How Do NFL Players Stay Warm?

How do NFL players stay warm during winter games? They use a variety of methods, including wearing heated pads and drinking warm beverages.

How Do NFL Players Stay Warm?

Wearing the Right Clothing

It’s important for NFL players to stay warm during games, otherwise they risk injury. Players dress in layers of clothing, including a base layer, a mid-layer, and an outer layer. They also wear gloves, a hat, and earmuffs.

Wearing Layers

One way that NFL players stay warm on the sidelines is by wearing layers. This might seem counterintuitive because you would think that wearing more clothing would make someone sweat more and feel even colder when the sweat evaporates. However, wearing layers allows players to regulate their body temperature more easily. They can take a layer off if they start to feel too warm and put one back on if they start to feel cold.

The type of fabrics that are worn are also important. Synthetic fabrics, like polyester, wick moisture away from the body and help to keep athletes dry. Natural fabrics, like wool, are also good at insulating even when they are wet. Players will often wear a combination of both synthetic and natural fabrics to take advantage of the benefits of each.

Wearing the Right Material

Offensive and defensive linemen, along with tight ends, need to wear a heavier type of padding than skill players to protect them from the consistent banging and collisions that occur in the trenches. Linemen also need to be able to move well to execute their blocking assignments, so their padding is a little thinner and more flexible than that of skill players.

Quarterbacks, running backs, wide receivers and defensive backs need to be able to run and change directions quickly, so they often have smaller pads that allow for a wider range of motion. These smaller pads are also less likely to impede their speed or disrupt their catch radius when they are trying to catch a pass.

Staying Active

When it’s cold outside, the last thing you probably want to do is go for a run. But according to NFL players, staying active is one of the best ways to stay warm. “I’m not a big fan of just sitting in the cold,” said Vikings linebacker Anthony Barr. “I’d rather be moving.”

Keeping Muscles Warm

One key to preventing injuries is to keep muscles warm — especially when you’re playing in colder weather. Just like your mom probably told you to wear a coat when you go outside, NFL players have to be sure they’re bundled up properly to avoid pulling a muscle or worse.

How do they do it? Well, first of all, most players will wear a heavier uniform (think: thicker pads) in cold weather games to insulate their bodies from the elements. In addition, many players will apply a substance called “Icy Hot” or similar topical ointments on their muscles before suiting up. This temporary measure helps increase blood flow to the area and, as a result, keeps muscles warmer for longer.

And then, of course, there’s always the good old-fashioned hot tub. Soaking in hot water before a game not only feels great, but it also does wonders for loosening up muscles and preventing injuries.

Increasing Blood Flow

One way players increase blood flow is by wearing rubberized, padded suits called “Gericke pants.” The pants have an inner layer of neoprene, which helps retain body heat, and an outer layer of nylon. The neoprene is also used in the making of wet suits for scuba diving, so it’s pretty effective at trapping in heat. Under the pants, players wear long underwear made of a synthetic fabric that wicks moisture away from the body to the outside of the fabric where it can evaporate quickly.

Other Ways to Stay Warm

Most people think that NFL players just wear a lot of layers to stay warm, but there are other ways that they stay warm as well. If you are playing in cold weather, you have to be careful not to get hypothermia. Hypothermia can happen when your body temperature gets too low. NFL players have to be careful to keep their bodies warm so that they can stay healthy and play well.

Using Hand Warmers

NFL players have to find ways to stay warm during cold games, and one way they do this is by using hand warmers. Hand warmers are small packets that you can put in your gloves or pockets, and they emit heat for a few hours. You can buy them at most drugstores or sporting goods stores.

Drinking Warm Fluids

It is a popular belief that drinking hot beverages will help keep you warm in cold weather. While this may be true to some extent, it is not the most effective way to stay warm. The best way to stay warm is to dress in layers and keep your body moving.

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