How Does NFL Training Camp Work?

Everything you need to know about NFL training camp, from the schedule to the daily activities and what to expect.


Preseason training camp is a huge undertaking for NFL teams. Every year, more than 1,700 players report to camp, where they spend the next few weeks working out and practicing in hopes of making the final 53-man roster.

Each team is allowed to bring up to 90 players to camp, but that number can fluctuate based on decisions made by the coaching staff. For example, if a team has a lot of player turnout for a particular position, they may add an extra player or two to that group.

The biggest challenge for coaches is sorting through all of the talent and finding the right mix of players who will help them win games. They’ll look at factors like experience, skill set, character and work ethic when making their decisions.

Once the roster is set, the focus shifts to preparing for the regular season. That means more practices and exhibition games against other teams. The goal is to get everyone on the same page so that when the real games start, they’re ready to go out and execute the game plan.

Training camp is a critical part of every NFL team’s preparation for the upcoming season. It’s also a time for players to prove themselves and earn a spot on the roster. So if you’re ever curious about how your favorite team is getting ready for the season, now you know!

What Happens at Training Camp?

Every summer, all 32 NFL teams descend upon their respective training camp locations to gear up for the upcoming season. For most players, this is the first time they’ve been back with their teammates since the end of the previous season. So, what happens at training camp?

Physicals and Conditioning Testing

All players must undergo a physical examination and complete conditioning tests before they are allowed to practice. The physical includes a height and weight measurement, as well as body fat calculation. Players also have blood tests and X-rays to check for any hidden injuries or illnesses. The conditioning tests vary by team, but they typically involve timed sprints of increasing distance.


During training camp, practices are usually held twice a day and include special teams, position drills, and full team scrimmages. Players typically wear pads during the full team scrimmages, but not during position drills or special teams practices.

Head coaches use training camp to evaluate players and decide who will make the final 53-man roster. They also use this time to develop team unity and chemistry as well as to install offensive and defensive schemes. Training camp is a demanding time for players, who must balance social obligations, media appearances, and daily practices.


During training camp, players will have team meetings each day. Meetings usually last about an hour, and they cover things like what the team will be working on that day and any announcements that need to be made. Players will also watch film from the previous day’s practice during meetings.

Preseason Games

Preseason games are the exhibition games that occur before the start of the regular season. Exhibition games give coaches an opportunity to look at players in game situations and make decisions about who will make the final roster.

During training camp, players compete for spots on the team’s 53-man roster. The roster is then trimmed down to 45 men for the regular season. Training camp is also used to prepare players for the upcoming season physically and mentally.


Now that you know how NFL training camp works, you can better appreciate the hard work that goes into each season. The players and coaches put in long hours to prepare for the upcoming season, and it all starts with training camp.

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