How Far Is The NBA Free Throw Line?

The free throw line in the NBA is 15 feet away from the backboard.

The NBA Free Throw Line

The NBA free throw line is 16 feet from the backboard and 12 feet from the front of the rim. The free throw line is an imaginary line that a player must have both feet behind when attempting a free throw.

The History of the NBA Free Throw Line

The National Basketball Association (NBA) free throw line is 22 feet (6.7 meters) from the front of the backboard. This is the official distance used in NBA games. The free throw line was introduced in 1947, and it has been in its current location since the 1984-1985 season.

The free throw line used to be 21 feet (6.4 meters) from the front of the backboard, but it was moved back one foot to its current location in 1984. The change was made to improve player safety and to increase scoring. The free throw line is actually painted on the floor of the court, and it is 2 inches (5 centimeters) wide.

During an NBA game, each team is given two free throws after a foul is committed by the other team. Fouls can also be committed during play, but these are not called as often as fouls that occur during dead balls (when no one is supposed to be moving). If a player misses his or her first free throw attempt, that player gets to attempt a second shot until he or she either makes it or there are no more attempts left.

In order for a player to shoot a free throw, he or she must have both feet completely behind the line when the ball is released. A player cannot step on or over the line before shooting, or else his or her shot will not count. If both feet are not behind the line when the shot is attempted, it will be considered a foul shot even if the ball goes in.

The Current NBA Free Throw Line

Currently, the NBA free throw line is set at 15 feet from the basket. This distance has been in place since the 2010-2011 season, when it was moved back from the previous distance of 14 feet.

The free throw line was first established at 15 feet in 1947, and remained there until it was moved to its current distance in 2010.

The rationale for moving the free throw line back to its current distance was to help improve shooting percentages and create more competitive games.

In the years since the NBA free throw line was moved back to 15 feet, shooting percentages have indeed improved, and games have generally been more competitive.

How Far Is The NBA Free Throw Line?

The NBA free throw line is actually further than most people think. It is actually 23 feet 9 inches from the middle of the hoop. This is actually 2 feet further than the high school line, which is only 21 feet. The college line is also further than the NBA line, but not by as much. It is only 22 feet 1 inch from the middle of the hoop. The difference between the college line and the NBA line is only 8 inches.

The Distance From The Basket

The NBA free throw line is actually quite close to the basket, as compared to other levels of basketball. The distance from the basket to the free throw line is only 15 feet, as opposed to the high school distance of 18 feet and the college distance of 20 feet. This makes NBA free throws relatively easy to make, as compared to other level of basketball.

The Distance From The Foul Line

The free throw line in the NBA is actually located 15 feet away from the backboard. This is different from the college game, where the line is only 13.6 feet from the backboard. The extra distance makes a big difference, as players have to shoot the ball further and with more arc to get it through the hoop.

Why Is The NBA Free Throw Line Important?

The NBA free throw line is important because it is one of the few things in basketball that is standardized. The line is fifteen feet from the basket, and all players must shoot from behind this line when they are fouled. This ensures that all players have an equal opportunity to score from the free throw line.

The Importance Of The Free Throw

The free throw line in the NBA is very important. It is 22 feet from the basket, and it is where most foul shots are taken. The free throw line is also important because it is used to measure the distance for other shots, such as the three-pointer.

The Importance Of The Distance

The NBA free throw line is significant because the distance from the basket affects shooting percentage. The percentage of free throws made goes down as the distance from the basket increases. Therefore, the shorter the distance, the easier it is to make a shot.

The average shooting percentage for an NBA player is about 75%. However, this number drops to 69% when the player is standing at the free throw line, which is farther away from the basket than most other areas on the court.

So why is the NBA free throw line set at 15 feet? This date back to when players used a jump shot to shoot free throws. The shorter distance makes it easier to score, which encourages more fouling and more scoring opportunities.

In recent years, players have been using a technique called the “granny shot” or “underhand free throw.” This involves shooting the ball with both hands from below your chin, with your palms facing upward. This kind of shot is much easier to make than a jump shot, and as a result, players who use this technique have a much higher shooting percentage.

However, some purists believe that this method takes away from the skill of making a free throw. They argue that if everyone start using this technique, then it would be too easy to score points and there would be no challenge in making a shot. As a result, there has been some debate about whether or not players should be allowed to use this method during games.

At the end of the day, it is up to each individual player to decide what works best for them. Some players may prefer sticking with a jump shot even though it is harder to make, while others may choose to go for an underhand shot because it has a higher success rate. There is no right or wrong answer – it all comes down to personal preference!

How To Improve Your Free Throw Shooting

The free throw line in the NBA is 15 feet from the basket. That may not seem like far, but when you factor in the size of the court and the fact that the players are running and jumping, it can be quite difficult to make a shot. There are a few things you can do to improve your free throw shooting.

Proper Form

One of the most important aspects of shooting free throws is having proper form. Here are a few key pointers to help you perfect your form and make more baskets.

-Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
-Grip the ball with your shooting hand and rest it on your fingertips, keeping your palm over the top of the ball.
-With your non-shooting hand, lightly cup the side of the ball.
-Bring the ball up to eye level and align it with the rim.
-Before you shoot, take a deep breath and mentally focus on the basket.
-Extend your shooting arm and snap your wrists to release the ball.
-Follow through by snapping your wrists and pointing your fingers toward the basket as you release the ball.


The best way to improve your free throw shooting is through repetition. Muscle memory is key in shooting, and the more you practice, the better your form will become.

One way to practice your shooting is to set up a10-15 foot wide space with a backboard and hoop. If you don’t have access to a hoop, simply drawing a chalk line on a wall or driveway will work. Make sure the line you draw is at least10 feet away from the ground so that you can get some arc on your shot.

Once you have your space set up, stand behind the line and take 10-15 shots. Focus on getting a consistent release and follow through on each shot. If you miss a few in a row, take a step back and try again from a shorter distance. The goal is to make as many shots as possible from each distance until you are comfortable shooting from the free throw line in a game situation.

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