How Does Cold Weather Affect Baseball?
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A discussion of how cold weather can impact baseball games, from player performance to field conditions.
Theoretical Explanation
Despite what you may have heard, baseballs don’t actually get harder in the cold. The increase in hardness is an optical illusion caused by the shrinkage of the rubber. The baseball appears smaller because the air pressure inside the ball is greater than the atmospheric pressure outside the ball. This difference in pressure causes the baseball to deform slightly, making it look like it’s harder.
Density of the air
One of the impacts that cold weather has on baseball is the density of the air. Colder air is more dense than warm air and this heavier air can have an impact on how a pitched ball moves. A pitch thrown in cold weather will not travel as far as a pitch thrown in warmer weather because the dense air will resistance to the ball. This is why you often see pitchers who throw “heat” or high velocity pitches struggle in cold weather. The same principles apply to hitting, as a denser atmosphere will make it harder for a batted ball to travel as far.
The Coriolis Effect
The Coriolis Effect is a force that acts on objects that are in motion within a system. The Earth is a system, and it rotates around its axis. This rotation creates the Coriolis Effect, which affects the trajectory of objects in motion on or above the Earth’s surface.
Baseballs are affected by the Coriolis Effect when they are hit by a pitcher. The pitcher throws the baseball in one direction, but the baseball will end up slightly to the side due to the Coriolis Effect. The amount that the baseball is affected by the Coriolis Effect depends on the speed of the baseball and the rotational speed of the Earth.
The Coriolis Effect is also responsible for the direction of large-scale winds on Earth. Winds blowing towards the equator are deflected to the right due to the Coriolis Effect, while winds blowing towards the poles are deflected to the left. This effect is most pronounced at high latitudes, near the poles.
In cold weather, there is less atmosphere for the wind to blow through, so there is less friction between the wind and the ground. This means that winds can blow more freely and with more power in cold weather than in warm weather. The increased wind speed can further deflect baseballs from their intended path.
Historical Data
According to, “Since 1973, there have been 5,814 postponements in the majors due to bad weather.” That averages out to around 38 games a season. In the past decade, that number has gone down to an average of around 15 games per season. So, what has caused this decrease? Let’s take a look.
Coldest games on record
The coldest games on record have all been played in the month of April. The most recent occurred on April 17, 2007, when the Chicago White Sox hosted the Cleveland Indians at U.S. Cellular Field. The game-time temperature was a frigid 33 degrees, and the wind chill made it feel like 23 degrees.
Games played in cold weather cities
As the baseball season approaches, fans of the game begin to hope for warm weather. But what happens when the temperature drops and snow begins to fall? Does cold weather have an effect on the game of baseball?
To answer this question, we must look at the data. According to, there have been a total of 1,988 games played in cold weather cities since 2006. Of those games, 1,145 were played in April, May, or September (the months considered to be cold weather months by MLB). That means that 57.8% of all games played in cold weather cities since 2006 have been played in cold weather months.
Looking at the data a different way, we see that out of all the games played in cold weather cities since 2006, 543 were played when the temperature was below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. That means that 27.2% of all games played in cold weather cities have been played when it was below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
So what does this data tell us? It seems clear that cold weather does have an effect on baseball. In fact, it appears that cold weather has a significant impact on the game.
Cold weather can have a significant impact on baseball. The main thing that cold weather affects is the hardness of the ball. A hard ball will travel further than a soft ball, meaning that pitchers will have to adjust their pitching style in order to account for the weather. Cold weather can also affect the grip that a player has on the bat, which can lead to poorer performance.
How does cold weather affect pitching?
In general, cold weather has a negative impact on pitching. The main reason for this is that the colder it is, the harder it is for pitchers to get a good grip on the baseball. When pitchers can’t get a good grip, they can’t throw as hard or as accurately. Additionally, cold weather also makes it harder for pitchers to stay loose and prevent injuries.
How does cold weather affect batting?
There is a common belief that cold weather has a negative effect on batting statistics, as the colder temperature makes it more difficult for bats to make contact with the ball. However, a study by Dr. Lawrence Silver of the American College of Sports Medicine found that there is no significant difference in batting average or home run production in games played in cold weather vs. warm weather.
The study looked at data from Major League Baseball games played between April and September from 2009-2012, and found that there was no statistically significant difference in either batting average or home run production in games played when the temperature was below 50 degrees Fahrenheit compared to when the temperature was above 50 degrees. In fact, the study found that home run production actually increased slightly when the temperature was below 50 degrees.
While this study found that cold weather does not have a significant effect on batting statistics, it is important to note that this only looked at data from games played between April and September. It is possible that cold weather could have a more pronounced effect on batting statistics in games played outside of this time frame, such as in October during the MLB playoffs.
In general, it can be concluded that cold weather does have an impact on baseball. The main impacts seem to be on the pitchers and thefields. The pitchers seem to be affected in a negative way, as their skills tend to decline in cold weather. The fields also seem to be impacted in a negative way, as the ball does not travel as far in cold weather.
What can be done to mitigate the effects of cold weather?
There are a few things that can be done to help mitigate the effects of cold weather on baseball players and the game itself. For starters, MLB teams can invest in warming equipment for their players, such as heated benches, batting gloves, and hats. MLB stadiums can also take measures to improve their playing conditions, such as installing heated field turfs and using special paint that dries more quickly in cold weather. Finally, MLB teams can adjust their scheduling to avoid playing games in cold weather conditions if possible.
While it may not be possible to completely eliminate the effects of cold weather on baseball, these measures can help minimize its impact and make the game more enjoyable for everyone involved.