How Do You Say “We Play Tennis” In Spanish?

How do you say “We Play Tennis” in Spanish? Here’s a quick and easy guide to help you remember.

How Do You Say "We Play Tennis" In Spanish?


In Spanish, the verb “jugar” (pronounced “hoo-gahr”) means “to play.” So, to say “we play tennis” in Spanish, you would use the phrase “jugamos al tenis.”

The Basics of the Game

Tennis is a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. It is a great way to get some exercise and have fun at the same time. The game of tennis is played with two players or four players. The players use rackets to hit a ball back and forth over a net. The object of the game is to hit the ball over the net and into the other player’s court. The player who hits the ball into the other player’s court and the other player is unable to hit it back, scores a point. The first player to score four points wins the game.

The Court

In tennis, a court is the playing surface on which the sport of tennis is played. The standard tennis court for singles matches measures 27 feet (8.23 m) wide, 78 feet (23.77 m) long, and is divided in half by a net 3 feet 6 inches (1.07 m) high at the center. Tennis courts have a GeoGrid EPDM surface to keep them from cracking and becoming slippery due to weather conditions or wear and tear.

The other major type of playing surface for tennis is clay. Clay courts are made of crushed shale, stone or brick. They are slower than hard courts, but many players prefer them because they feel gentler on the body and produce a high bounce that gives players more time to react to their opponent’s shots.

The Equipment

In order to play tennis, you need a few key pieces of equipment. Most importantly, you need a racket. Tennis rackets come in all shapes and sizes, but they are all designed to hit the ball. You also need a can of tennis balls. Tennis balls are designed to bounce well on hard surfaces, making them ideal for playing on tennis courts. Finally, you will need comfortable shoes and clothes that you can move around in easily.

The Rules of the Game

In Spanish, the game of tennis is referred to as “tenis.” To say “we play tennis,” you would say “jugamos al tenis.” When playing tennis, there are a few important rules to keep in mind. First, each player must use only one strung racquet at a time. Second, the players must alternate hitting the ball back and forth over the net. If the ball hits the ground on your opponent’s side, you earn a point. The game is played to four points.


In tennis, a player scores points by striking the ball with their racket into the opponent’s court. The opponent then has the opportunity to hit the ball back and return it to their own court. If the player hits the ball back and it does not bounce in their own court, or if they hit the ball out of bounds, then their opponent scores a point. The first player to score four points in a game wins that game. A tennis match is usually played as best out of three games, but can also be played as best out of five games.

A player can score a point two different ways in tennis:
-By winning a rally: This means that the player hits the ball back to their opponent and their opponent is unable to return it before it bounces in their own court (or before it goes out of bounds).
-By forcing an error: This means that the player hits the ball back to their opponent and their opponent makes a mistake when hitting it back (for example, they miss the ball completely or hit it into the net).

In order for a player to win a game, they must score four points. However, if both players have scored three points each, then the score is known as ‘deuce’ and both players have an equal chance of winning the game. In this case, one more point must be scored by one of the players in order for them to win the game. If necessary, this process continues until one player has scored two more points than their opponent and has won the game.


In tennis, a player serves the ball from behind the baseline into the diagonally opposite service box. The server stands in one of the corners of the baseline and must keep one foot on or behind it during his service motion. If he fails to do so, it is called a foot fault and his opponent automatically wins the point. If a player hits a second serve in one game, it is said that he double-faults. A double fault limits his options on that point and usually gives his opponent an easy ball to put away.

In tennis, there are various ways to hold the racket when serving. The most common grip for men is the Continental Grip, in which the base knuckle of the index finger rests on bevel #2 of the racket. For women,the most common grip is the Eastern Grip, in which the base knuckle of the index finger rests on bevel #1 of racket.


A “fault” is a mistake you make in tennis; for example, if the ball hits the net when you serve, that’s a fault. In Spanish, there are two different words you can use to talk about faults, depending on whether you hit the ball into the net during your serve, or if you hit it into the net at any other time during the game.

If you hit the ball into the net during your serve, that’s called a “saque fallado.” If you hit it into the net at any other time during the game (for example, when you’re returning your opponent’s serve), that’s called a “error.”

Here are some other important words and phrases related to faults:

-To double fault: When you hit the ball into the net on two consecutive serves. This can happen if you serving too hard and missing your target, or if you get nervous and hurry your second serve. In Spanish, this is called a “saque doble fallido.”

-Foot fault: When you hit the ball before it crosses the baseline on your serve. In Spanish, this is called a “saque por fallo de pie.”

-To call a let: When the ball hits the net on your serve but still lands inside the service box. This is considered a lucky shot and play will stop so that you can try again. In Spanish, this is called una pelota muerta (“a dead ball”).



Playing tennis singles is a great way to improve your game. Playing tennis singles also gives you the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.

When you play tennis singles, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you should always warm up before you start playing. Second, you should try to keep the rallies going as long as possible. Third, you should focus on your own game and not worry about what your opponent is doing.

Playing tennis singles is a great way to improve your game and to meet new people. So get out there and start playing!


In tennis, “doubles” refers to a match where each team has two players. In Spanish, this can be translated to “partido de dobles.”


We hope this article has helped you understand how to say “we play tennis” in Spanish. Remember, the most important thing is to practice your new language skills frequently. Practice makes perfect!

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