How Do You Become an NHL Scout?

Ever wonder how NHL scouts find and evaluate talent? This blog will take you through the process of how NHL scouts become successful at their jobs.


Becoming an NHL scout is not an easy task. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to the game of hockey. There are many different routes that you can take to become an NHL scout, but there is no one guaranteed path to success. The most important thing is to have a passion for the game of hockey and be able to evaluate talent at all levels.

To become an NHL scout, you will need to start by working your way up through the ranks of lower-level hockey leagues. You can start by scouting for a local junior team or working as an assistant coach at a lower-level professional team. Once you have gained some experience, you can then start applying for scouting jobs with NHL teams.

It is also important to get your name out there and be known by the right people. Attend hockey events and meet as many people as you can. Get involved in the hockey community and make connections with other scouts and personnel within NHL organizations.

becoming an NHL scout is not easy, but it is possible if you are willing to put in the hard work

What Do NHL Scouts Look for in Players?

There are many different ways to become an NHL scout. You can start by working your way up through the ranks of a lower-level league, or you can go to college and get a degree in sports management. You can also become an NHL scout by working as an assistant coach or a video analyst. However, the most important thing for becoming an NHL scout is to have a keen eye for spotting talent.


NHL scouts look for a lot of different things when they’re scouting players, but one of the most important attributes they focus on is skating. Skating is such an important part of the game of hockey that it’s often said that if you can’t skate, you can’t play.

There are a few different aspects of skating that NHL scouts look at when they’re evaluating players. They’ll look at a player’s speed, agility, and power, as well as their ability to change directions quickly. They’ll also pay attention to a player’s balance and edge work – how well they keep their balance while skating and how well they can control the edges of their skates.

In addition to all of those physical aspects, NHL scouts will also assess a player’s technical skating ability. This includes things like a player’s stance, their stride, and how well they push off from each stride. All of these factors combined paint a picture for scouts of how well a player will be able to skate at the NHL level.

Skating is such an important part of the game of hockey that NHL scouts put a lot of emphasis on it when they’re evaluating players. If you want to play in the NHL one day, you need to make sure that your skating is up to par.

Puck Skills

One of the first things that an NHL scout looks for in a player is their puck skills. This includes their ability to control the puck, make passes, and take shots. Players who can do all of these things well are highly sought after by scouts.

In order to become an NHL scout, you need to have a good understanding of the game of hockey. You should also have experience playing the game at a high level.

Hockey Sense

When asked what the most important attribute is that they look for when scouting a player, most NHL scouts say “hockey sense.” It’s the ability to make good decisions with the puck on your stick, and it’s something that can’t be taught. You either have it or you don’t.

Players with good hockey sense seem to always know where to be on the ice. They’re always in the right place at the right time. They seem to have a sixth sense for where the puck is going to be, and they always seem to be one step ahead of the play.

If you have good hockey sense, you’re able to think the game at a higher level than your opponents. You can see plays develop before they happen, and you have the vision and creativity to make plays that other players can’t even see.

Players with high hockey IQs are often described as “coachable.” They’re able to take instruction from their coaches and apply it on the ice. They understand concepts and systems, and they don’t need things to be explained to them multiple times before they catch on.

If you want to play in the NHL, you need to have good hockey sense. It’s the most important attribute that scouts look for, and it’s something that can only be developed through years of practice and experience.


One of the first things that NHL scouts look for in players is their physicality. This includes a player’s height, weight, and skating ability.

Players who are taller and heavier have an advantage over their smaller counterparts because they are more difficult to knock off the puck. They also have a longer reach, which gives them an advantage in puck battles and when checking opponents.

Skating is also a very important aspect of a player’s physicality. Players who can skate quickly and smoothly recover from changes in direction more easily than those who cannot. This helps them beat opponents to loose pucks and get away from forecheckers.

What Are the Steps to Becoming an NHL Scout?

Like most professional positions in the NHL, the road to becoming an NHL scout is a long and difficult one. However, if you have a passion for the game of hockey and want to work in the NHL, becoming a scout may be the position for you. There are a few steps you need to take in order to become an NHL scout.

Getting Educated

You don’t necessarily need a degree to become an NHL scout, but most scouts have at least a bachelor’s degree, usually in sports management or a related field. A degree will give you the chance to learn about the business of hockey and sports in general, which can be helpful in climbing the ranks to become an NHL scout.

If you’re serious about becoming an NHL scout, you should consider getting a degree from a well-known school like the University of Alabama or the University of Minnesota. These schools have programs specifically designed for students interested in becoming sports executives. Alternatively, you could also get a degree in business or economics, which would give you a great foundation for understanding the business side of hockey.

In addition to a degree, it’s also important to have played hockey at a high level yourself. Most NHL scouts have played professionally or semi-professionally before moving into scouting. This experience gives them first-hand knowledge of what it takes to compete at a high level, and they can use this knowledge to evaluate players more effectively.

If you didn’t play hockey growing up, don’t worry – you can still become an NHL scout. But it will be more difficult to break into the industry without any personal playing experience.

Gaining Experience

Becoming an NHL scout is not an easy task and it often takes many years of experience in the lower ranks before being promoted to the position of pro scout. There are, however, a few key things that you can do to improve your chances of becoming an NHL scout.

First and foremost, you need to gain as much experience as possible working with players and evaluating their skills. This can be done at any level, from working with young children in a community hockey program to serving as a coach at the junior or university level. The more experience you have working with players, the better your chances of becoming an NHL scout will be.

In addition to gaining experience, you also need to make sure that you are keeping up with the latest trends in player development and scouting. Attend seminars and workshops when possible, and read as much as you can about the scouting process. It is also important to network with other scouts and front office personnel from different teams. By doing all of these things, you will improve your chances of becoming an NHL scout significantly.

Applying for Jobs

There is no one set path to becoming an NHL Scout. However, most scouts start out working in lower levels of hockey, such as in junior hockey leagues. They may also work as coaches or in other roles within the sport. As they gain experience and establish themselves within the hockey world, they may then be hired by NHL teams to work as scouts.

Applicants for scouting jobs with NHL teams will typically need to have several years of experience working in hockey. They should also have a strong knowledge of the game and of the players within the leagues they will be scouting.


The job of an NHL Scout is to find and evaluate players that have the potential to play professional hockey at the NHL level. There are many different routes that one can take in order to become an NHL Scout. Some people start out as players and then move into coaching before becoming scouts, while others start out working in various other roles within the hockey industry before moving into scouting. There is no one specific path that one must take in order to become an NHL Scout, but there are certain skills and qualities that are necessary for success in this role.

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