How Do You Clean Vans Tennis Shoes?

Vans tennis shoes are a versatile type of footwear that can be worn for both casual and athletic occasions. However, they can become dirty and stained easily. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to clean your Vans tennis shoes so that they look new again.


You will need the following supplies: a toothbrush, white vinegar, baking soda, laundry detergent, and a clean cloth. If you have any stubborn stains, you may need a stain remover.

Gather the materials you will need to clean your shoes

You will need:
-A bowl or bucket
-Warm water
-Mild dish soap
-A soft bristled brush, toothbrush, or old rag
-A clean towel

-Baking soda

Cleaning the Outside

To start, brush off any dirt or debris with a soft bristled brush. If your shoes are especially dirty, you can pre-treat them with a mild laundry detergent before moving on to the next step.

Use a brush or cloth to remove any dirt or debris from the surface of your shoes

To clean the surface of your shoes, you can use a brush or cloth to remove any dirt or debris. For tougher stains, you can use a cleaner made specifically for tennis shoes. Be sure to read the labels on cleaners to make sure they are compatible with the materials in your shoes.

Apply a cleaner or soap to the shoes and scrub them with a brush or cloth

Remove any loose dirt or debris from the shoes with a soft brush. You can use an old toothbrush, a makeup brush, or a soft-bristled shoe brush. If there are any stubborn spots, you can scrape them off with a blunt knife.

Apply a small amount of cleaner or soap to the shoes and scrub them with a brush or cloth. Be sure to use a cleaner that is safe for use on canvas and leather. You can also use saddle soap on leather shoes.

Rinse the shoes with clean water. Use a garden hose, shower head, or sink faucet to remove all of the cleaner or soap from the shoes. Dry the shoes thoroughly with a clean towel or cloth before wearing them again.

Rinse the shoes with clean water

Vans tennis shoes can be cleaned with a few simple household items. First, rinse the shoes with clean water to remove any loose dirt or debris. Next, mix a solution of soap and water and scrub the shoes with a soft brush. Rinse the soap and water off of the shoes and allow them to air dry.

Cleaning the Inside

Start by taking out the removable insole and laces. If your shoes have never been cleaned before, you might want to soak them in a bucket of warm water with a little bit of dish soap. Otherwise, you can just scrub them with a brush. Next, use a vacuum to clean out the inside of the shoe.

Remove the insole from the shoe

Start by removing the insole from the shoe. This will give you easier access to the inside of the shoe and allow you to clean it more thoroughly. You can usually just lift it out, but if it’s glued in place, you may need to use a sharp object like a screwdriver to pry it loose. Once the insole is out, set it aside and move on to the next step.

Brush or vacuum the inside of the shoe to remove any dirt or debris

Using a soft bristled brush or a vacuum cleaner with the attachment hose, gently remove any dirt or debris from the inside of the shoe. Be careful not to damage the material lining the inside of the shoe.

Apply a cleaner or soap to the inside of the shoe and scrub with a brush or cloth

If your shoes are just a little dirty on the inside, you can clean them with a mild cleaner or soap and a brush or cloth. First, remove the insole (if possible) and set it aside. Next, apply the cleaner or soap to the inside of the shoe and scrub with a brush or cloth. Rinse the inside of the shoe with clean water and allow it to air dry. Once it’s dry, replace the insole (if possible).

Rinse the inside of the shoe with clean water

Once you have removed the laces, insole, and any other removable parts, it is time to rinse the inside of the shoe with clean water. This will help remove any loose dirt or debris that could clog up your brush later on. You can do this by holding the shoe under a running faucet or by using a spray bottle filled with clean water.

Drying the Shoes

One of the best ways to clean your vans tennis shoes is to let them air dry. This will help to prevent any further damage to the shoes and will also help to remove any mildew or mold that may have started to grow on them. Another way to clean your vans tennis shoes is to use a soft cloth or brush to lightly scrub them.

Remove any excess water from the shoes with a brush or cloth

Place the shoes in a cool, ventilated area out of direct sunlight. A fan can also be used to help speed up the drying process. Use a brush or cloth to remove as much water as possible from the shoes. Be sure to focus on the soles, laces, and tongue of the shoes.

Place the shoes in a well-ventilated area to air dry

Place the shoes in a well-ventilated area to air dry. The sun will also help to speed up the drying process. If possible, place the shoes on a wire rack or a similar object that will allow air to circulate around the shoes.

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