How Far Back Is the NBA Three Point Line?

The three point line in the NBA has been moved back several times throughout the years. How far back is it now and how does it compare to other leagues?

How Far Back Is the NBA Three Point Line?

NBA Three Point Line History

In the 1979-80 season, the NBA experimented with a wider court, and as a result, the three-point line was moved back to 22 feet. That season, only three players averaged more than two three-pointers made per game, and the league as a whole shot just over 6 percent from three-point range. The following season, the three-point line was moved back in to its original distance of 23 feet, nine inches.

The three point line is introduced

In the 1979-1980 season, the three point line was introduced by the National Basketball Association (NBA). The Western Conference was using it first, and the Eastern Conference joined them the next season. The official distance of the three point line back then was 23 feet, 9 inches (7.2 meters) from the center of the hoop. This is close to what it is today, but not exactly. The three point line has been moved several times since it was first introduced.

In the 1987-1988 season, it was moved back a foot to 22 feet (6.7 meters). It stayed this way until the 1994-1995 season when it was moved in again, this time to a distance of 20 feet, 6 inches (6.2 meters). This is where it stands today. So, in answer to the question, “How far back is the NBA three point line?”, we can say that it has been in its current position since the 1994-1995 season.

The three point line is moved back

In the 1979-80 season, the three point line was moved back to its current distance of 22 feet in the corners and 23 feet, nine inches at the top of the key. This was done in order to reduce the number of three point attempts.

The three point line is moved back again

In the 2008-2009 season, the NBA moved the three point line back one foot to the current distance of 22 feet in the corners and 23 feet, 9 inches at the top of the key. This is not the first time that the three point line has been moved back; it was actually shortened in 1994 before being moved back out to its original distance in 1997. The three point line has been a part of the NBA since the 1979-1980 season, when it was originally introduced as an experiment.

Why the Three Point Line Was Moved Back

In the 2019-2020 season, the NBA three point line will be moved back to 22 feet, 1 3/4 inches, matching the international distance. This is the first time the NBA has made this change in the shot distance, so let’s take a look at why they decided to make the move.

To increase scoring

In the 2014-2015 season, the NBA moved the three point line back to its original distance of 22 feet. The league had moved the line in previousto seasons in an effort to increase scoring, but found that this change did not have the desired effect. The three point line was first introduced in the 1979-1980 season, at a distance of 23 feet, 9 inches from the basket. This distance was increased to a uniform 22 feet prior to the 2008-2009 season in order to make it more challenging for shooters and to further increase scoring.

The decision to move the three point line back to its original distance was made after extensive research by the league. They found that moving the line back would be more beneficial than other proposed changes, such as widening the lane or changing the size of the court. The NBA hopes that this change will increase scoring and make the game more exciting for fans to watch.

To open up the game

In the past decade, the NBA has been slowly moving the three point line back. In the 2008-2009 season, it was moved back a foot to its current distance of 23 feet 9 inches. The reasoning behind this move was to open up the game and encourage more scoring.

The three point line was first introduced in the 1979-1980 season, at a distance of 22 feet from the basket. It was moved back to its current distance in the 2008-2009 season. There have been several studies that show that the further away the three point line is, the more difficult it is to make a shot. However, these studies also show that when players do make a shot from beyond the three point line, it is worth more points than a shot made from inside the three point line.

The move back may have also been intended to discourage big men from shooting threes. In recent years, some big men have developed into good three point shooters, which gives them an advantage over smaller defenders. by moving the line back, it makes it more difficult for big men to shoot threes, while not affecting smaller players as much.

The level of difficulty in making a three means that teams will only take them when they are open shots or when they are desperation shots at the end of quarters or games. This makes threes more exciting because they are less common and usually have more importance.

To create more threes

In the past few seasons, the number of three-point attempts has increased league-wide. In 2019-20, 35.2% of all shots were threes, up from 34.6% the season before.

One reason for the increase is that the league moved the line back in 2019, making it harder to make threes. The new distance is 22 feet in the corners and 23.75 feet elsewhere on the court.

The aim of the change was to create more threes and make the game more interesting. In theory, it should also open up the lane for driving and create more opportunities for blocks and steals.

The NBA is not alone in moving its three-point line back; college basketball made a similar change ahead of the 2019-20 season.

How the Three Point Line Has Changed the NBA

In the 1979-80 season, the NBA introduced the three point line for the first time. The line was placed 22 feet away from the hoop, which is eight feet closer than the international line. This made a big difference, as the percentage of three pointers made increased from 16.6% to 23.8%. The league has experimented with the three point line over the years, moving it in and out, but it has generally stayed around the 22 foot mark.

More threes are being taken

The three point line has had a profound effect on the way the game is played. In the NBA, more threes are being taken than ever before. In the 2018-19 season, 34% of all field goal attempts were threes, up from 29% just five years ago. The increase has been even more dramatic in the playoffs, where 41% of all field goal attempts have been threes this postseason.

The three point line has also changed the way teams are built. In the past, most teams would have two or three players who could shoot threes, but now it’s not uncommon for every player on the court to be a threat from long range. This has made for some very exciting basketball, with teams scoring more points than ever before.

The game is being played faster

In today’s game, the three-point line has completely changed the way the game is played. Players are now able to space the floor much better, which has led to a more wide-open style of play. This has in turn led to a faster pace of play, as teams are looking to get up and down the court in transition more often. The three-point line has also put a premium on shooting, as teams are now looking for players who can space the floor and knock down shots from beyond the arc.

Smaller players are getting an opportunity to score

The three point line has drastically changed the NBA. The game is now being played differently and it is opening up opportunities for a different type of player to have success.

In the past, the game was played much closer to the basket and it favored taller and bigger players who could score near the rim. However, with the introduction of the three point line, players who are smaller and can shoot from long range now have a major advantage.

This has led to a change in the way the game is played, with more focus on outside shooting. It has also opened up opportunities for players who may not have had a chance to play in the NBA before.

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