How Do NFL Players Pee During Games?

How do NFL players pee during games? Great question! Here’s a quick rundown of how they do it without interrupting play.

How Do NFL Players Pee During Games?


NFL players are some of the most physically fit people in the world. They are also some of the most heavily guarded, with personal trainers, nutritionists, and doctors all working to ensure that they are at peak performance during games. So it’s no surprise that one of the most common questions asked about NFL players is: how do they pee during games?

The simple answer is that they use catheters. A catheter is a small tube that is inserted into the bladder in order to draining urine. This might seem like a rather uncomfortable solution, but it is actually quite common in many sports, including football. It allows players to focus on the game without having to worry about finding a bathroom, and it also prevents them from having to drink too much water, which can lead to dehydration.

There are some potential risks associated with using catheters, however. One is that they can sometimes cause urinary tract infections (UTIs), so players have to be careful to clean them properly after each use. Additionally, there is always a small risk of puncturing the bladder if the catheter is not inserted correctly. Overall, though,catheters are considered a safe and effective way for NFL players to deal with having to pee during games.

The Process

When you have to go, you have to go. That’s true for everyone, even NFL players. So, how do they do it? Do they just hold it? No way. That would be incredibly uncomfortable and disruptive to their focus and performance. Instead, they use a catheter.

Finding a Spot

Players typically find a secluded spot on the sideline or behind a large piece of equipment where they can relieve themselves without being seen. If they can’t find a hiding spot, some players will hold their privates while an offensive lineman stands in front of them to block view.

The act of urinating

While the act of urinating may seem self-explanatory, the process of urination is actually a complex series of events that requires coordination between the brain, muscles, and nerves.

The process of urination begins when the brain signals the muscles in the urinary system to relax. This allows urine to flow from the bladder through the urethra (the tube that carries urine out of the body).

The muscles in the urinary system then contract to close off the urethra and prevent urine from flowing backward into the bladder. At the same time, the muscles in the pelvic floor relax, which allows urine to pass out of the body.

Once all of the urine has been eliminated, the muscles in the urinary system contract again to close off the urethra and prevent any more urine from being released. The pelvic floor muscles then contract to help prevent leakage.

Tips and Tricks

Many people don’t realize how often NFL players have to go to the bathroom during games. They drink a lot of fluids before the game, during halftime, and after the game. Some players even wear catheters during the game so they don’t have to worry about going to the bathroom. Here are some tips and tricks that NFL players use to make sure they don’t have to miss a play to go to the bathroom.

Peeing before the game

One way to ensure that you don’t have to go too much during the game is to empty your bladder before the game even starts. This will minimize the amount of times you have to go and make it so that you can focus on the game. Ideally, you should try to go to the bathroom about an hour or two before the game is set to start.

Wearing a jock strap

Wearing a jock strap is the most common way for NFL players to urinate during games. Jock straps have a little cup in the front that collects urine. Some players also wear a jock strap with a hard cup. The hard cup protects the player’s genitals from getting hit during the game.

Some players don’t wear jock straps and just rely on their tight pants to hold everything in place. This can be uncomfortable and doesn’t provide as much protection from hits.


So there you have it. NFL players have a few different ways of dealing with having to pee during a game. Some will just hold it until halftime, while others will use catheters. And as for those who don’t want to wear a catheter, they’ll try to time their pees before the game or during TV breaks.

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