How Do You Say Baseball In Chinese?

What’s the best way to learn a new language? By playing the game, of course! Here’s a quick guide on how to say baseball in Chinese.


Whether you’re a fan of the sport or not, there’s no denying that baseball is huge in America. It’s so big, in fact, that it’s often referred to as America’s “national pastime.” So what about other countries? Is baseball popular around the world?

The answer is yes and no. While baseball is indeed popular in some countries, it’s not nearly as popular as it is in the United States. In fact, there are quite a few countries where baseball isn’t played at all. China is one of those countries.

So how do you say baseball in Chinese? The answer is actually quite simple: you don‌ ‌don’t. That’s because there is no word for baseball in the Chinese language.

The Different Names for Baseball in Mandarin

There are a few different ways to say baseball in Mandarin, depending on where you are from and what words you are using. The most common way to say baseball in Mandarin is yǎ bǎ, which is the direct translation for “baseball”. Another way to say baseball in Mandarin is bàng qiú, which means “disk-throwing game”. Qiú means ball or disk, and bàng means to throw, so this word is specifically referencing the act of throwing the ball.

If you want to talk about baseball as a sport, you can use the word yǎ qiú, which means “baseball sport” or “baseball game”. This word is used more often when talking about baseball as an activity or profession, rather than as a specific object. You can also use the word cháng jīng qiú to talk about baseball, which means “long jing ball game”. Jīng means net or web, so this word is referencing the fact that there is a net used in baseball.

Finally, if you want to talk about someone who plays baseball professionally, you can use the word yǎ qiú yuán. This word specifically means “baseball player” and is used to describe someone who plays the sport regularly.

The Different Names for Baseball in Cantonese

Baseball is a sport that is popular all over the world, and Chinese is no exception. In fact, there are a few different ways to say baseball in Chinese, depending on which dialect you use.

For example, in Mandarin, the word for baseball is 棒球 (bàngqiú), while in Cantonese, it is 野碼 (yeh maa). In Taiwanese Mandarin, it is 棒球 (bǎngqiú), while in Hong Kong Cantonese, it is 野碼 (yeh maa).

So, whether you’re a fan of the sport or just curious about how to say baseball in Chinese, now you know!

The Different Names for Baseball in Taiwanese

There are a few different ways to say baseball in Taiwanese. The most common way is 購手, which translates directly to “baseball.” You can also say ä½�åˆ†ç – , which means “team sport,” or æ ‡é›†è³¼, which means “national sport.”


We hope this article has helped you understand how to say baseball in Chinese. While there may be some regional variation in the pronunciation, the word 野球 (yěqiú) will be understood by most Chinese speakers. So whether you’re talking to someone from Beijing or Taipei, you can rest assured that they’ll know what you’re talking about when you use this word.

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