How Do You Measure Tennis Grip Size?

It is important to have the proper grip size when playing tennis. If the grip is too small, the player will not be able to generate enough power. If the grip is too large, the player will not have enough control.

How Do You Measure Tennis Grip Size?


There are a few different ways that you can measure your grip size for a tennis racket. The most common way is to use a grip sizing chart. There are also a few other methods that you can use, such as measuring your hand or using a ruler.

The grip size of a tennis racket is measured in inches or centimeters. The most common way to measure grip size is with a grip sizing chart. These charts usually have different grip sizes listed from small to large. To find your grip size, you will need to measure the length and width of your hand.

Once you have your measurements, you can then match them up to the corresponding grip size on the chart. If your measurement falls between two sizes, it is usually best to go with the larger size. This will give you more room to adjust your grip if needed and will also help to prevent blisters.

In addition to using a grip sizing chart, you can also measure your hand with a ruler. To do this, simply wrap the tape measure around your hand at the widest point and make a note of the measurement. Once again, if your measurement falls between two sizes, it is best to go with the larger size.

When choosing a tennis racket, it is important to make sure that you have the correct grip size. If you are not sure what size you need, it is always best to try out a few different ones before making your final decision. Many sporting goods stores have demo rackets that you can use to get a feel for what size works best for you.

The Different Types of Tennis Grips

A tennis grip is the way in which a player holds the racquet handle. It is a personal preference and is based on many factors such as size and strength of the hand, the type of strokes you play, and your overall playing style. There are three main types of tennis grips: the Continental Grip, the Eastern Grip, and the Western Grip.

The Continental Grip

The Continental grip is the most popular grip for serving and volleying, as well as for hitting all sorts of groundstrokes with topspin. The basis for the Continental grip is that the knuckle of your index finger should be on bevel number two. From there, you simply close your hand around the racket. This grip gives you a lot of versatility and power on all of your strokes.

The Eastern Grip

The Eastern grip is the second most popular way to grip a tennis racket and is used by many professional players. It’s sometimes called the “semi-Western” grip because it offers a happy medium between the Western and Eastern grips.

With an Eastern grip, you hold the racket in your hand with your palm facing down. You then place your hand on the far side of the racket handle so that your thumb and first two fingers are able to wrap around it easily. Your last two fingers should be resting lightly on the back of the handle.

The main benefits of using an Eastern grip are that it gives you more power and helps you hit topspin more easily. However, it can be difficult to hit accurately with this grip, and it puts more strain on your elbow and shoulder.

The Western Grip

The Western grip is the most popular among professional tennis players. It’s also known as the Semi-Western grip. With this grip, you hold the racket in a way that your palm covers the bevel on the back of the racket. The Western grip gives you more power than any other grip while still providing good control over your shots.

How to Measure Tennis Grip Size

Tennis grip size is the measurement of the diameter of the racquet handle. It is important to have the correct grip size because it affects how well you can control the racquet. A grip that is too small will cause you to grip the racquet too tightly, and a grip that is too large will cause you to grip the racquet too loosely. The best way to measure your tennis grip size is to use a grip size chart.

Method One: The Overgrip Method

If you have a new tennis racket, the overgrip is probably already installed. If not, you can buy an overgrip at most sporting goods stores. They’re inexpensive, and they’re easy to put on yourself. Once you have an overgrip, follow these steps to measure your grip size:

1.Take the racket in your hand and hold it so that the handle is running across your palm from the base of your fingers to the bottom of your palm.

2.Wrap your fingers around the handle so that your thumb is touching your index finger, and then open and close your hand a few times to make sure that the overgrip isn’t too tight or too loose.

3.With the racket still in your hand, use a ruler or a tape measure to measure from the top of the bevel (where the strings start) to the bottom of your palm.

4.The number that you get is your grip size. If it’s between two numbers on the chart below, round up to the next highest number.

Tennis Grip Size Chart
Extra-Small Grip: 4″ or less
Small Grip: 4″ – 4 1/8″
Medium Grip: 4 1/8″ – 4 1/4″
Large Grip: 4 1/4″ – 4 3/8″
Extra-Large Grip: 4 3/8″ or more

Method Two: The Finger Method

To use the finger method, you’ll need a soft measuring tape. You can find one at most hardware or home stores.

Wrap the measuring tape around your hand just below your knuckles, and make a note of the measurement. Then, add 1/8 inch to that measurement to get your grip size.

For example, if your hand measured 2 inches around, your grip size would be 2 1/8 inches.

Method Three: The Thumb Method

To use the thumb method, hold the racket in your hand with the face up so you can see the strings. Place your thumb on the bevel right below where the strings begin. Make sure that your racket hand is relaxed and that your thumb is placed comfortably on the bevel—you shouldn’t have to force it into place.

Once you have your thumb in position, use a ruler or a tape measure to measure from the very bottom of your thumb to the top pad of your index finger. This distance is generally between 4 and 5 inches (10.2 and 12.7 cm), but again, it will vary depending on the size of your hand.


It is important to have the proper grip size on your tennis racket so you can have the most control over your shots. The best way to find the grip size that is right for you is to go to a local tennis shop and have them measure your hand. You can also try different grip sizes on demo rackets to see what feels comfortable in your hand.

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