How Does Mixed Reality Work in the NFL?

How does Microsoft’s Mixed Reality technology work in the NFL? We take a look at how the technology is being used by teams and players to improve their game.

How Does Mixed Reality Work in the NFL?


Mixed reality is a technology that merges the physical and digital worlds to create new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects can coexist and interact. Mixed reality technology is just beginning to be used in consumer and business applications, but it has the potential to revolutionize how we interact with computers and the world around us.

The National Football League (NFL) is one of the first organizations to experiment with mixed reality technology. The NFL has been using Microsoft HoloLens, a mixed reality headset, to give coaches and players a new way to view plays and game footage. The NFL is also working with Verizon to create mixed reality content that will be available to fans on their mobile phones.

Mixed reality has the potential to change the way we watch football. For example, fans could use mixed reality to see plays from multiple angles, get player stats and information, and even experience the game from the perspective of a player on the field. The possibilities are endless, and the NFL is just beginning to explore how mixed reality can enhance the fan experience.

What is Mixed Reality?

Mixed reality is the combination of both real and virtual worlds to create an interactive environment. In the NFL, mixed reality is used to help players and coaches see plays from different angles and visualize game strategies. It’s a way to give players and coaches a competitive edge. Let’s take a closer look at how mixed reality works in the NFL.


Mixed reality (MR) is the merging of real and virtual worlds to produce new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact.

A mixed reality experience can be delivered through a head-mounted display (HMD) or a hand-held device such as a smartphone or tablet. The key difference between virtual reality (VR) and MR is that in MR, the user can see the real world around them, whereas in VR the user is completely immersed in a digitally created world.

Mixed reality technology is used in a variety of industries, including healthcare, education, manufacturing, retail, automotive, and entertainment. In the NFL, mixed reality technology is used to give coaches and players an immersive 360-degree view of plays from every angle on the field. This allows them to review plays and make strategic decisions in real time.

Types of Mixed Reality

There are three primary types of mixed reality:

1. Virtual reality (VR)
2. Augmented reality (AR)
3. Mixed reality (MR)

Virtual reality immerses users in a completely digital environment, while augmented reality overlays digital content on the real world. Mixed reality, sometimes referred to as hybrid reality, is a mix of both VR and AR that allows digital and physical objects to interact with each other in real time.

For example, in MR, users can see a virtual 3D object floating in the real world and manipulate it with their hands—something that’s not possible with either VR or AR alone. This makes MR ideal for collaborative workflows and hands-on training simulations that require a high degree of realism.

How is Mixed Reality Used in the NFL?

Mixed reality is a new technology that is being used more and more in the NFL. Mixed reality is a combination of virtual reality and augmented reality. This new technology is changing the way teams are able to game plan and train. In this article, we will discuss how mixed reality is being used in the NFL and the benefits that it provides.

Play Diagrams

In the NFL, mixed reality is used for play diagrams during games and for practice. This allows coaches and players to see how plays will unfold using real-time imagery, rather than having to rely on static images or video playback.

Mixed reality can also be used to create virtual environments for training purposes. For example, quarterbacks can use virtual reality headsets to simulate game situations and learn how to read defenses. This can give them a competitive edge on the field, as they will have a better understanding of what to expect from the defense.

Game Film

Mixed reality is used extensively in the NFL for game film review. Coaches and players can don headsets and enter a immersive 3D environment where they can view plays from any angle and zoom in and out to see details. This allows for a much more efficient and effective review process, as everyone can see exactly what they need to see without losing context.


Mixed reality is being used by NFL teams to help coaches make better in-game decisions. Coaches can use mixed reality to see real-time player data, such as how fast a player is running and how hard he is hitting, superimposed over the live video feed. This allows coaches to make more informed decisions about when to call plays and who to put in the game.

In the future, mixed reality could also be used to give coaches a virtual view of the field from any angle, allowing them to see things that they would not be able to see from the sidelines. Mixed reality could also be used to create virtual simulations of upcoming opponents, which would allow coaches to plan for specific game situations.

Benefits of Mixed Reality in the NFL

Mixed reality has been a game changer for the NFL. It allows players to see the field in a whole new way and get a feel for the game before they even step on the field. This technology can help coaches make better decisions and players to improve their skills.

Increased Engagement

Mixed reality can be used to increase engagement between fans and the game itself. For example, Microsoft’s HoloLens headset can be used to overlay player and team stats onto the field, as well as highlight key plays after they happen. This allows fans to get a more in-depth look at what’s happening on the field, and understand the game on a deeper level. Additionally, mixed reality can be used to give fans a virtual tour of the stadium, or even let them experience what it’s like to be a player on the field. By providing these immersive experiences, mixed reality has the potential to make football even more popular than it already is.

Improved Communication

One of the benefits that mixed reality brings to the NFL is improved communication between coaches, players and trainers. For example, a play can be designed on a computer using mixed reality software and then sent to a player’s mobile device. The player can then view the play in 3D, see how it would work in game situations and make changes to the play if necessary. This allows for more efficient and effective communication between coaches and players.

In addition, mixed reality can be used to create virtual training environments for players. This can be used to help them learn new plays or practice existing ones. These virtual environments can be realistic or abstract, depending on the needs of the player.

Enhanced Collaboration

Mixed reality (MR) is set to transform the way NFL players train, collaborate, and recover from injuries. How does mixed reality work in the NFL? Let’s take a closer look.

First, what is mixed reality? Mixed reality is the blending of physical and virtual worlds to create new environments and visualizations where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact. In other words, mixed reality allows users to interact with digital content in a more natural way.

There are many potential applications for mixed reality in the NFL. For example, MR can be used to create realistic simulations of game situations that can be used for training purposes. Players can be placed in virtual game environments where they can make plays and experience the consequences of their decisions in a safe and controlled setting. This type of training can help players make better decisions on the field during actual games.

In addition, mixed reality can be used for collaborative purposes. For example, MR can be used to create virtual meeting rooms where coaches and players from different teams can meet to discuss strategy or review game film. This type of collaboration can help teams get a competitive edge by allowing them to benefit from each other’s knowledge and experience.

Finally, mixed reality can be used for recovery purposes. For example, MR can be used to create virtual rehabilitation programs that can help players recover from injuries more quickly and effectively. This type of rehabilitation can help players get back on the field sooner and reduce the risk of re-injury.

The potential benefits of mixed reality in the NFL are numerous. In order to realize these benefits, however, NFL teams will need to invest in MR technology and infrastructure. But given the potential benefits of MR, it is likely that teams will make this investment sooner rather than later.

Challenges of Mixed Reality in the NFL

One of the most popular use cases for mixed reality is sports. The NFL has been experimenting with mixed reality for a few years now. There are a few challenges that they have faced with implementing mixed reality into their games.

Technical Issues

One of the challenges with mixed reality is that it places demands on both the equipment and the users that can be difficult to meet. For example, users need to be able to see clearly through the mixed reality device in order to avoid obstacles and maintain situational awareness. The device must also be comfortable to wear for long periods of time and not adversely affect the user’s hearing or balance.

Another challenge is that mixed reality devices can obstruct the user’s view of their surroundings, which can be dangerous in certain situations. For example, if a player is wearing a mixed reality headset while running with the ball, they may not see an oncoming tackler until it is too late. This could lead to serious injury.

Finally, mixed reality technology is still in its early stages of development and there are few commercially available products that are suitable for use in the NFL. This means that teams are forced to either develop their own devices or work with start-ups that may not have the necessary experience or resources to support a professional football team.


One of the biggest challenges with implementing mixed reality in the NFL is the cost. While Microsoft has been working hard to make HoloLens affordable for businesses, the price point is still out of reach for most consumers. For an NFL team to equip its entire staff with HoloLens would be a significant investment.

Another challenge is that mixed reality is still in its early stages of development. The technology is constantly evolving and there are still kinks that need to be ironed out. For example, Microsoft is still working on making HoloLens more comfortable to wear for long periods of time. And while the field of view has improved, it’s still not perfect.


While there are still many questions surrounding the use of mixed reality in the NFL, its potential impact on the game is undeniable. As technology continues to evolve, it’s likely that we will see even more applications for mixed reality in the NFL and other sports. For now, we can enjoy watching the league’s experimentation with this exciting new technology and wait to see what the future holds.

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