How Does the NFL Salary Cap Work?

The NFL salary cap is the limit on the amount of money that NFL teams can spend on player salaries for the league year.

How Does the NFL Salary Cap Work?


In the National Football League (NFL), the salary cap is the total amount of money that teams are allowed to spend on player salaries for the league’s fiscal year. The cap was instituted in 1994 as part of the NFL’s Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with its players. It is a “hard” cap, meaning that there are no exceptions (such as for injury replacement) and teams cannot go over it. The salary cap affects all aspects of team management, from drafting and signing players to trading them.

The salary cap is calculated as a percentage of the NFL’s designated gross revenue, which includes money from TV contracts, ticket sales, and other sources. For example, in 2019, the salary cap was $188 million per team. That number is expected to rise to $200 million in 2020 and $210 million in 2021.

The salary cap has been a controversial topic since its inception. Some argue that it puts a limit on how much teams can spend on their players, which unfair to the athletes. Others argue that it helps to level the playing field between small-market and large-market teams.

What is the salary cap?

In professional football, the National Football League (NFL) has a salary cap that places a limit on the amount of money that teams can spend on player salaries for the league’s 17-week regular season. The NFL’s version of a salary cap is based on a percentage of each team’s total revenue, with that percentage set at around 50%. For example, if an NFL team generates $200 million in revenue, its salary cap for that season would be $100 million.

How is the salary cap calculated?

The NFL salary cap is the total amount of money that NFL teams are allowed to spend on player salaries for the upcoming season. The cap is calculated as a percentage of the league’s total revenue, and it is divided equally among all teams.

For the 2019 season, the salary cap is set at $188.2 million per team. This is an increase of $10 million from the 2018 season, when the salary cap was $177.2 million.

The NFL salary cap first came into effect in 1994, when it was set at $34 million per team. It has since been increased every year, except for two years (2010 and 2011) when it remained flat.

How does the salary cap impact player contracts?

The NFL salary cap is the amount of money that each team in the National Football League can spend on player salaries for a given year. The salary cap is set by the NFL each year, and it is calculated using a variety of factors, including league revenues, player benefits, and projected expenses.

The salary cap impacts player contracts in a few different ways. Firstly, it determines how much teams can spend on players’ salaries in a given year. This means that teams must be mindful of the salary cap when negotiating player contracts. Secondly, the salary cap affects the way that player contracts are structured. For example, signing bonuses and guaranteed money are often used to lower a player’s salary cap hit in a given year. Finally, the salary cap can impact a team’s ability to sign or retain certain players, as it may not be possible to fit all of a team’s desired players under the salary cap.

How does the salary cap impact team strategy?

In the NFL, teams are given a salary cap that determines how much money they can spend on their players’ salaries for the year. The salary cap is an important part of the NFL’s collective bargaining agreement with its players, and it helps to keep competition even between teams.

There are a few ways that the salary cap affects team strategy. First, it puts a limit on how much a team can spend on its players’ salaries, so teams have to be strategic about how they allocate their money. Second, the salary cap affects the way teams can sign free agents and make trades. And finally, the salary cap impacts the way teams draft and develop players.


In conclusion, the NFL salary cap is a complex system that is designed to keep player salaries relatively equal across the league. It is important to remember that the cap is not a hard and fast rule, but rather a guideline that teams must adhere to in order to stay competitive. There are a number of ways that teams can get around the cap, but it takes careful planning and strategic decision-making.

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