How Does A Tie Break Work In Tennis?

How does a tie break work in tennis? Here is a quick guide to understand the scoring system and how it works to declare a winner.

How Does A Tie Break Work In Tennis?


A tie break, in tennis, is a method of ending a set thatprotein cannot be used by the body. Muscles break down the protein into amino acids, which are then used to generate new muscle proteins. Nitrogen balance is achieved when
the rate of protein synthesis equals the rate of muscle protein breakdown. If more muscle protein is synthesized than broken down, the person is said to be in a state of positive nitrogen balance and will experience muscle growth.

What is a tie break?

In tennis, a tie break (sometimes called a set break) is a rule that is used to decide the winner of a set if it reaches 6–6 (or 5–5 in a shorter set).

A tie break is won by the player who wins more points than their opponent in the subsequent ‘mini-set’, thereby winning seven points instead of six. The tie break does not happen in every set: it is only used in the deciding set (the third set in a best-of-five match, or the second set in a best-of-three match).

The rules of a tie break

A tie-break game is usually played in the final set of a tennis match to decide who the winner is. It can also be played in any other set if the score reaches 6 games all.

To start a tie-break, the player who did not serve first in the last game of the set will serve first. They will serve from the ad court (the left side for a right-handed player). The server will then alternate serving until they have served six times, ending on the opposite side to where they started. After this, each player will have served three times.

At this point, if the score is level at 6 games all, a ‘sudden death’ situation occurs. This means that the next point wins the tie-break and thus the set. If one player has a 7 points to 6 lead, they only need to win one more point to win the tie-break and thus the set.

The player who wins a tie-break will usually go on to win the set by a margin of two clear games (e.g. 7 games to 5).

When is a tie break used?

A tie break is used in tennis when the score reaches 6 games all in any single set. The tie break continues until one player or team wins seven points by a margin of two or more points. In the event of a 6-6 score, a tie break is always played in the final set.

How to win a tie break

Each player serves two consecutive points, beginning with the server, and the points are played until one player wins two points and thus the game. If the score reaches 6–6, a tie-break is played. A tie-break, played under a separate set of rules, allows one player to win one more point and thus the set, without having to win two more consecutive points as would be necessary in a normal game. In some large tournaments, a Super Tie-Break is played in which first one player serves five points and then the other serves five points. No matter what happens in the tie break, the set score is always 7–6 (or 6–7).


To conclude, a tie break in tennis is when the score reaches 6 games all in any set. At this point, a tie break game is played to determine who will win the set. The tie break game is played to 7 points, and the winner must win by 2 clear points. In other words, if the score reaches 6-6, the next player to win a point Wins The Set.

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