How Do You Know What Size Tennis Racket To Buy?

Many people don’t know how to choose the right size tennis racket. Here are some tips to help you make the best decision.

How Do You Know What Size Tennis Racket To Buy?


Choosing the right size tennis racket is an important part of playing the game. The wrong size racket can lead to poor performance and even injuries. However, choosing the right size racket can be difficult, especially if you’re not sure what size you need.

There are a few factors to consider when choosing a tennis racket, such as your height, arm length, and playing style. You’ll also want to think about the type of strings you want and the weight of the racket. Once you have all of this information, you’ll be able to narrow down your choices and find the perfect racket for your game.

The Three Main Types of Tennis Rackets

Before you buy a tennis racket, you need to decide which type of racket is right for your playing style. There are three main types of tennis rackets: power, control, and beginner. Power rackets are for players who hit the ball hard and want a racket that will help them generate more power. Control rackets are for players who want more control over their shots. Beginner rackets are for, well, beginners.

Power Rackets

These rackets are typically mid-weight (9-11 ounces) with an oversized head (100-105 square inches), and they’re ideal for beginners or players with a slower swing. The large sweet spot on these rackets will help you hit the ball in the center more often, which is great for increasing your power and accuracy. Players who use power rackets tend to hit the ball flat, so they can generate a lot of pace on their shots. These rackets are also typically more forgiving on off-center hits.

Control Rackets

Control rackets are designed for players who want increased precision and are willing to sacrifice some power. These rackets have smaller sweet spots and are generally lighter weight, making them easier to control. If you have a strong wrist and you like to place your shots, a control racket is likely the best choice for you.

Beginner Rackets

Head size is one of the main things that will differ between beginner, intermediate and advanced rackets. The smaller the head, the less power and spin you’ll get, but the more accuracy you can achieve. A racket with a head size between 85-94 square inches is considered a beginner racket. For adults, we recommend a racket with an 85-88 square inch head. For juniors, we recommend a racket with a head size between 89-94 square inches.

How to Choose the Right Size Tennis Racket

Choosing the right size tennis racket is important because if the racket is too big, it will be difficult to control. If the racket is too small, it will not generate enough power. There are a few things you need to take into consideration when choosing the right size racket. Let’s get started.

grip size

Grip size is the most important factor in choosing a tennis racket. It is the measurement in inches of the circumference of the racket handle and is usually indicated by a number (4 1/2, 5, etc.). A racket’s grip size determines how big your hand will be able to comfortably grip the handle. A grip that is too small will cause your hand to overlap too much, making it difficult to generate power. A grip that is too large will feel unwieldy and make it difficult to control your shots. To find out what grip size you need, take a ruler and measure (in inches) the distance from the middle of your palm to the tip of your ring finger. If this measurement is 4 1/2 inches or less, you will need a grip size 4 tennis racket or smaller. If it is 4 3/4 inches, you will need a grip size 5 tennis racket. Anything over 5 inches will require a grip size 5 1/2 or larger. Once you have selected a few rackets that have the right grip size for you, it’s time to take them out for a spin!

racket length

Choosing the right size tennis racket is important for optimal performance on the court. racket length The standard size for recreational and beginner players is 26 to 27 inches long, which is also the size used by most children.

If you are a beginner, it is recommended that you choose a racket that is a few inches shorter than the racket length you would use as an adult. This will help to increase control while you are still learning proper stroke technique. For adults, racket lengths can range from 27 inches (68.58cm) to 29 inches (73.66cm), with professional players often using the longer rackets.

If you are unsure of what size racket to buy, most sporting goods stores will have someone on staff who can help you select the right size based on your height and playing level. You can also consult a tennis pro for guidance on choosing the right size racket for your game.

string pattern

When trying to choose the right size tennis racket, one of the main factors that you will need to consider is the string pattern. The string pattern is the number of main strings (usually 18 or 16) and the number of cross strings (also known as the cross-section). The higher the number, the more dense the string pattern will be, which can provide more power and control. For example, a racket with a 16 x 18 string pattern will have 16 main strings and 18 cross strings.


The size of the tennis racket you need depends on your individual playing style and physiology. The important thing is to experiment with different sizes and weight zones until you find a racket that feels comfortable and helps you perform your best. Don’t forget to factor in the type of string you prefer, as this can also influence how a racket plays. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what works best for your game.

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