How Do You Play Tennis For Beginners?

If you’re wondering how do you play tennis for beginners, look no further. This guide will teach you everything you need to know to get started.

How Do You Play Tennis For Beginners?


Tennis is a great way to get active and have fun, but it can be daunting if you’ve never picked up a racket before. This guide will teach you the basic strokes, rules, and etiquette so you can hit the courts with confidence. With a little practice, you’ll be serving aces in no time!

The Basics

Playing tennis can be a great way to stay active and have fun. If you are just starting out, it is important to learn the basics of the game. In this article, we will cover the basics of how to play tennis. We will talk about the equipment you need, the court, and the rules of the game.

The Court

Tennis is played on a rectangular, flat surface. The court is 78 feet (23.77 meters) long, and 36 feet (10.97 meters) wide for singles matches and 84 feet (25.6 meters) long and 42 feet (12.8 meters) wide for doubles matches.[1] The service line is 21 feet (6.4 meters) from the net, and the baseline is 36 feet (10.97 meters) from the net. There are two consequences resulting from this difference in baseline distance: first, the serve changes significantly; second, playing on a diverse surface affects the ball bounce.[5]

The important dimensions are those of the court: length and width. The dimensions of a tennis court have not changed since tennis originated as an outdoor game in late medieval England.[6] The reason for this long-standing standard is twofold: first, it helps to ensure that wherever games are played indoors or outdoors, there will be ample space for all; second, it assists officials with making sure that ball-bounces will be predictable and consistent across all games played in all conditions around the globe.[7]

The Equipment

In order to play tennis, you will need a few basic pieces of equipment. First, you will need a racket. There is no special beginner’s racket- any tennis racket will do. Second, you will need balls. You can purchase a can of three or four tennis balls, or purchase a bag of them. Third, you will likely want to wear comfortable shoes and clothing that won’t restrict your movement. And that’s it! You are now ready to start playing tennis.

The strokes

All games begin with a serve. The server stands behind the baseline on either the left or right side of the center line. The server then hits the ball diagonally across the net into the service box of the receiver who is standing in the service box on the opposite side of the net.

The forehand

One of golf’s most important strokes, the forehand is a shot hit by swinging the club in an arc from outside your body, across your body, and making contact with the ball in front of your left leg. It is a stroke that is hit with a lot of topspin, which makes the ball bounce high and spin quickly once it hits the ground.

The forehand is often thought of as the easiest stroke to learn, and it is certainly one of the most important strokes in tennis. Every player, from beginner to professional, must have a good forehand if they hope to be successful on the tennis court.

There are two main types of forehands in tennis: the one-handed forehand and the two-handed forehand. The one-handed forehand is much more powerful than the two-handed forehand, but it can be harder to control. The two-handed forehand is not as powerful as the one-handed forehand, but it gives you more control over your shots.

If you are a beginner, you should start with the two-handed forehand. As you become more comfortable with this stroke, you can start adding power by using your dominant hand to grip the racket closer to the head (known as an eastern grip) or by using your non-dominant hand to help drive through the ball (known as a continental grip).

The backhand

A backhand is a stroke in tennis played by holding the racket in the left hand and hitting the ball with the back of the racket on the left side of the body. The backhand is considered one of the most difficult strokes to master. Beginners should start by practicing with a slow backhand, using both hands on the racket. Once you have mastered this stroke, you can gradually increase your speed.

One-handed backhands are more common among professional players, as they allow for more power and speed. Two-handed backhands are generally used by beginners and recreational players.

There are two main types of backhand strokes: the slice and the topspin. The slice is hit with an underhanded motion and produces a low, spinning ball, while the topspin is hit with an overhanded motion and produces a high bouncing ball.

The serve

In tennis, a player stands in a rectangular court and hits a small, leather-covered ball with a round metal racket. The object of the game is to hit the ball over the net into your opponent’s court, and to make it difficult for your opponent to do the same. Players can hit the ball in any direction, but they must make sure that it bounces only once before it goes over the net.

The game begins with a player serving the ball. The server stands behind a line at one end of the court and hits the ball with an underhand motion so that it goes over the net and bounces in the other player’s service box. The server then tries to hit the ball into the other player’s court in such a way that the other player cannot reach it or return it over the net. If successful, this earns the server a point. If not, then either the other player gets a point or there is a “let,” which means that no one gets a point and play stops for a moment while the balls are rearranged.

A game is usually played to four points (sometimes six), with players changing ends after each game. A “set” is usually played to six games (sometimes eight), and “match” is best of three sets.

The game

Tennis is a sport that can be played by anyone. You don’t need to be super fit or super strong to play. All you need is a racket, a ball, and a partner. In this section, we’ll cover the basics of how to play tennis. We’ll go over the equipment you’ll need, the rules of the game, and how to keep score.


In tennis, a player scores a point when the player wins the rally. The player who wins the rally is the one who served the ball last. When the score is tied at 40, this is called deuce. If the serving player wins the next point, they score a point and win the game. If the receiving player wins the next point, they score a point and win the game.


The first player to win four points in a game is the winner. If the score is tied at three points each, the players play a special point, called a “tiebreaker.” The tiebreaker is usually played to seven points, and whoever wins that mini-game is the winner of the set. To win a match, you have to win a best-of-three sets (or best-of-five sets for men’s matches).


Tennis is a great way to get some exercise while spending time with friends or family. The game can be played by people of all ages and abilities, making it a great activity for beginners and experienced players alike. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been playing for years, brushing up on the basics of tennis is a good way to make sure you’re getting the most out of your game.

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