and runs through the 2020 season, the minimum length of player contracts was reduced from four years to three. However, players with four or more accrued seasons (defined as a player being on active/inactive lists for six or more regular season games) can only sign one-year contracts.

So, while the majority of players in the NFL are still signed to four-year deals, there is a small group of veterans who are only under contract for one season at a time.

Reserve/Future Contract

A reserve/future contract is a one-year contract that a team can offer a player beginning the day after the Super Bowl through the end of the league year. A maximum of 90 players can be under reserve/future contracts for any given team. These contracts are not guaranteed, meaning that if the player is cut before the start of the regular season, he does not receive any guaranteed money.

Restricted Free Agent Contract

A restricted free agent (RFA) is a National Football League (NFL) player whose contract has expired and is free to sign with any club, but that club must first offer the player a one-year contract at a salary no lower than the average of the top five salaries at the player’s position, or 120% of the player’s previous salary, whichever is greater. If the player rejects the offer, he may sign with any team but his former team has the right to match the offer and retain him.

An RFA who has not been tendered a qualifying offerBecomes an Unrestricted Free Agent (UFA).

Exclusive Rights Free Agent Contract

If a player has between two and three years of NFL experience, he will likely sign an exclusive rights free agent contract. These contracts are not negotiated; rather, the team submits a one-year qualifying offer to the players, who can either accept or reject the offer. If the player rejects the offer, he becomes a free agent. If the player accepts the offer, he is locked into a one-year contract at whatever salary level the team dictated in its qualifying offer.

How are Contracts Negotiated?

Before a player can sign an NFL contract, the team and the player must agree on the terms of the contract. The team will offer the player a contract, and the player can either accept the contract or negotiate for a higher salary. If the player agrees to the contract, he will sign the contract and become bound by its terms.


NFL contracts are negotiated between a player and their team through the player’s representatives, typically referred to as agents. Agents work for the player and not the team, meaning they try to get their client the best contract possible. In order to become an agent, you must be certified by the NFL Players Association (NFLPA).

The agent will collect information from the team, including the team’s salary cap situation and what other players at that position are making. They will also speak with other teams to get a feel for what the market is for their client. Once they have all of this information, they will present an offer to the team.

The team can then choose to accept, reject or counter-offer. If they accept, the contract is signed and the player is under contract. If they reject, the agent will go back to trying to negotiate a better deal. If they counter-offer, the agent can either accept or reject on behalf of their client.

Salary Cap

Under the salary cap, each team has a total amount of money it can spend on player salaries for the year. The salary cap is set by the NFL each year, and it varies depending on league revenue. In 2019, the salary cap was $188.2 million per team.

Each team must stay under the salary cap at all times during the year, or they will face penalties from the NFL. When a team signs a player to a contract, the amount of money that player will count against the salary cap for that year is determined by the terms of their contract.

What are the Different Types of Bonuses?

NFL contracts are not as simple as they may first seem. Players can receive bonuses for a variety of reasons, such as signing a contract, being selected to the Pro Bowl, or even winning the Super Bowl. In this article, we’ll take a look at the different types of bonuses that players can receive.

Signing Bonus

A signing bonus is a sum of money paid to a player in addition to their salary when they sign a new contract. It is typically either a percentage of the total value of the contract or a set amount, whichever is greater. The signing bonus is paid as soon as the player signs the contract, and it is often the biggest chunk of guaranteed money in the deal.

Roster Bonus

A roster bonus is a sum of money paid to a player each year that he is on the team’s active roster. The payment is usually made in installments, either per game or per week. This type of bonus gives teams an incentive to keep good players around, and also allows players to earn a little extra money if they are cut from the team mid-season.

Workout Bonus

Many NFL contracts include workout bonuses, which are extra payments earned for attending a certain percentage of team workouts during the offseason. The bonus is usually a set amount per day that the player attends, and it’s often pro-rated based on the number of days in the team’s offseason workout program. For example, if a player has a $50,000 workout bonus and attends 90 percent of the team’s workouts, he would earn $45,000.

How are NFL Contracts structured?

NFL contracts are not fully guaranteed, meaning that a team can release a player at any time and not owe them any future salary. However, a large percentage of the contract is usually guaranteed, which gives the player some security. NFL contracts are also structured so that the team can spread out the salary cap hit of a player over the length of the contract. This is beneficial to the team because it allows them to sign more players.

Length of Contract

In the NFL, the length of a player contract is typically four years, although some players sign longer deals. The average NFL career is just over three years, so most players will end up signing at least one contract extension during their time in the league.

The majority of a player’s compensation in his NFL contract comes from the signing bonus and base salary. In recent years, fully guaranteed money has become more prevalent in NFL contracts, especially for high-profile players. In general, however, only a small portion of a player’s overall contract value is guaranteed at signing.

Base salary is the yearly amount a player is paid for being on an NFL roster. It is typically paid out over the course of 17 weeks during the regular season (each team gets one bye week). For veterans, base salaries are typically structured as follows:

-Minimum Base Salary: $480,000
-Veteran Base Salary: $965,000 (this applies to players with 4 or more years of NFL experience)

Signing bonuses are paid out upfront and are not subject to termination if the player is released before the end of his contract. It is common for teams to structure signing bonuses so that they can spread out the salary cap hit over the life of the contract. For example, if a player signs a four-year deal with a $10 million signing bonus, his team can spread out that $10 million over the course of four years for a salary cap hit of $2.5 million per year.

Guaranteed Money

In an NFL contract, the guaranteed money is the portion of the total contract amount that is guaranteed to be paid to the player regardless of what happens. This is typically the signing bonus and any money that is guaranteed for skill, injury, and salary cap. Most of the time, the fully guaranteed portion of an NFL contract will only be the first year or two of the deal, with subsequent years being only partially or not at all guaranteed.

Signing Bonus

The signing bonus is the largest sum of money paid to the player upfront. It is guaranteed, meaning that it is paid to the player regardless of whether he is cut from the team or suffers a career-ending injury. The signing bonus accelerates payments, meaning that it is paid to the player as soon as he signs his contract. This allows players to receive a large part of their earnings earlier on in their careers.


Incentives are written into NFL contracts in order to motivate players to perform at a high level. The three most common incentive types are:
-Signing bonus: This is a one-time payment made to the player when he signs his contract. It is not prorated over the life of the contract like a roster bonus, and it is not tied to any future performance.
-Roster bonus: This bonus is paid out annually to a player as long as he remains on the team’s roster on a specific date. This date is usually the first day of the league year (March 1st). Roster bonuses are often used in lieu of base salary in order to give the team more salary cap flexibility.
-Performance bonuses: These are bonuses that are earned based on the player’s performance during the previous season. They can be based on such things as statistical thresholds, Pro Bowl appearances, or being named All-Pro.

Option Bonuses

One common form of bonus in an NFL contract is the option bonus. An option bonus is a sum of money that is paid to the player if the team exercises their option to keep the player on the team for another year. Option bonuses are typically large sums of money, often equal to or greater than the player’s base salary for that season.

What are the Different Types of Incentives?

Incentives are payments or benefits that are above and beyond the salary that a player agreed to in his contract. They are often used as a way to encourage players to perform at a high level, or to reward them for doing so. There are a few different types of incentives that can be included in an NFL contract.

Pro Bowl Incentives

Pro Bowl incentives are given to players who are selected to the Pro Bowl, which is an all-star game that takes place at the end of every NFL season. These incentives are typically written into a players’ contract and are paid out if they are named to the Pro Bowl roster. The amount of money a player can earn in Pro Bowl incentives varies, but it is typically a significant sum. For example, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady earned a $500,000 incentive for being named to the Pro Bowl in 2016.

All-Pro Incentives

All-Pro incentives are given to players who are selected for the NFL All-Pro team. These incentives can be worth a significant amount of money, often $50,000 or more.

Playing Time Incentives

Incentives based on playing time essentially reward players for being on the field. They are generally written into contracts for skill position players like quarterbacks, running backs, and wide receivers. For example, a player might receive a $500,000 bonus for playing 70 percent of his team’s snaps.

There are two main types of playing time incentives:
-Performance bonuses: These bonuses are based on the player’s statistical achievements. For example, a quarterback might receive a $1 million bonus for throwing for 4,000 yards.
-Pro Bowl recognition: These bonuses are given to players who are selected to play in the Pro Bowl.

Statutory Incentives

Statutory Incentives are defined as any additional compensation that a player may receive based on his individual or team performances, which exceed predetermined levels set forth in the NFL collective bargaining agreement. These incentives are collectively bargained between the NFL Players Association and the NFL Management Council, and are included in every standard NFL Player Contract.

How do NFL Contracts Compare to Other Sports?

The National Football League has a salary cap that all teams must adhere to. In 2019, the NFL salary cap is $188.2 million. That means that each team can spend no more than that amount on player salaries for the year. So, how do NFL contracts compare to other sports?

Major League Baseball

In Major League Baseball, most teams have what’s called a “Payroll.” The payroll is the total amount of money that the team is spending on all its players’ salaries for that season. For example, in 2019, the New York Yankees had a payroll of $223 million. That meant that they were paying their players a total of $223 million that season.

The payroll is different from the “team salary.” The team salary is the amount of money that the team is paying its players for their actual playing time on the field. For example, let’s say that a player signs a contract for $5 million per year. But then he gets injured and only plays in half of the team’s games. His team salary for that season would be $2.5 million (half of $5 million).

Players’ salaries are often broken down into two parts: base salary and signing bonus. The base salary is the amount of money that the player will be paid for actually playing baseball. It’s usually a set amount each year (for example, $5 million per year). The signing bonus is an extra amount of money that the player gets just for signing his contract. Signing bonuses are usually paid upfront, in one lump sum (for example, $10 million).

Players also get other forms of compensation, called “perks.” Perks can include things like use of a private jet or tickets to major sporting events. They can also include things like signing bonuses and housing allowances

National Basketball Association

In the National Basketball Association (NBA), players can sign two types of contracts: guaranteed contracts and non-guaranteed contracts.

A guaranteed contract means that the player will receive their entire salary regardless of whether they are cut from the team or not. A non-guaranteed contract means that the player may be cut from the team and will only receive a portion of their salary.

NBA contracts are not fully guaranteed, meaning that teams can release players before the end of their contract without having to pay them the full amount. However, NBA teams are only allowed to release up to two players with non-guaranteed contracts each season.

The NBA has a rookie salary scale that determines how much first-year players will make. Players drafted in the first round will make more than players drafted in the second round, and so on.

The rookie scale is based on the NBA’s collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with its players. The CBA expires in 2023, so it’s possible that the rookie scale could change before then.

First-round draft picks will make between $874,636 and $7,839,363 next season, depending on where they’re drafted

National Hockey League

NHL contracts are not guaranteed, so if a player is cut from the team, they do not receive any money from the contract. The only exception to this is if the contract was signed when the player was 35 years of age or older, in which case 1/3 of the contract is guaranteed. Players can sign for up to 7 years with their current team or 8 years if they are signing with a new team.


In conclusion, NFL contracts are very complex. Players are paid a base salary, which is typically a small fraction of the total value of the contract. They also receive signing bonuses and performance-based bonuses. The team may pay for the player’s living expenses and health insurance. Players are free to sign with any team that offers them a contract, but their current team has the right to match any offer. If the player’s current team does not match an offer, they may be required to compensate the team with draft picks.

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