How Do You Enter The NBA Draft?

The NBA draft is one of the most important events for basketball players looking to make it to the big leagues. But how do you actually enter the draft? Here’s everything you need to know.

How Do You Enter The NBA Draft?


You must be at least 19 years old during the calendar year of the draft to be eligible to enter the NBA draft. Also, you must have finished your college eligibility, or if you didn’t go to college, you must have been out of high school for at least one year. international players are also eligible if they turn 22 during the calendar year of the draft.

What is the NBA Draft?

The NBA Draft is an annual event in which the National Basketball Association (NBA) teams select new players for their rosters. The draft order is determined by the previous season’s standings, with the team that had the worst record receiving the first pick. The process is similar for all four major North American professional sports leagues (MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL).

What is the NBA Draft Lottery?

The NBA Draft Lottery is an annual event in which the teams that did not make the playoffs in the previous season participate in a lottery to determine the draft order for the upcoming NBA draft. The lottery was introduced in 1985, and its purpose is to give the teams with the worst records in the league a better chance of getting one of the top picks in the draft, while also ensuring that those teams are not guaranteed of getting one of those picks.

The lottery consists of 14 balls, each with a different number from 1 to 14. There are 1,001 possible combinations that can be drawn, and each team is assigned a certain number of combinations based on their record from the previous season. The team with the worst record has 250 combinations, while the team with the best record has five.

The balls are placed in a drum and mixed up, and then four balls are drawn out of the drum to determine which team will get the first pick. The process is then repeated for the second pick, and so on until all 14 picks have been determined. In most years, only the first three picks are determined by the lottery; after that, it reverts to regular draft order based on inverse standings from the previous season.

The biggest change to the lottery system came in 2019, when it was expanded from 14 teams to 20 teams. This was done in order to reduce tanking, as well as create more parity throughout the league. Under this new system, each team still has a certain number of combinations based on their record from prior years, but those odds are lower than they were previously. The expansion also means that there is now a greater chance that multiple teams will move up or down indraft order

What is the NBA Draft Combine?

The NBA Draft Combine is a multi-day invite-only event for college basketball players who are eligible for the NBA draft. The players participate in a variety of physical and mental tests, as well as team interviews and on-court drills. The results of the combine are used by NBA teams to evaluate prospects and make decisions about who to draft.

The event was first held in 1985, and has been held every year since. It is typically held in early May, about a month before the NBA Draft.

Players who are invited to the combine must be at least 19 years old and one year out of high school. They must also have declared their intent to enter the draft by submitting a letter to the NBA office.

The combine usually lasts for four days, and each day consists of a different set of activities.

Day 1: Players arrive and undergo measurements (height, weight, wingspan, etc.), as well as medical testing. They also participate in interviews with teams.

Day 2: Players participate in agility tests (lane agility drill, shuttle run), strength tests (bench press), and shooting tests (spot-up shooting).

Day 3: Players participate in more agility tests (three-quarter court sprint, vertical jump), skill tests (passing, dribbling), and shooting tests (contested jump shots). They also take the Wonderlic test, an intelligence exam commonly used by businesses to assess job candidates.

Day 4: Players take part in 5-on-5 scrimmages and more shooting drills. They also have the opportunity to meet with more teams for interviews.

After the combine is over, players who did not get drafted can sign with an NBA team as undrafted free agents.

What are NBA Draft Early Entry Eligibility Requirements?

To be eligible for the NBA draft, you must be 19 years old during the calendar year of the draft and at least one year removed from high school in the United States. If you’re not playing college basketball, you can enter the NBA draft as long as you turn 19 by December 31st of that year.

International players who turn 19 before December 31st of that year are also eligible, provided they are at least one year removed from their final basketball season in their home country.

An athlete’s age is determined by how old they will be on December 31st of the year they are drafted. For example, if an athlete turns 19 on January 1st and is drafted in June, they would still technically be considered an 18-year-old rookie.

How to Enter the NBA Draft?

The NBA draft is an annual event in which the teams in the National Basketball Association (NBA) can select new players to join their franchise. If you’re an aspiring NBA player, then you’ll need to know how to enter the NBA draft. The process is actually pretty simple and we’ll outline it for you in this article. Keep reading to learn more.

Submit an Application to the NBA

After completing high school, players who wish to enter the NBA must submit an application to the league. The NBA typically releases its draft application in early April, and players have until 60 days before the draft to submit their paperwork.

In order to be eligible for the NBA draft, players must be at least 19 years old during the calendar year of the draft, and they must also be at least one year removed from high school. Players who meet these criteria but did not play basketball in college are known as “early entrants.”

The NBA draft consists of two rounds, and each team is allowed to select two players in each round. A total of 60 players are drafted every year.

Apply for the NBA Draft Combine

To be eligible for the NBA draft, you must:
– Be 19 years old during the calendar year of the draft. If you’re not 19, you must also be at least one year removed from your high school graduation.
– An American player who is not yet eligible for the NBA draft but has signed a Letter of Intent to play college basketball may enter the draft and have his name removed from consideration if he requests in writing to the NBA Director of Communications no later than 60 days before the draft.
– A international player who is not yet eligible for the NBA draft but is at least 22 years old during the calendar year of the draft may automatically enter the draft.

Withdraw from the NBA Draft

In order to withdraw your name from the NBA Draft, you must notify the NBA office in writing no later than 60 days prior to the draft.


In order to be eligible for the NBA draft, you must:
-Be at least 19 years old
-Have finished your four-year college eligibility
-OR if you did not go to college, you must have been out of high school for at least four years

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