How Expensive Is Tennis? A Look at the Costs

A detailed look at the costs associated with playing tennis, from equipment to membership fees to professional coaching.

How Expensive Is Tennis? A Look at the Costs


Tennis is often seen as a costly sport to get involved in, and it’s true that there can be some significant expenses associated with playing. However, it is possible to control these costs and keep them reasonable, especially if you’re careful about the choices you make. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the main costs associated with playing tennis and how you can keep them under control.

The biggest cost of playing tennis is usually the equipment. A decent racket can cost anywhere from $50 to $200, and if you’re just starting out, you may want to buy a beginner’s racket that costs less. You’ll also need balls, which usually cost around $6 per can, and a set of practice balls can cost around $30. If you want to join a tennis club, there may also be an initiation fee, which can be several hundred dollars.

The second biggest cost associated with playing tennis is court fees. If you want to play at a public court, you will usually have to pay an hourly fee. This can vary depending on the location of the court, but it is typically around $10 per hour. If you join a tennis club, you will usually have to pay monthly or yearly dues, which can range from $50 to $200 per month.

Another cost to consider is lessons. If you want to improve your game, taking lessons from a professional coach can be very helpful. However, these lessons can also be expensive, costing around $60 per hour on average.

Finally, if you plan on competing in tournaments, there will be entry fees associated with these as well. These fees are typically around $30 per tournament but can vary depending on the level of competition and the location of the tournament.

Overall, playing tennis can be expensive if you’re not careful about managing your costs. However, by being mindful of the above expenses and making smart choices about equipment and court fees, you can keep your costs under control and enjoy this wonderful sport without breaking the bank!

The Cost of Equipment

Tennis is an expensive sport. The cost of equipment, court fees, and lessons can add up quickly.

If you’re just starting out, you’ll need a racquet, tennis balls, and a bag to carry everything in. You can get a decent racquet for $100 or less, but it will likely be made of cheaper materials and won’t last as long as a more expensive one. Tennis balls usually come in packs of three and cost about $10. A basic tennis bag will set you back another $25 or so.

You’ll also need to pay for court time. If you’re playing at a public park, the fee is usually just a few dollars per hour. If you want to join a private club, however, the monthly membership fee can be upwards of $100. And if you want to play at an outdoor court during the winter months, you’ll need to pay to reserve a space in an indoor tennis facility, which can cost $40 or more per hour.

If you’re serious about learning how to play tennis, you’ll also need to take lessons from a professional coach. While group lessons are cheaper than private ones (usually around $30 per hour), they might not be the best option if you’re just starting out. A better bet would be to take a few private lessons ($60 or more per hour) from a Certified Professional Tennis Instructor (CPTI) so that you can get personalized attention and learn the basics correctly from the start.

The Cost of Lessons

Tennis lessons can be expensive, but the good news is that there are a variety of ways to save on costs. One way to save on lessons is to take group lessons instead of private ones. Group lessons typically cost between $20 and $30 per hour, while private lessons can cost upwards of $60 per hour. Another way to save on costs is to purchase a package of multiple lessons upfront. For instance, many instructors offer discounts for purchasing a package of five or 10 lessons. You can also ask about discounts for referrals; some instructors offer discounts for referring new students.

In addition to the cost of lessons, you’ll also need to factor in the cost of equipment. While you can certainly find used equipment at a fraction of the cost of new gear, it’s important to make sure that you’re getting quality gear that will last. A good quality tennis racket can cost anywhere from $100 to $200, while a decent pair of tennis shoes will set you back about $75. If you plan on playing tennis regularly, it’s worth investing in quality gear that will last.

Finally, don’t forget about the costs associated with court fees and membership dues. If you plan on playing at a public court, you’ll need to pay an hourly fee; this fee can range from $5 to $20 per hour depending on the location. If you’re planning on playing at a private club, you’ll need to factor in the cost of membership dues; these dues typically range from $50 to $200 per month depending on the club and its amenities.

The Cost of Tournament Fees

Tennis can be an expensive sport to take up, with the cost of tournament fees, coaching, equipment, and court time.ournament fees can vary depending on the level of competition and whether the event is an official tennis match or just a friendly game. But generally, tennis players can expect to pay anywhere from $25 to $100 for a single tournament.

Coaching is another significant expense for serious tennis players. Private coaching can cost between $50 and $100 per hour, while group lessons can be as little as $20 per hour. Many coaches also require their students to purchase an annual membership to their club or academy, which can cost hundreds of dollars.

Of course, you’ll need some equipment to play tennis. A decent racket will set you back around $100, while a full set of high-end equipment (racket, bag, shoes, strings, etc.) can easily cost over $1,000. And don’t forget that you’ll need to pay for court time as well! Depending on where you live, court fees can range from $10 to $50 per hour.

The Cost of Travel

The biggest expense for most competitive tennis players is travel. Tournament fees can range from $50 to $200 per event, and players often have to travel long distances to compete. Those who play on the ATP or WTA tours can expect to spend even more on travel, as they are required to compete in events all over the world. While some players may have sponsors who cover their travel expenses, others have to pay their own way.

In addition to tournament fees, players also have to pay for their own lodging and transportation when they travel. Those who fly will often have to pay for their own airfare, while those who drive will have to pay for gas and hotels. If a player is staying with a friend or family member, they may be able to save on lodging expenses, but they will still have to cover their own transportation costs.

No matter how a player travels, there are always going to be some expenses involved. Traveling can be expensive, but it is often necessary for competitive tennis players.


While the cost of playing tennis can be significant, it is important to keep in mind that the cost is spread out over time. In addition, the benefits of playing tennis – improved physical health, mental well-being, social interaction, and fun – are priceless. If you are thinking about taking up tennis, or are looking for ways to save money on your current tennis expenses, there are a number of options available. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to play tennis – and how much to spend on it – is a personal one.

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