How Do Tennis Tiebreakers Work?

In tennis, a tiebreaker (or tiebreak) is a scoring method used to determine the winner of a tennis match when each player has won six games, when the score is tied at six games each.


A tiebreaker, introduced in 1970, is a method of ending a tennis match in which the winner is the first player to win seven points with a margin of two points or more. Thetiebreaker does not apply in matches played using the no-ad system.

The winner of a tiebreaker is said to have won the “set by tiebreaker” or to have “broken” the opponent’s serve. under modern rules, if the score reaches 6–6 (or 6–5 if the opponent serves first), a player must win a game by two clear points; if at deuce (40–40), they must win two consecutive points to win the game and set. If, however, they fail to do so at deuce or lose the next point on their opponents’ serve, they will lose the set by achieving only one break point.

The Basics of a Tennis Tiebreaker

In tennis, a tiebreaker is used to determine the winner of a set when the score is tied at 6 games each. This is usually done by playing a 7-point game, which is won by the first player to reach 7 points with a 2-point advantage. In a tiebreaker, there are no deuces and noadvantages, and service alternates every 2 points. Let’s take a look at how this works in more detail.


In a game of tennis, the player who scores four points first wins the game. However, if both players reach three points each, the score is said to be “deuce.” To win the game at deuce, a player must score two consecutive points.

If the score reaches deuce, a tiebreaker is played to determine the winner of the game. The tiebreaker is a mini-game played to seven points, with a player needing to win by two points. The player who wins the tiebreaker wins the game.


The player who is serving the tennis ball will start the tennis tiebreaker by serving from the deuce court. The server will serve one point, and then the receiver will serve one point. This pattern continues until one player has won at least seven points and has a two-point lead over their opponent. If the score reaches 6-6, then a player must win by two points.

If the score of the tennis tiebreaker gets to 7-7, then there is a change of ends and the players switch who is serving and receiving. The player who was previously serving now becomes the receiver, and vice versa. They player who would have been receiving now serves from the ad court.


The player who is receiving serve in the tiebreaker chooses which service court he or she would like to start the tiebreaker in. For example, if the score is 6-6 in a 12-point tiebreaker, the receiver may choose to start serving from the deuce court or the ad court. Once the receiver has chosen which court he or she would like to start serving from, the server must then serve two consecutive points from that same service court.

When the Tiebreaker Happens

A tiebreaker is used in tennis when the score reaches 6 games all in any set except the final set, when the score reaches 12 games all. If the final set reaches 6 games all, a tiebreaker is only used if the score becomes 13 games all. If one player has won six games and the other has won less than five, the player with six wins serves.

In a Set

Eventually, every set in tennis comes down to a tiebreaker. TheObject of the tiebreaker is to win seven points, provided that you win by at least a two-point margin. The receiver always serves first in the tiebreaker, and he or she serves from the same end of the court as he or she did at the start of the set. In other words, if you started serving from the deuce court, you will continue serving from that same court during the tiebreaker.

The tiebreaker is played to 7 points, but you must win by 2 points. So for example, if the score reaches 6-all, the next player to score a point wins the tiebreaker (and therefore wins the set).

If necessary, further sets are played as usual service games until one player has won two more sets than his opponent.

In a Match

If the score reaches 6-6 in any set, a tiebreaker is played. The tiebreaker is won by the first player to win 7 points, provided that s/he leads by 2 points or more. If the score reaches 6-all, the tie-break is played to 7 points as usual, but with a change of ends when the first player’s score reaches 4 (i.e. when s/he leads 4-3 or 5-4).

The Different Types of Tiebreakers

Tennis tiebreakers are a way to avoid long, drawn-out matches. They are used in professional matches as well as in amateur and recreational matches. There are several different types of tiebreakers, each with its own rules. The most common tiebreakers are the service tiebreaker and the set tiebreaker.

Standard Tiebreaker

A tennis tiebreaker (also called a tiebreak) is a score used to break a tie between two worn-out opponents. It’s one of the most exciting parts of the game, and it’s often the deciding factor in who wins and who loses.

Here’s how it works: If the score reaches 6 games all (6-6), a player must win by 2 clear points. This is where the game can get really interesting, because players can now “serve for the match.”

If one player serves for the match at 6-6, and they reach 7-6, they then only need one more point to win the match. But if their opponent manages to break their serve and make it 7-7, then we have what’s called a “deciding point.”

This is when things get really intense, because whoever wins the next point will win not only the game, but also the match!

Sudden Death Tiebreaker

In a sudden death tiebreaker, the first player to win a point wins the game. This can be a very quick way to end a match, but it can also be very exciting. If the score is tied at 6-6 in a set, for example, the first player to win a point in the tiebreaker will win the set 7-6.


To sum it up, a tennis tiebreaker is a way to determine the winner in a close match. Each player starts with six points, and the first player to reach seven points wins the tiebreaker. If the score reaches six points all, the player who wins the next two points wins the tiebreaker.

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