How Do You Become An NFL Waterboy?

Ever wondered how someone becomes an NFL waterboy? It’s not as easy as you may think. There’s a lot of competition and only a few spots available. Check out this blog post to learn more about what it takes to become an NFL waterboy.


Have you ever wanted to become an NFL waterboy? If so, you’re not alone. Many people dream of becoming an NFL waterboy, but few actually realize that dream. So, how do you become an NFL waterboy?

The first thing you need to do is find out if there are any open positions. You can do this by contacting the team’s equipment manager or by searching online. Once you’ve found an open position, the next step is to submit a resume and cover letter.

In your resume and cover letter, be sure to highlight any relevant experience you have. For example, if you have experience working as a lifeguard or in a customer service role, be sure to mention that. You should also include any information about your education and/or certifications.

Once you’ve submitted your resume and cover letter, the next step is to attend an interview (if one is required). During the interview, be sure to dress professionally and present yourself in a positive light. Be prepared to answer questions about your experience and why you want to become an NFL waterboy.

If you’re offered the job, congratulations! You’ve achieved your goal of becoming an NFL waterboy. Be sure to thanked the team’s equipment manager for giving you the opportunity and start enjoying your new role.

What does an NFL waterboy do?

An NFL waterboy is responsible for providing water for the players on the sidelines during games. They also help to keep the players cool and hydrated by bringing them towels and Gatorade. NFL waterboys are usually college students who are interested in a career in sports medicine or coaching.

How to become an NFL waterboy

To become an NFL waterboy, you must firstly be proficient in the role of a waterboy at the high school or college level. Secondly, have a good relationship with the head coach,General Manager(GM)
or Director of Player Personnel of an NFL team. Finally, apply for the position when it is vacant.


In order to become an NFL waterboy, you must first complete a mandatory training program that is designed to teach you the basics of the job. Once you have completed the training program, you will then be able to take an exam that will allow you to become certified as an NFL waterboy.

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