How Fast Can NHL Players Skate?

How fast can NHL players skate?

NHL players are some of the best athletes in the world and are able to skate at incredibly fast speeds. However, just how fast can they skate?

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the fastest skating NHL players and see just how fast they can skate.


In today’s game, speed is more important than ever. Players who can skate fast and make quick decisions with the puck are at a premium. But just how fast can NHL players skate?

The answer, it turns out, is quite fast. The current record for the fastest skating speed in an NHL game is held by Michael Grabner of the New York Islanders, who reached a speed of 36.0 kilometers per hour (22.3 miles per hour) during a game against the Florida Panthers in 2016.

Of course, not all players are able to skate at such high speeds. The average skating speed for an NHL player is around 27 kilometers per hour (16.7 miles per hour). However, there are a few players who are able to reach speeds of 30 kilometers per hour (18.6 miles per hour) or more on a regular basis.

So, if you’re ever wondering just how fast NHL players can skate, the answer is pretty fast!

How fast can NHL players skate?

Many professional NHL hockey players can skate up to speeds of 25 to 30 miles (40 to 48 kilometers) per hour! That’s as fast as many cars drive on the freeway. We can thank the invention of synthetic ice for helping players skate even faster today.

Top speed

NHL players are some of the fastest athletes in the world. They can reach top speeds of over 30 miles (48 kilometers) per hour on the ice.

One of the reasons that NHL players are so fast is that they are very light on their skates. Most players weigh between 175 and 200 pounds (79 to 91 kilograms). That’s about 20 to 30 pounds (9 to 14 kilograms) lighter than the average man.

Players also have special blades on their skates that help them glide faster. The blades are about 1/2 inch (1.3 centimeters) shorter than the blades on figure skates or hockey skates for children. This helps players turn quickly and makes them more agile on the ice.


NHL players can skate up to 30 miles per hour, but their average speed during a game is closer to 12-14 miles per hour. Players can reach their top speed in just a few strides, and some can even coast for long periods of time without losing much speed.

One of the most important aspects of skating is acceleration. Players need to be able to quickly reach their top speeds in order to keep up with the pace of the game. Many drills and exercises are designed to help players improve their acceleration.

Why is skating speed important in the NHL?

Skating speed is important in the NHL for a number of reasons. First, it allows players to get to the puck quickly and make plays. Second, it helps players keep up with the play and makes them more effective on both the offensive and defensive sides of the puck. Third, skating speed can be a difference-maker in tight games and can help teams win close contests.

The NHL is a fast-paced league and player must be able to skate at high speeds in order to be effective. Some of the league’s best players are also among its fastest skaters. Hockey teams often place a premium on speed and this has led to some very fast players being drafted into the NHL.

How do NHL players increase their skating speed?

NHL players can skate at incredible speeds. The average player can skate around 25 miles per hour, but some players can reach speeds of 35 miles per hour or more!

Players increase their skating speed by working hard in the off-season to improve their leg strength and technique. They also use special equipment, like shorter blades and special skating machines, to help them skate faster.


NHL players are some of the fastest skaters in the world. They can reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour on the ice. However, not all players skate at the same speed. Some players are faster than others. The speed of a player’s skating can be affected by many factors, including their size, strength, and skating ability.

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