How Do Tennis Matches Work?

New to tennis? Here’s a quick rundown of how tennis matches work. From sets and games to deuces and ad scores, we’ll have you feeling like a pro in no time!


In tennis, there are three main ways to win a match. The first is by winning the most sets in the match. A set is won when a player wins six games and is ahead by two games. If the score reaches 6-6, then a tiebreaker is played to determine the winner of the set. The second way to win a match is by winning the most games overall in the match. This could happen if a player wins two out of three sets, for example. The third way to win a tennis match is by retirement. This happens when one player is injured or has to stop playing for some other reason and can’t continue the match.

There are also some other important things to know about how tennis matches work. For example, service games are always started by one player serving the ball to the other player. This player will keep serving until they lose their service game, at which point it will be the other player’s turn to serve. Players also switch sides of the court after every odd-numbered game (i.e., 1, 3, 5, etc.), and after each set, players take a short break before starting the next set.

How does a tennis match work?

A tennis match is played between two opponents who take turns hitting a ball back and forth over a net. The first player to score four points wins the game. A tennis match is usually played best out of three sets. The first player to win two sets wins the match.

The Basics

A tennis match is played between two players (or two pairs of players) who each start on opposite halves of a net. The game is played with a Racquet and a tennis ball. Players hit the ball back and forth over the net, trying to keep it inside the boundaries of the court. The first player or team to score enough points wins the match.

Tennis is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Even though professional matches are often very exciting to watch, the basic rules of the game are actually quite simple. If you understand the basics, you can start playing tennis right away!

The Serve

The server stands behind the baseline on one of the corners and has two options to start the point. They can either serve from the deuce court or they can serve from the ad court. When serving from the deuce court, their body should be at a right angle to the net. When serving from the ad court, their body should be perpendicular to the net. The server then tosses the ball into the air and hits it with their racquet over their head. The ball must land in the service box diagonally across from them in order for it to be a legal serve.

If it’s their first time serving during the game, they will serve from the deuce court. If they win that point, they get to choose which court they want to serve from for the next point. If they lose that point, they have to serve from the ad court for the next point.

The player who is receiving can stand anywhere inside of their service box. They can’t step on or over any lines. Once the ball is hit, they need to return it before it bounces twice on their side ofthe tennis court.

The Return

In tennis, a return is the act of hitting the ball back to your opponent. The return is considered one of the most important strokes in the game, as it can often determine who wins the point.

There are two main types of returns in tennis: the groundstroke return and the serve return. The groundstroke return is when you hit a groundstroke (a shot that is hit after the ball bounce) back to your opponent. The serve return is when you hit a serve back to your opponent.

When returning a serve, you have two main options: you can either hit it back cross court (towards your opponent’s backhand), or down the line (towards your opponent’s forehand). You will often see professional players hit their returns down the line, as this can be a very effective way to win points.

If you are returning a groundstroke, you will also have two main options: you can either hit it cross court or down the line. However, unlike with serves, it is not always advantageous to hit groundstrokes down the line. This is because your opponent will have time to get to the ball and prepare for their shot. Thus, many players choose to hit their groundstroke returns cross court in order to make it more difficult for their opponents.

There are many different ways to hold a tennis racket when returning a shot. The most common way is to grip the racket in an eastern forehand grip and hit the ball with a backhand stroke. However, there are also many other grips that can be used, such as an eastern backhand grip or a continental grip. Experiment with different grips and strokes until you find what works best for you!

The Rally

In tennis, a “rally” occurs when the two players hit the ball back and forth between them. A rally starts when one player hits the ball over the net, and ends when either player makes a mistake or hits the ball into one of the designated “out” areas. The point is then awarded to the other player.

A tennis rally can last for a very long time, sometimes for more than a minute! The players have to be very quick and have excellent stamina in order to keep up with the rallies.

How do points work in tennis?

Tennis is a sport that can be played between two people (singles) or between two teams of two people (doubles). Tennis is played on a rectangular court with a net stretched across the centre. The aim of the game is to hit the ball over the net and into your opponent’s court. You score a point when your opponent is unable to return the ball, when the ball hits the ground in their court, or when they hit the ball out of bounds.

The Score

In tennis, the score is called “love” when neither player has yet won a point. When one player wins a point, the score is then “15” for that player, “love” for the other. If the same player wins another point, it becomes “30” for that player, “love” for the other. If the player wins a third point, it becomes “40”, with “love” still being held by the other player. The first player to reach four points wins the game.

However, if both players reach three points each (i.e., it is “40-40”), then this is known as a “deuce”. In order to win the game from this position, a player must then win two consecutive points – this is known as a “advantage”. If the player who has an advantage loses the next point, then it goes back to being deuce. The game continues in this way until one player has won two consecutive points from deuce – they then win the game.

The Deuce

When the score reaches 40-40 (“deuce”), one more point is played. This is called “advantage,” and whoever wins that point will win the game. If the person who has advantage loses the next point, it goes back to deuce. This can happen over and over until one person finally wins two points in a row and so wins the game.

The Advantage

In tennis, the player who wins the point continues to serve, as in volleyball. The game is played to four points: love, 15, 30, and 40. If both players have 40, it is called deuce. To win the game from deuce, a player must score two consecutive points (this is called advantage), giving them a chance to serve for the game. If the server wins the next point (now on their second chance), they win the game. However, if the receiver wins the point, it goes back to deuce.

How do games, sets, and matches work in tennis?

In tennis, a game is won by the first player to win four points. A player wins a point by serving the ball into the opponent’s court and having the opponent fail to return it. A set is won by the first player to win six games. A match is won by the first player to win two out of three sets.

The Game

The game of tennis is played with a felt-covered rubber ball. The ball is bounced in the opponent’s court, and the players use rackets to hit it back and forth. The game can be played by singles (one player per side) or doubles (two players per side).

A tennis match consists of a specified number of sets. A set consists of a specified number of games. A game consists of a specified number of points. In general, the first player to win 6 games wins a set, and the first player to win 2 sets wins the match (assuming there are no tie-breakers). However, if both players have won 5 games each, then the set is decided by a tiebreaker (see below).

A point is scored when one player fails to return the ball within the boundaries of the court. The boundaries are defined by lines drawn on the court surface. If the ball hits one of these lines, then it is considered “in” and a point is not awarded. There are also some special cases where a point can be awarded even if the ball hits an “out” line; for example, if one player serves the ball and it hits an “out” line on their opponent’s side of the court, then that player loses the point.

The Set

In tennis, a set is won by the first player to win six games by a margin of two or more games. If the score reaches 6-6, a tie-breaker is played to determine the winner of the set. A tie-breaker is usually played to seven points, but it can be played to ten if necessary.

The first player to win four points in the tie-breaker wins the set. If the score in the tie-breaker reaches 4-4, a “sudden death” point is played. This means that the next point wins the set, no matter what the score is.

The Match

A tennis match is played between two opponents (singles) or between two teams of two opponents each (doubles). The basic aim of each player or team is to win more games than their opponent(s).

The first player or team to win six games wins a set. If the players or teams are tied at six games apiece, the set is usually decided by a tiebreaker (see below).

A match is usually the best of three sets, but may also be the best of five sets. In some tournaments, such as Wimbledon, a final set is played as a tiebreaker if the score in the final set reaches 6-6.

##Heading: The Tiebreaker
If the score in any set reaches 6-6, a tiebreaker is used to decide the winner of that set. In a tiebreaker, both players or teams start with zero points and play until one player or team has won seven points (by a margin of two).

Games in tennis are always odd numbers – this means that one player or team will always serve when the game score is an even number (0, 2, 4, 6), and the other player or team will serve when the game score is an odd number (1, 3, 5).


Whether you’re a casual player or a professional, understanding how tennis matches work is essential to enjoying the game. With this guide, you should now have a good grasp of the basics, from scoring to match formats. So get out there and start playing!

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